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Pour: Approbation Stratégie du FIDA en matière de gestion des

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Pour: Approbation Stratégie du FIDA en matière de gestion des

Note - l'intention des repr-sentants au Conseil d"administrationResponsables:Questions techniques:Transmission des documents:Paul WintersVice-Pr"sident adjoint duD"partement de la strat"gie et dessavoirst"l"phone:+390654592189courriel:p.winters@ifad.orgHelen GillmanSp"cialiste de haut niveau de la gestion des savoirst"l"phone:+390654592648courriel: h.gillman@ifad.org

Strat-gie du FIDA enmati"re de gestion dessavoirs

EB 2019/126/R.2/Rev.1


Table des mati"resSigles et acronymesiR-sum-iiI.La gestion des savoirs et son r"le au FIDA1II.D-finition de la gestion des savoirsau FIDA2A.Pourquoi "laborer une nouvelle strat"gie de gestion des savoirs?2B."volution de la gestion des savoirs au FIDA3C.Analyse de la gestion des savoirs au FIDA3III.Th-orie du changement5A.Activit"s principales8B.Structure, r...les et responsabilit"s10C.Risques11D.Mesure des r"sultats11AnnexesI.Plan d'action pour la gestion des savoirs 2019-202113IICadre de mesure des r"sultats obtenus par la strat"gie de gestion dessavoirs25III.Analyse de la gestion dessavoirs au FIDA32IV.Obstacles † la bonne mise en ‡uvre de la gestion des savoirs37AppendicesI.Inventory of IFAD's knowledge resources1IIInterface with other IFAD policies, strategies and action plans:someexample9III.Mutually reinforcing KM roles of IFAD divisions13IV.Organizational network analysis15V.Review of IFAD's knowledge architecture18VI.IFAD KM maturity model21VII.What can we learn from other international development agencies26Sigles etacronymesCOSOPprogramme d'options strat"giques pour le paysFIDA11Onziƒme reconstitution des ressources du FIDARARIRapport annuel sur les r"sultats et l'impact des op"rations duFIDA

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2Pour la d‚finition des savoirs tacites et explicites, voir:https://bloomfire.com/blog/implicit-tacit-explicit-knowledge.

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4Dans le cadre des travaux pr‚paratoires pour l'‚laboration de la pr‚sentestrat‚gie, les d‚finitions de la gestion dessavoirs retenues dans diff‚rentes organisations ont ‚t‚ discut‚es et examin‚es lors d'entretiens avec le personnel duFIDA. Ont notamment ‚t‚ analys‚es les d‚finitions en vigueur " l'Organisation mondiale de laSant‚, chez Syngenta etchez GlaxoSmithKline.5Voir le document intitul‚Strat‚gie du FIDA en matiƒre de gestion des savoirs,publi‚ sous la cote EB 2007/90/R.4.

EB 2019/126/R.2/Rev.1


13.Pour surmonter les difficult"s recens"es qui entravent la gestion efficace dessavoirs, le FIDA a besoin de solutions pratiques et applicables et doit s'appuyer surce qui fonctionne correctement parmi ce qu'il a d"j† mis en ‡uvre.B....volution de la gestion des savoirs au FIDA14.Dans sa premiƒre strat"gie de gestion des savoirs, le FIDA convenait qu'il devaitam"liorer les enseignements tir"s de la pratique du d"veloppement, de ses propresprojets et de ceux de tierspourobtenir de meilleurs r"sultats et un meilleurimpact.15.Reconnue comme un exemple de bonne pratique dans un rapport de 2016 sur lagestion des savoirs dans le systƒme des Nations Unies6, cette strat"gie a permis uncertain nombre de changements importants, notamment l'am"lioration del'infrastructure technologique et l'augmentation du nombre de produits du savoir"labor"s et diffus"s7. N"anmoins, de nombreuses activit"s ont "t" entreprisesisol"ment, ce qui a entrav" les efforts visant † int"grer de fa‹on plus syst"matiquela gestion des savoirs dans l'ensemble du Fonds.16.Face † cette situation, la direction a approuv" en 2014 un nouveau cadre degestion des savoirs8pour mettre † jour la strat"gie et doter le Fonds d'uneapproche plus coh"rente en matiƒre de gestion des savoirs et d'apprentissage. Unplan d'action biennal en matiƒre de gestion des savoirs9a "t" ex"cut" entre 2016et 2018 pour rendre op"rationnels les domaines d'action prioritaires "nonc"s dansle Cadre de gestion des savoirs et donner suite aux engagements pris pendantFIDA10.17.Dans son Rapport annuel 2016 sur les r"sultats et l'impact des op"rations (RARI)duFIDA10, le Bureau ind"pendant de l'"valuation a not" que, mˆme si des progrƒsont "t" accomplis dans le sens de la r"alisation des objectifs de la strat"gie, "lesr"sultats ne se sont pas parvenus † cr"er le type de culture de l'apprentissagen"cessaire pour soutenir et "largir ces gains et produire l'am"lioration envisag"edes effets sur le plan op"rationnel et sur celui du d"veloppement". Ce Rapport amis en "vidence de nombreux enseignements et bonnes pratiques, ainsi queplusieurs problƒmes, qui "tayent la n"cessit" d'adopter une approche de gestiondes savoirs davantage syst"mique et mieux dot"e en ressources.18.On trouvera † l'appendice I un bref inventaire du capital de savoirs du FIDA.C.Analyse de la gestion des savoirs au FIDA19.Pour mettre † profit ses exp"riences fructueuses, faire progresserses activit"s degestion des savoirs et pr"parer sa nouvelle strat"gie en la matiƒre, le FIDA aeffectu" une analyse syst"matique de son approche dans ce domaine pourrecenser et comprendre les faiblesses et les difficult"s, et aussi tirer desenseignements de sa propre exp"rience et des bonnes pratiques appliqu"es dansd'autres organisations. Des m"thodes formelles et informelles ont "t" utilis"es pourrecueillir les contributions, notamment: des entretiens semi-directifs, un examende la fa‹on dont le FIDA tire parti des savoirs tacites de son personnel dans lesprocessus op"rationnels de base, une analyse des r"seaux organisationnels et une"tude sur les bonnes pratiques dans plusieurs organisations de r"f"rence.Lesr"sum"s des travaux pr"paratoires figurent aux appendices III, IV, V et VI.20.Les d"fis † relever peuvent ˆtre class"es en trois grandes cat"gories:l'enrichissement du corpus de savoirs, l'accƒs aux savoirs existants ainsi que leur6Voir le Rapport de 2016 du Corps commun d'inspection des Nations Unies sur la gestion des savoirs etconnaissances dans le systƒme des Nations Unies.7Voir le Rapport desituation sur la mise en ...uvre de la strat‚gie du FIDA en matiƒre de gestion des savoirs et duprogramme d€innovation (2011) et les Rapports de situation sur la mise en ...uvre de la strat‚gie du FIDA en matiƒre degestion des savoirs (2009 et 2010).8Cadre de gestion des savoirs du FIDA 2014-2018.9Cadre de gestion des savoirs du FIDA 2016-2018.10Voir:www.ifad.org/documents/38714182/39709860/ARRI_2016_full.pdf/569bcea7-a84a-4d38-867f-89b3bb98e0e4.

