[PDF] Untitled 02-Feb-2013 Flavin Adenine

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Chaîne respiratoire et oxydation phosphorylante Chaîne respiratoire et oxydation phosphorylante

• Phosphorylation couplée aux oxydo-réductions. • L 'oxidation phosphorylante Animation of the F1 motor based on the model. By Hongyun Wang & George Oster ...

Mitochondrial physiology within myelinated axons in health and Mitochondrial physiology within myelinated axons in health and

1 мар. 2019 г. Animation of ROS induced DNA damage. Page 26. 24. 2.1 ... la transition métabolique depuis la phosphorylation oxydative vers la glycolyse ...

Impacts et interactions de la microsporidie Nosema cerenae et d

4 сент. 2020 г. Animation Scientifique du PVBMT – CIRAD Saint-Pierre

Proceedings Proceedings

Oxydative Phosphorylation (OP). Defect in OP was confirmed experimentally animation and data analysis I propose to illustrate these tools and services ...

Characterization of the mitochondrial translation apparatus of

7 февр. 2023 г. ... oxydative phosphorylation. Figure 7: Supercomplexes organization ... animated by a large number of host-derived co-evolved factors. Page 55 ...

Plasmodium falciparum et résistance aux antipaludiques: aperçu et Plasmodium falciparum et résistance aux antipaludiques: aperçu et

12 нояб. 2018 г. the Health Care Center of the CASS (Centre d'Animation Sociale et ... Apart from proteomics data indicating its expression and phosphorylation in.

Relations entre efficacité mitochondriale balance oxydative et Relations entre efficacité mitochondriale balance oxydative et

6 июл. 2020 г. phosphorylation oxydative est donc une relation très importante dans la balance énergétique. La valeur du ratio P/O conditionne à la fois ...

Impacts et interactions de la microsporidie Nosema cerenae et d

7 окт. 2021 г. Animation Scientifique du PVBMT – CIRAD Saint-Pierre

Le cycle de Krebs Le cycle de Krebs

• Visionner l'animation Animation Flash : respiration L'ATP peut être produit par phosphorylation oxydative : si on considère qu' 1 NADHH+ réoxydé dans la.

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10 февр. 2022 г. Phosphorylation oxydative ou couplage OXPHOS ... animated by contraction movements revealing that myocardial cells had differentiated (Movie ...

The future of stroke treatment: A European perspective

?oxydative phosphorylation. ?anaerobic glycolysis. ? ATP depolarisation opening VSCCs. ?[Ca2+] i. ?radicals damage to cell membrane.

Le cycle de Krebs

Animation Flash : respiration cellulaire et cycle de Krebs. • Domaine 1 : s'approprier un environnement pour former l'ATP par phosphorylation oxydative.

Lia Damayanti

Actin Myosin Crossbridge 3D Animation. San Diego State University College of Sciences Use oxydative phosphorylation. ? Slow twich. ? M arathon runner ...


regulated by phosphorylation as well as by pH calcium concentration


02-Feb-2013 Flavin Adenine Dinucleotide. ?Also participates in oxydative phosphorylation and citric acid cycle. ?Involved in electron transfer ...

Mitochondrial DNA Copy Number in Cleavage Stage Human

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Mitochondrial physiology within myelinated axons in health and

01-Mar-2019 metabolism from oxidative phosphorylation to aerobic glycolysis. Indeed we showed that ... Animation of ROS induced DNA damage ...

Impacts et interactions de la microsporidie Nosema cerenae et d

04-Sept-2020 du système ubiquitine-protéasome et de la phosphorylation oxydative. ... Animation Scientifique du PVBMT – CIRAD Saint-Pierre

Tutorial 1 The Cells

ATP production (Oxydative phosphorylation citric acid cycle). This is where O2 is used. Inner membrane. (consists cristae –. Cytochrome Complexes.

