Descriptive geometry methods

  • What is the meaning of descriptive geometry?

    descriptive geometry in American English
    the system of geometry that uses plane projections and perspective drawings of solid figures, usually in order to describe and analyze their properties for engineering and manufacturing purposes..

  • What is the revolution method of descriptive geometry?

    Descriptive Geometry Methods
    In the revolution method geometry, such as a point, line, plane, or entire object is revolved about an axis until that geometry is parallel to the plane of projection that will show the true shape of the revolved geometry.Jan 2, 2014.

  • Descriptive Geometry Methods
    In the revolution method geometry, such as a point, line, plane, or entire object is revolved about an axis until that geometry is parallel to the plane of projection that will show the true shape of the revolved geometry.Jan 2, 2014
All images are represented on a two-dimensional surface. Descriptive geometry uses the image-creating technique of imaginary, parallel projectors emanating from an imaginary object and intersecting an imaginary plane of projection at right angles. The cumulative points of intersections create the desired image.
Descriptive geometry uses the image-creating technique of imaginary, parallel projectors emanating from an imaginary object and intersecting an imaginary plane of projection at right angles. The cumulative points of intersections create the desired image.


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