[PDF] Exercise Set 1.2 Answer: 8. In Exercises 9–

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Exercices Corrigés Matrices Exercice 1 – Considérons les matrices

Puis calculer A-1. Exercice 8 – Appliquer avec précision aux matrices M et N suivantes l'algorithme du cours qui détermine si une matrice est inversible et 


avec : 32. 5 a = 23. 4 a = ?

Calculs sur les matrices

On fait ceci pour toutes les matrices élémentaires Eij avec 1 ? i j ? n ce qui implique. A = B. Correction de l'exercice 4 ?. Notons A = (aij)

Exercices de mathématiques - Exo7

avec A = (2 1. 3 7. ) X = (x y. ) Y = ( 1. ?2. ) On trouve la solution du système en inversant la matrice : X = A. ?1. Y. L'inverse d'une matrice 2×2 se 

Exercices avec Solutions

Soit une matrice A(N M) de caractères (N?20 et M?30). Ecrire un algorithme qui. 1- Recherche un élément dans la matrice A. 2- Calcule le nombre de voyelles 

Review Exercise Set 20

Exercise 1: Use Gaussian elimination to find the solution for the given system of equations. 3x + y - z = 1 Perform row operations to reduce the matrix ...

Exercise Set 1.4

Know the properties of the matrix transpose and its relationship with invertible matrices. Answer: 10. Use the matrix A in Exercise 4 to verify that.

Cours dAlgèbre I et II avec Exercices CorrigésOM DE VOTRE

Algébrique sur les Matrices avec Exercices Corrigés Matrices et Changements de Bases ... l'ingalité (?1 ? x2 < 0) n'a pas de solutions.

Exercise Set 1.2

Answer: 8. In Exercises 9–12 solve the linear system by Gaussian elimination. in the general solution of the linear system with augmented matrix B?

Exercise Set 5.1

Find bases for the eigenspaces of the matrices in Exercise 9. Answer: (a). (b). 12. By inspection find the eigenvalues of the following matrices:.

Concept Review• Reduced row echelon form• Row echelon form• Leading 1• Leading variables• Free variables• General solution to a linear system• Gaussian elimination• Gauss-Jordan elimination• Forward phase• Backward phase• Homogeneous linear system• Trivial solution•

Nontrivial solution• Dimension Theorem for Homogeneous Systems• Back-substitutionSkills• Recognize whether a given matrix is in row echelon form, reduced row echelon form, or neither.• Construct solutions to linear systems whose corresponding augmented matrices that are in row echelon form orreduced row echelon form.• Use Gaussian elimination to find the general solution of a linear system.• Use Gauss-Jordan elimination in order to find the general solution of a linear system.• Analyze homogeneous linear systems using the Free Variable Theorem for Homogeneous Systems.Exercise Set 1.21. In each part, determine whether the matrix is in row echelon form, reduced row echelon form, both, or neither.(a) (b) (c) (d)

(e) (f) (g) Answer:(a) Both(b) Both(c) Both(d) Both(e) Both(f) Both(g) Row echelon2. In each part, determine whether the matrix is in row echelon form, reduced row echelon form, both, or neither.(a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) 3. In each part, suppose that the augmented matrix for a system of linear equations has been reduced by row operationsto the given reduced row echelon form. Solve the system.

(a) (b) (c) (d) Answer:(a) (b) (c) (d) Inconsistent4. In each part, suppose that the augmented matrix for a system of linear equations has been reduced by row operationsto the given reduced row echelon form. Solve the system.(a) (b) (c) (d) In Exercises 5-8, solve the linear system by Gauss-Jordan elimination.5. Answer:

6. 7. Answer:8. In Exercises 9-12, solve the linear system by Gaussian elimination.9. Exercise 5Answer:10. Exercise 611. Exercise 7Answer:12. Exercise 8In Exercises 13-16, determine whether the homogeneous system has nontrivial solutions by inspection (without penciland paper).13. Answer:Has nontrivial solutions14. 15. Answer:Has nontrivial solutions16.

In Exercises 17-24, solve the given homogeneous linear system by any method.17. Answer:18. 19. Answer:20. 21. Answer:22. 23. Answer:24. In Exercises 25-28, determine the values of a for which the system has no solutions, exactly one solution, or infinitely

many solutions.25. Answer:If , there are infinitely many solutions; if , there are no solutions; if , there is exactly onesolution.26. 27. Answer:If , there are infinitely many solutions; if , there are no solutions; if , there is exactly onesolution.28. In Exercises 29-30, solve the following systems, where a, b, and c are constants.29. Answer:30. 31. Find two different row echelon forms ofThis exercise shows that a matrix can have multiple row echelon forms.Answer: and are possible answers.32. Reduce

to reduced row echelon form without introducing fractions at any intermediate stage.33. Show that the following nonlinear system has 18 solutions if , , and .[Hint: Begin by making the substitutions , , and .]34. Solve the following system of nonlinear equations for the unknown angles α, β, and γ, where ,, and .35. Solve the following system of nonlinear equations for x, y, and z.[Hint: Begin by making the substitutions , , .]Answer:36. Solve the following system for x, y, and z.37. Find the coefficients a, b, c, and d so that the curve shown in the accompanying figure is the graph of the equation.Figure Ex-37 Answer:

38. Find the coefficients a, b, c, and d so that the curve shown in the accompanying figure is given by the equation.Figure Ex-38 39. If the linear systemhas only the trivial solution, what can be said about the solutions of the following system?Answer:The nonhomogeneous system will have exactly one solution.40. (a) If A is a matrix, then what is the maximum possible number of leading 1's in its reduced row echelon form?(b) If B is a matrix whose last column has all zeros, then what is the maximum possible number of parametersin the general solution of the linear system with augmented matrix B?(c) If C is a matrix, then what is the minimum possible number of rows of zeros in any row echelon form ofC?41. (a) Prove that if , then the reduced row echelon form of(b) Use the result in part (a) to prove that if , then the linear systemhas exactly one solution.42. Consider the system of equationsDiscuss the relative positions of the lines , , and when (a) the system hasonly the trivial solution, and (b) the system has nontrivial solutions.

43. Describe all possible reduced row echelon forms of(a) (b) True-False ExercisesIn parts (a)-(i) determine whether the statement is true or false, and justify your answer.(a) If a matrix is in reduced row echelon form, then it is also in row echelon form.Answer:True(b) If an elementary row operation is applied to a matrix that is in row echelon form, the resulting matrix will still be inrow echelon form.Answer:False(c) Every matrix has a unique row echelon form.Answer:False(d) A homogeneous linear system in n unknowns whose corresponding augmented matrix has a reduced row echelonform with r leading 1's has n - r free variables.Answer:True(e) All leading 1's in a matrix in row echelon form must occur in different columns.Answer:True(f) If every column of a matrix in row echelon form has a leading 1 then all entries that are not leading 1's are zero.Answer:False(g) If a homogeneous linear system of n equations in n unknowns has a corresponding augmented matrix with a reducedrow echelon form containing n leading 1's, then the linear system has only the trivial solution.Answer:True

(h) If the reduced row echelon form of the augmented matrix for a linear system has a row of zeros, then the system musthave infinitely many solutions.Answer:False(i) If a linear system has more unknowns than equations, then it must have infinitely many solutions.Answer:FalseCopyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. All rights reserved.

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