[PDF] Review Exercise Set 20 Exercise 1: Use Gaussian elimination

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Exercices Corrigés Matrices Exercice 1 – Considérons les matrices

Puis calculer A-1. Exercice 8 – Appliquer avec précision aux matrices M et N suivantes l'algorithme du cours qui détermine si une matrice est inversible et 


avec : 32. 5 a = 23. 4 a = ?

Calculs sur les matrices

On fait ceci pour toutes les matrices élémentaires Eij avec 1 ? i j ? n ce qui implique. A = B. Correction de l'exercice 4 ?. Notons A = (aij)

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avec A = (2 1. 3 7. ) X = (x y. ) Y = ( 1. ?2. ) On trouve la solution du système en inversant la matrice : X = A. ?1. Y. L'inverse d'une matrice 2×2 se 

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Review Exercise Set 20

Exercise 1: Use Gaussian elimination to find the solution for the given system of equations. 3x + y - z = 1 Perform row operations to reduce the matrix ...

Exercise Set 1.4

Know the properties of the matrix transpose and its relationship with invertible matrices. Answer: 10. Use the matrix A in Exercise 4 to verify that.

Cours dAlgèbre I et II avec Exercices CorrigésOM DE VOTRE

Algébrique sur les Matrices avec Exercices Corrigés Matrices et Changements de Bases ... l'ingalité (?1 ? x2 < 0) n'a pas de solutions.

Exercise Set 1.2

Answer: 8. In Exercises 9–12 solve the linear system by Gaussian elimination. in the general solution of the linear system with augmented matrix B?

Exercise Set 5.1

Find bases for the eigenspaces of the matrices in Exercise 9. Answer: (a). (b). 12. By inspection find the eigenvalues of the following matrices:.

Review Exercise Set 20

Exercise 1: Use Gaussian elimination to find the solution for the given system of equations.

3x + y

- z = 1 x - y + z = -3

2x + y + z = 0

Exercise 2: Use Gaussian elimination to find the solution for the given system of equations.

2x + 5y = 9

x + 2y - z = 3 -3x - 4y + 7z = 1

Exercise 3: The circle given by the equation x

2 + y 2 + ax + by + c = 0 passes through the points (-2, 0), (-1, 7), and (5, -1). Find a, b, and c.

Review Exercise Set 20 Answer Key

Exercise 1: Use Gaussian elimination to find the solution for the given system of equations.

3x + y

- z = 1 x - y + z = -3

2x + y + z = 0

Setup the augmented matrix

Perform row operations to reduce the matrix

Exercise 1 (Continued):

The solution set (x, y, z) is

17 3,,24 4

Exercise 2: Use Gaussian elimination to find the solution for the given system of equations.

2x + 5y = 9

x + 2y - z = 3 -3x - 4y + 7z = 1

Setup the augmented matrix

Perform row operations to reduce the matrix

Exercise 2 (Continued):

0 4 so this system is inconsistent and has no solution.

Exercise 3: The circle given by the equation x

2 + y 2 + ax + by + c = 0 passes through the points (-2, 0), (-1, 7), and (5, -1). Find a, b, and c. Substitute the given points into the equation to find the system of equations x 2 + y 2 + ax + by + c = 0 (-2) 2 + (0) 2 + a(-2) + b(0) + c = 0

4 - 2a + c = 0

-2a + c = -4 x 2 + y 2 + ax + by + c = 0 (-1) 2 + (7) 2 + a(-1) + b(7) + c = 0

1 + 49 - a + 7b + c = 0

-a + 7b + c = -50 x 2 + y 2 + ax + by + c = 0 (5) 2 + (-1) 2 + a(5) + b(-1) + c = 0

25 + 1 + 5a - b + c = 0

5a - b + c = -26

-2a + c = -4 -a + 7b + c = -50

5a - b + c = -26

Setup the augmented matrix

Exercise 3 (Continued):

Perform row operations to reduce the matrix

Exercise 3 (Continued):

The solution set (a, b, c) is (-4, -6, -12)

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