[PDF] 6. Conjugation in S One thing that is very easy to understand in

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6. Conjugation in S One thing that is very easy to understand in

One thing that is very easy to understand in terms of Sn is conjuga- tion. Definition 6.1. Let g and h be two elements of a group G. The element ghg-1 is called 

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SN is generally used to denote the sum to N terms of a series. In the series 1 + 3 +. 5+7+9+ , S4 = 16. That is, the sum of the 
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6.Conjugation inSn

One thing that is very easy to understand in terms ofSnis conjuga- tion.

Denition 6.1.Letgandhbe two elements of a groupG.

The elementghg1is called theconjugateofhbyg.

One reason why conjugation is so important, is because it measures how far the groupGis from being abelian.

Indeed ifGwere abelian, then


Multiplying byg1on the right, we would have

h=ghg1: ThusGis abelian i the conjugate of every element by any other element is the same element. Another reason why conjugation is so important, is that really con- jugation is the same as translation. Lemma 6.2.Letandbe two elements ofSn. Suppose that= (a1;a2;:::;ak)(b1;b2;:::;bl):::is the cycle decomposition of. Then((a1);(a2);:::;(ak))((b1);(b2);:::;(bl)):::is the cycle decomposition of1, the conjugate ofby.

Proof.Since both sides of the equation

1= ((a1);(a2);:::;(ak))((b1);(b2);:::;(bl)):::

are permutations, it suces to check that both sides have the same eect on any integerjfrom 1 ton. Asis surjective,j=(i) for somei. By symmetry, we may as well assume thatj=(a1). Then (a1) =a2and the right hand side maps(a1) to(a2). But

1((a1)) =(a1)

=(a2): Thus the LHS and RHS have the same eect onjand so they must be equal. In other words, to nd compute the conjugate ofby, just translate the elements of the cycle decomposition of. For example suppose = (3;7;4;2)(1;6;5) 1 inS8andis1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

3 2 5 1 8 7 6 4

Then the conjugate ofbyis

1= (5;6;1;2)(3;7;8):

Now given any groupG, conjugation denes an equivalence relation onG. Denition-Lemma 6.3.LetGbe a group. We say that two elements aandbareconjugate, if there is a third elementg2Gsuch that b=gag1: The corresponding relation,, is an equivalence relation.

Proof.We have to prove thatis re

exive, symmetric and transitive.

Suppose thata2G. Theneae1=aso thataa. Thusis

re exive. Suppose thata2Gandb2Gand thatab, that is,ais conjugate tob. By denition this means that there is an elementg2Gsuch that gag

1=b. But thena=g1bg=hbh1, whereh=g1. Thusba

andis re exive. Finally suppose thatabandbc. Then there are elementsg andhofGsuch thatb=gag1andc=hbh1. Then c=hbh1 =h(gag1)h1 = (hg)a(hg)1=kak1; wherek=gh. But thenacandis transitive.

But thenis an equivalence relation.

Denition 6.4.The equivalence classes of the equivalence relation above are calledconjugacy classes. Given an aribtrary groupG, it can be quite hard to determine the conjugacy classes ofG. Here is the most that can be said in general. Lemma 6.5.LetGbe a group. Then the conjugacy classes all have exactly one element iGis abelian.

Proof.Easy exercise.

Proposition 6.6.The equivalence classes of the symmetric groupSn are precisely given by cycle type. That is, two permutationsand0 are conjugate i they have the same cycle type. 2 Proof.Suppose thatand0are conjugate. Then by (6.2)and0 have the same cycle type. Now suppose thatand0have the same cycle type. We want to nd a permutationthat sendsto0. By assumption the cycles in and0have the same lengths. Then we can pick a correspondence between the cycles ofand the cycles of0. Pick an integerj. Thenj belongs to a cycle of. Look at the corresponding cycle in0and look at the corresponding entry, call itj0. Thenshould sendjtoj0.

It is easy to check that then1=0.

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