Phosphorylation oxydative liée à la chaîne de transport des électrons

« Supercomplexes dans la chaine respiratoire de la mitochondrie 2010_Boekema [ pdf ] » ( pdf 1 Mo) Animation : cette animation montre comment le passage des 

[PDF] Chaine Respiratoire Mitochondriale et Phosphorylations Oxydatives

(énergie rapidement utilisable) qui est produit dans les mitochondries à partir de la CRM et la phosphorylation oxydative

Phosphorylation oxydative - YouTube

30 jan 2012 · Formation d'ATP par la chaîne de transport d'électrons dans la mitchondrie Cette production d Durée : 2:31Postée : 30 jan 2012

Le métabolisme - Chaîne respiratoire (1) - RN Bio

Le métabolisme - Chaîne respiratoire (1) Phosphorylation oxydative La chaîne respiratoire est localisée dans la membrane interne mitochondriale Cette chaîne 

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Animation Flash : respiration cellulaire et cycle de Krebs Logiciel PDF Reader à jour pour former l'ATP par phosphorylation oxydative

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Oxidative phosphorylation is the process of making ATP by using the proton gradient generated by the ETC Respiration by mitochondria • Oxidation of substrates 


La chaîne de transport d électrons et phosphorylation oxydative MEMBRANE INTERNE DE LA MITOCHONDRIE LA RESPIRATION CELLULAIRE AÉROBIEA



[PDF] Chaîne respiratoire et oxydation phosphorylante - de Duve Institute

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Oxidative Phosphorylation Energetics (–0 16 V needed for making ATP) Chemiosmotic theory: Phosphorylation Animation of ATP Synthase Phosphorylation



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Have you ever

participated in research? (25 seconds)



Why do you get sleepy?

(25 seconds)

A. Run out of ATP

B. Epinephrine Hormone

C. Melatonin Hormone

D. Sleep Fairy

Do you know what the

circadian rhythm is? (25 seconds)



What time do you

normally go to sleep? (25 seconds)

A. Before 10

B. Between 10 and 12

C. Between 12 and 2

D. Between 2 and 3

E. After 3

End of the quiz

Turn OFF your

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`Circadian Rhythms `Circadian Loop `Cryptochrome `Research

What are circadian rhythms?

`Latin roots `Circa --around `Diem ²aday `A roughly 24 hour cycle controlling physiological processes `Found in most living things `Plants, Animals, Fungi and Cyanobacteria `Self Sustained cycle but directed by exogenous (external) cues `Zeitgebers²´PLPH JLYHUVµ


Jürgen Aschoff(1913-98)



Social Interactions



Physical Activity

Eating and

Drinking Patterns

Suprachiasmatic nucleus

`Small, grain of rice sized, region of hypothalamus in the brain `Consists of only 20,000 neurons `Uses light/dark cycles for entrainment `Melanopsinphotopigment `´PMVPHU ŃORŃNµ IRU synchronizing all of the circadian clocks within the body


Abnormal Circadian Rhythms

What happens if the circadian rhythms are disrupted??? `Jet Lag `Shift Work Sleep Disorder `Obesity `Type 2 Diabetes `Increased Risk of Cancer `Seasonal Affective Disorder `Depression

Circadian Sleep Disorders

`Delayed Sleep Phase


`Familial Advanced

Sleep Phase Syndrome

`Non-24-hour Sleep-

Wake Syndrome

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Question 1. (70 seconds)

`7OH ŃLUŃMGLMQ ´PMVPHU ŃORŃNµ POMP V\QŃOURQL]HV POH peripheral clocks in the body is located within the brain of humans. Which part of the brain is this and how does it entrain the body to the light day cycle of earth?

`A. SuprachiasmaticNucleus; Cryptochrome `B. SuprachiasmaticNucleus; Melanopsin `C. Pituitary Gland; Melatonin Hormone `D. Pineal Gland; Cryptochrome Protein `E. Pineal Gland; Melanopsin


`7OH ŃLUŃMGLMQ ´PMVPHU ŃORŃNµ POMP V\QŃOURQL]HV the peripheral clocks in the body is located within the brain of humans. Which part of the brain is this and how does it entrain the body to the light day cycle of earth? `A. SuprachiasmaticNucleus; Cryptochrome `B. SuprachiasmaticNucleus; Melanopsin `C. Pituitary Gland; Melatonin Hormone `D. Pineal Gland; Cryptochrome Protein `E. Pineal Gland; Melanopsin

Question 2 (60 seconds)

