Relationship between demography and other social sciences

  • What is the aim and purpose of demography in social science?

    Demographers seek to understand population dynamics by investigating three main demographic processes: birth, migration, and aging (including death).
    All three of these processes contribute to changes in populations, including how people inhabit the earth, form nations and societies, and develop culture..

  • What is the relationship between demography and biology?

    Biological Demography (Biodemography) is an emerging area of classical demography consisting of two subcategories including biological demography and biomedical demography, the former concerned primarily with the experimental demography of non- human species such as fruit flies, nematode worms, and laboratory rodents, .

Demography has sometimes been described as 'the servant of other social sciences' as it provides substantial raw material for the study of social, political, and economic change. Demography serves as a foundational tool for social sciences to stand on.

How are economics and demography related?

Economics and demography are mutually related to each other

Demography studies regional distribution of the population

The regional distribution of population deeply affects the economic activities and economic factors of the society

In this way, information gathered by the demographers proves useful to the economists

What is the difference between sociology and demographics?


Sociology: Demography is a science related with population

It studies different aspects of population like its size, density, effects of birth rate, death rate, migration, etc

Sociology is the study of social activities of man and social relations formed out of that

Demography as a dynamic discipline is highly related with other sciences; especially social sciences. It helps other sciences, and is benefited by other sciences too. Demography being statistics-based, widely helps economics, sociology, social development, geography and many other sciences.Demography has sometimes been described as ‘the servant of other social sciences ‘ in that ‘it evaluates and initially digests the vast reservoirs of social data compiled in censuses and vital statistics. It provides substantial raw material for the study of social, political, and economic change.


Demography by country
Demography byju's
Demographic by map
Demographic by definition
Meaning by demography
What are the factors of demography
Demographic concerns
Demographic considerations
Demographic downturn
Demographic decline definition
Demography explained
Demography include
Demographic from india
Sentence from demography
Examples from demography
Causes of demography
Demography in social science
Demography in hindi pdf
Demography in economics
Demography in nepali