[PDF] PDF/A in a Nutshell Acrobat 6 (2003 PDF 1.

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Plusieurs solutions existent pour convertir des fichiers bureautiques au format PDF/A. Voici les trois méthodes qui sont officiellement supportées par le 

Converting a Microsoft Word Document to a PDF/A File Digital

When saving documents created in Microsoft Word it is best to convert to a sustainable format. Currently

Introducción al PDF/A

Adobe Acrobat 8 y 9 pueden convertir XPS en PDF. Sin embargo esto solo funciona en. Windows. Acrobat puede controlar toda una gama de formatos de documento.

Generación de documentos PDF con Foxit Reader CONVERTIR de

CONVERTIR de Word o de PDF a PDF v1.4. 1. Abrir el documento de Word que quiero convertir. 2. Ir a Archivo y luego Imprimir.

How to Save Gmail as a PDF Document

When you are logged in to the HSU portal and using Gmail any emails that you wish to convert to PDF for filing can be done as follows:.

INSTRUCTIVO FOXIT READER Descargar e Instalar el programa

Instructivo para convertir archivos en PDF con el programa FOXIT READER. 1. Abrir en el programa Foxit Reader y luego abrir el documento que se desea.

15 Saving and printing output—log files

You can also create a PDF of filename.smcl on Windows or Mac: . translate filename.smcl filename.pdf. Alternative ways to start logging:.


23 Sept 2020 Open the source file in Microsoft Word Excel

Converting a file to PDF/A-1a compliant or Font-embedded versions.

PDF/A is an archival format of PDF that embeds all fonts used in the document within the PDF file meaning that a user of you file will not have to have the 

PDF/A in a Nutshell

Acrobat 6 (2003 PDF 1.5): With this version

Olaf Drümmer, Alexandra Oettler, Dietrich von Seggern PDF/A

Long Term Archiving with PDF

PDF/A from Microsoft Office 2003 and 2007Accessibility

Contracts and Forms

High-volume PDF/A creation

PDF/A with Acrobat 8 Professional

Scanning documents to create PDF/A

PDF/A Co mp etence Center Olaf Drümmer, Alexandra Oettler, Dietrich von Seggern in a Nutshell

Long-Term Archiving with PDF

Olaf Drümmer


Alexandra Oettler


Dietrich von Seggern

d.seggern@callassoftware.com ISBN:


Bibliographic information published by

lists this publication in the Deutsche Nationalbibliogra?e. Detailed bibliographic data is available at .

This work and all its parts are protected by copyright. All rights, including translation, reproduction, presentation, use of illustrations and tables, radio

broadcasting, micro?lming, any other means of replication, and storage in data processing systems, are reserved. This also applies to extracts. Any

replication of this work or of parts thereof, even in isolated cases, is only permissible in accordance with the currently valid version of the German

copyright legislation of September 9th 1965. A copyright fee must always be paid. Violations fall under the prosecution act of German Copyright Law.

© 2007 callas software GmbH, Berlin

Published by Association for Digital Document Standards ADDS - PDF/A Competence Center, Berlin - www.pdfa.org

Translation: © 2007 Association for Digital Document Standards ADDS - PDF/A Competence Center, Berlin

Printed in Germany

The use of general descriptive names, trade names, trademarks, and so on, in this publication, even if not speci?cally identi?ed, does not imply that

these names are not protected by the relevant laws and regulations or that they can be used by anyone.

Layout, design, and composition:

A lexandra Oettler; Cover design: A nja Godolt; Cover picture: S epp Huberbauer - photocase.com/de


G alrev Druck- und Verlagsgesellschaft Hesse & Partner OHG


omas Zellmann, C hairman PDF/A Competence Center

PDF/A in a Nutshell 3

?roughout history, it has always been im- portant to preserve our past for future gen- erations. Until the last 20 years in our paper centric world, this was a fairly easy task.

One would simply take the folders of pa-

pers or other objects that were to be pre- served and send them o? to an archive for safe keeping or place them in a ?re retar- dant container. With electronic documents this task is not as easily approached, which is how PDF/Archive or PDF/A came into being.

PDF/Archive addresses the growing need

to electronically archive documents in a way that would ensure preservation of their contents over an extended period of time.

Additionally, it ensures that the documents

will be able to be retrieved and rendered with a consistent and predictable result each time they are viewed.

