Astrophysics without maths

Can a non-mathematical universe be described mathematically?

A universe that could not be described mathematically would need to be fundamentally irrational and not merely unpredictable.
Just because a theory is implausible does not mean we could not describe it mathematically.
But I do not think we live in that universe
And I suspect we cannot imagine a non-mathematical universe .

Can astronomy and Astrophysics be done without math?

One cannot really do astronomy and astrophysics without math.
It would be just looking at things and making up explanations without actually checking if and how they hold true.
So does that mean that I can learn it even I'm afraid a little on math but I'm fast learner
What do you think?

Can you make a headway with astrophysics without math?

You cannot make any headway with astrophysics without engagement with mathematics that goes well beyond high school level.
Statistics is also heavily required in many parts of Astronomy.
Have you found Phil Plait's "Bad Astronomy" ? You can learn a lot and get some idea of what sorts of math is involved.

Predicting Chaos

So we really should not be surprised that mathematics is not just a language for describing the external world, but in many ways the only one. But just because something can be described mathematically does not mean it can be predicted. One of the more remarkable discoveries of the last 50 years has been the discovery of “chaotic systems.” These ca.

Should I study physics or maths?

Basic maths skills like basic calculus would be "enough" to help.
But basic physics is an absolute essential.
You don't need the mathematics as much as you do the concepts - an intuitive sense of how things work and the core "rules"
Like the laws of thermodynamics.
You might consider Leonard Susskind's "The Theoretical Minimum" books.

The Language of Mathematics

The Sapir-Whorf hypothesisasserts that you cannot discuss a concept unless you have the language to describe it. In any science, and physics in particular, we need to describe concepts that do not map well on to any human language. One can describe an electron, but the moment we start asking questions like “What colour is it?” we start to realize t.

Can astronomy and Astrophysics be done without math?

One cannot really do astronomy and astrophysics without math

It would be just looking at things and making up explanations without actually checking if and how they hold true

So does that mean that I can learn it even I'm afraid a little on math but I'm fast learner, what do you think?

Can you do physics without a-level maths?

Honestly, you really cannot do any branch of physics without A-level maths (at least if you want to start in first year)

If you're absolutely set on doing astrophysics, you would most likely have to do a foundation year first to get your maths skills up to scratch

Is Astrophysics hard?

If you have a talent for math and physics, it's not that hard

You will need to study seriously because Astrophysics combines a lot of disciplines

If you enjoy the puzzles it is great fun

If you don't have the talent for math and physics it's not impossible, but a lot harder

Yes, absolutely. At bare minimum, you'll need to study some geometry to understand how distances are calculated and how the shapes of orbits are re...Best answer · 4

It would help quite a bit but not absolutely necessary. Don't get me wrong, astrophysics, like most types of physics, is highly mathematical. If yo...3

Yes, mathematics is essential for all branches of physics and critical for astrophysics. It is required that you improve your mathematical skills t...1

I agree with the answers here suggesting that geometry, algebra, trigonometry, and calculus are all highly helpful. However, if I were you, I woul...1

If your goal is to learn about this, sure why not? The internet, books, tv you can learn. Turn this around, could an engineering student who, out...Best answer · 4

You will need to know the mathematics. If you don't have the relevant mathematical background then understanding the physics would be hard because...3

Learning is never a waste. Will the path be difficult? Not at all. Will the path be long and lots of work? You have no idea how long and how much...2


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