`You have just obtained a sample of organisms from the thermal vents at the bottom of the ocean. You discover that they do not have circadian rhythm. What can you say from this observation? `A. Circadian clock components always existed `B. Circadian clock components evolved in the deep ocean `C. Circadian clock components evolved surface of the ocean or on land `GB FLUŃMGLMQ ŃORŃN ŃRPSRQHQPV MUHQ·P UHMO `E. None of the above


`You have just obtained a sample of organisms from the thermal vents at the bottom of the ocean. You discover that they do not have circadian rhythm. What can you say from this observation? `A. Circadian clock components always existed `B. Circadian clock components evolved in the deep ocean `C. Circadian clock components evolved surface of the ocean or on land `GB FLUŃMGLMQ ŃORŃN ŃRPSRQHQPV MUHQ·P UHMO `E. None of the above

End of the quiz

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little bit about circadian rhythms but how do they work at molecular level??

History of Circadian Loop

`period gene first discovered in


`1984 ²period gene cloned independently by Young and Rosbash labs `Large protein of more than 1,200 amino acids `PER-like immunoreactivitywas shown in different orders of animal species suggesting a functionally conserved clock throughout the animal kingdom `Period (PER) `Timeless (TIM) `Circadian LocomotorOutput

Cycles Kaput (CLOCK)

`Cycle (CYC)

Circadian Genes

Mammalian Orthologs

`Period AEPeriod `Timeless AECryptochrome (CRY) `CLOCK AECLOCK `CYCLE AEBMAL-1/ARNTL `ARNTL: Aryl hydrocarbon receptor nuclear translocator-like, `BMAL: brain and muscle aryl hydrocarbon receptor nuclear translocator(ARNT)-like


`Transcriptional factors which contain Basic Helix-Loop-Helix (bHLH) DNA binding domain `Bind to consensus sequence called E-Box `E-Box is at the promoter region of many circadian genes including PER and CRY


`mRNA exits nucleus and is translated to form PER and

CRY proteins in the cytosol

`PER and CRY dimerizeand enter nucleus `Inhibit CLOCK-BMAL1 transcription

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Question 3 (45 seconds)

`Which is a negative inhibitor in the circadian loop? `A. ARNTL `B. CLOCK `C. PER/CRY `D. E-Box `E. None of the above


`Which is the negative inhibitor in the circadian loop? `A. ARNTL `B. CLOCK `C. PER/CRY `D. E-Box `E. None of the above

Question 4 (60 seconds)

`Which structural components make up the area of the CLOCK/BMAL1 heterodimerthat binds to the E-box region of the period and cryptochrome gene promoters? `A. RossmanFolds `B. Beta barrels `C. Anti-Parallel ɴ-sheets `D. Beta sandwich `E. ɲ-helixand loops


`Which structural components make up the area of the

CLOCK/BMAL1 heterodimerthat binds to the E-box

region of the period and crytochromegene promoters? `E. ɲ-helixes and loops

End of the quiz

Turn OFF your

i >clicker to save battery and put it aside Chemistry 3332 Instructor: Scott Rush 02/2/13 34


`Flavoprotein superfamily `Photolyase homology region (PHR) `FAD cofactor `C-terminal discrepancies


FlavinAdenine Dinucleotide

`Also participates in oxydative phosphorylation and citric acid cycle `Involved in electron transfer


`Cryptochromesin the photoreceptor neurons of birds' eyes are involved in magnetic orientation during migration `Cryptochromesare also essential for the light- dependent ability of

Drosophila to sense

magnetic fields.

FU\SPRŃOURPH·VMetabolic Role

`CRY, modulates gluconeogenesis through interference with glucagon and inhibition of cyclic AMP signaling `Glucocorticoidregulation of the circadian clock modulates glucose homeostasis

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Chemistry 3332 Instructor: Scott Rush 21/2/13

If we have FAD in the cryptochrome what

kind of function will you expect? `A. Methylation `B. Electron Transfer `C. Glycosylation `D. Substrate level phosphorylation `E. None of the above

Question5 (60 seconds)

If we have FAD in the cryptochrome what

kind of function will you expect? `A. Methylation `B. Electron Transfer `C. Glycosylation `D. Substrate level phosphorylation `E. None of the above


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