Assembly language program to compare two numbers

Does the assembler have to do anything?

The assembler does have to do anything; it is the responsibility of the program to write the instructions one after another. The assembler merely converts each instruction source line into binary. ah okay! Thanks for the explanation. That's makes what I wanna do easier than I thought it would be

How do you compare a number?

As already mentioned
Usually the comparison is done through subtraction. For example
X86 Assembly/Control Flow. At the hardware level there are special digital circuits for doing the calculations
Like adders. Compare two numbers. If it equals Yes "Y"
It prints No "N" on the screen if it is not equal. I am using em肆.

Is there a problem with comparing two numbers in Assembly?

As you have to wirte a program in assembly which compare two numbers but you do not have any skills with this language there's a rather serious problem that can only be solved by acquiring some skills in that language
Which is I think the real goal of whoever gave you this task.

How do you compare a number?

As already mentioned, usually the comparison is done through subtraction. For example, X86 Assembly/Control Flow. At the hardware level there are special digital circuits for doing the calculations, like adders. Compare two numbers. If it equals Yes "Y", it prints No "N" on the screen if it is not equal. I am using emu8086.

How to compare an input number in 8086?

The problem is to ask a user to input any number. And compare the entered number with a predefined constant number. Then output a message that number the entered is either greater or less than or equal to the defined number. In this example my predefined number is 27.

Is there a problem with comparing two numbers in Assembly?

As you have to wirte a program in assembly which compare two numbers but you do not have any skills with this language there's a rather serious problem that can only be solved by acquiring some skills in that language, which is I think the real goal of whoever gave you this task.

First a CMP (comparison) instruction is called then one of the following: jle - jump to line if less than or equal to jge - jump to line if greate...12

It varies from assembler to assembler. Most machines offer registers, which have symbolic names like R1, or EAX (the Intel x86), and have instructi...9

The basic technique (on most modern systems) is to subtract the two numbers and then to check the sign bit of the result, i.e. see if the result is...7

This depends entirely on the processor you're talking about but it tends to be of the form: cmp r1, r2 ble label7 In other words, a compare instru...4

As already mentioned, usually the comparison is done through subtraction. For example, X86 Assembly/Control Flow . At the hardware level there...1

Compare two numbers. If it equals Yes "Y", it prints No "N" on the screen if it is not equal. I am using emu8086. You can use the SUB or CMP comman...1

input password program .modle small .stack 100h .data s pasword db 34 input pasword db "enter pasword","$" valid db ? invalid db? .code mov ax, @ d...


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