AIIM, the Enterprise Content Manage-

ment Association, and NPES - ?e Asso- ciation for Suppliers of Printing, Publish- ing and Converting Technologies were ap- proached by numerous organizations which were being faced with the need to preserve over long periods of time, large quantities of electronic documents. A?er reviewing the options of maintaining this electronic history in TIFF, XML, native format or PDF, it was decided that PDF would be the best format as it would enable the accurate rendering of the document as it had been intended to be displayed. How- ever, in order to ensure the long term pres- ervation of the electronic documents, PDF would need to be enhanced slightly.?e joint e?ort of AIIM and NPES brought together the document and con- tent management experts with the graphics experts who had already developed the

PDF/X family of standards. When we an-

nounced the proposed work to develop a subset of PDF tags for long-term preserva- tion of electronic documents, we were over- whelmed by the interest to participate from virtually every area in the world.

AIIM's expertise as an accredited stan-

dards developer and the secretariat of ISO

TC 171, Document Management Applica-

tions and ISO TC 171 SC2, Document Ap- plications, AIIM brought to the project the means for gaining ISO approval and wider adoption of the standard. ISO 19005-1,

Document management - Electronic docu-

ment ?le format for long-term preservation - Part 1: Use of PDF 1.4 (PDF/A-1) became an approved ISO standard within 22 months of introduction as a new project through the dedicated e?orts of many re- cords managers, archivists, so?ware devel- opers and end users.

While adoption of the standard has been

a little slower than we had anticipated, we are encouraged by the continuing interest and growing adoption of the standard. ?is book along with the continuing e?orts of

AIIM and the PDF/A Competence Centre

will continue to increase the adoption rate of PDF/A in the industry.

Silver Spring, in September, 2007


4 PDF/A in a Nutshell

Durable documents with the PDF/A standard

Open ?les are not always complete


IFF as an archive format


DF data containers

W hy PDF/A and not PDF? e introduction of the PDF/A standard H ow to create archive PDFs W ho stands to benet from PDF/A? T able: Comparison between PDF/A-1a and PDF/A-1b O verview: Which ?le formats are suitable for archiving? I s XPS an alternative to PDF/A? PDF/A creation: Analog, digital, and mass processing

PDF/A from scanned documents

S canning options in Acrobat 8 Professional C onverting pages that have already been scanned to PDF/A T he Distiller engine P

DF/A document generation using the Distiller

O ?ce and administration P

DF/A in Oce 2007

O ce 2003 and the PDFMaker P

DF/A using the 3-Heights PDF Producer


DF/A 'en masse'


DF/A ‘from nothing"

C reating PDF/A from print data streams

Table of Contents

Illustrations: PixelQuelle.de

Table of Contents

PDF/A in a Nutshell 5

From PDF to PDF/A: Converting PDFs to archive PDFs

PDF/A generation with Pre?ight

C onverting PDF to PDF/A with pdfaPilot

Is this really a PDF/A ?le? PDF/A validation

Validation with Pre?ight

p dfaPilot PDF/A Archive PDFs in everyday life: What issues might arise?


R esolution is not part of the PDF/A standard P ermitted and prohibited compression types T ransparency Co lors Fo nts M etadata

PDF/A and metadata


C reating an accessible PDF le from Word In teractive PDF ?les C omments and annotations F orms

Embedding fonts for PDF/A forms


DF/A for design drawings

E lectronic signatures S ecurity levels D igital signatures in PDF with Acrobat C hallenges in practice

Illustrations: photocase.com/de

6 PDF/A in a Nutshell

Table of Contents

The outlook: PDF/A in the future

Enhancements in PDF/A-2

L ooking towards PDF/A-3 P

DF/A-1 developments


DF/A in one hundred years time

What the error messages mean

Pre?ight results and troubleshooting for PDF/A


Explanation of terms relating to PDF/A


The PDF/A Competence Center


Sepp Huberbauer - photocase.com/de

Table of Contents

PDF/A in a Nutshell 7

Durable documents with the PDF/A standard


Markus Imorde - photocase.com/de

8 PDF/A in a Nutshell

document format and so?ware used also present a considerable challenge for the du- rability of electronic documents. Yester- day's, today's, and tomorrow's so?ware

It's a common problem: Opening old

documents in brand-new programs doesn't always work. ?e rate of success for the opposite direction (new documents in old programs) is even less encouraging.

So?ware developers do try to achieve

backward compatibility that enables ?les that are, say, ?ve years old to be opened using a current program release. However, this can change the layout and page ren- dering, meaning that not everything is displayed exactly as it ought to be. More recent so?ware tends to generate docu- ments with additional features that older versions may not be able to display. In some cases, it is not even possible to open current ?les in previous versions of a pro- gram. For example, whereas a Microso?

Word 95 ?le can normally be opened in

Word 2003, it is not

possible to open a

Word 2003 document

in Word 95.

Because so?ware

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