EB 2019/126/R.2/Rev.1


utilisation et leur r"utilisation, et la culture de l'apprentissage et du partage dessavoirs. La figure 1 ci-dessous offre une vision synth"tique de ces principaux d"fis,et une pr"sentation est fournie † l'annexe III.Figure 1Principales difficult€s rencontr€es

Enrichissement ducorpus de savoirs

†Localiser les savoirs†Circulation des savoirs dansun contexte d‚centralis‚†Conserver et partager lesenseignements†Tirer parti des savoirs dupersonnel

Culture del'apprentissage et dupartage des savoirs

†Mesures d€incitation†Capacit‚s et ressources†Reconnaˆtre les ‚checs eten tirer des enseignements

EB 2019/126/R.2/Rev.1


11Par exemple, le Systƒme de gestion des r‚sultats op‚rationnels, le Centre de documentation sur les op‚rations, leportail clients et le nouvel intranet.12Voir RARI 2016, paragraphe 256.13Alison Evans, cheffe de la Commission ind‚pendante pour l€impact de l€aide (Royaume-Uni). Cit‚e dans la s‚rie depodcasts "USAID Leaders in Learning".

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EB 2019/126/R.2/Rev.1


32.Comme le montre la th"orie du changement, le FIDA place les personnes au c‡urde sa strat"gie, car il sait que les savoirs de son personnel et de ses consultantsconstituent son atout le plusimportant et peuvent lui donner un avantagecomp"titif. Les approches et les outils qui permettent de favoriser les flux desavoirs et l'apprentissage en commun, notamment les technologies et lesplateformes intuitives associ"es † des communaut"s de pratique14et des r"seaux15cibl"s, seront renforc"s et b"n"ficieront d'un appui intensif.Ils devraient conduire †des gains d'efficacit" dans les op"rations en permettant, par exemple, un accƒsplus rapide aux savoirs collectifs du personnel, une r"solution plus efficace desproblƒmes et une meilleure conservation des savoirs (voir l'encadr" 1 de l'annexeIII).

14Etienne et BeverleyWenger-Trayner (2015)d‚finissent les communaut‚s de pratique comme des groupes depersonnes qui partagent une passion pour un sujet qu€ils connaissent bien et qui interagissent r‚guliƒrement en vue dese perfectionner. Cette d‚finition repose sur trois ‚l‚ments: le domaine (d‚finition du domaine de recherche partag‚eet des questions cl‚s); la communaut‚ (relations entre les membres et sentiment d'appartenance); la pratique(ensemble des savoirs, m‚thodes, r‚cits, cas, outils et documents). Toutes les communaut‚s de pratique sont desr‚seaux en ce sens qu'elles supposent des liens entre leurs membres.Voir aussi:Introduction to communities ofpractice; Quick CoP start-up guide.15Les r‚seaux ne sont pas tous des communaut‚s de pratique. L" encore, Etienne et BeverleyWenger-Trayner (2011)font remarquer qu'une communaut‚ de pratique implique un domaine partag‚ qui devient une source d'identification.Cette identit‚ cr‚e un sentiment d'engagement envers la communaut‚ dans son ensemble, et pas seulement des liensavec quelques n...uds de liaison. L'aspect r‚seau fait r‚f‚rence " l'ensemble des relations, interactions personnelles etliens entre les participants qui facilitent la circulation de l'information et les liens utiles.

EB 2019/126/R.2/Rev.1






EB 2019/126/R.2/Rev.1


1. Production desavoirs

2. Utilisation dessavoirs

3. Environnementfavorable

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Annexe I

EB 2019/126/R.2/Rev.1


Organe responsable: ‚quipe degestion des savoirs duD‚partement de la strat‚gie etdes savoirsOrgane d€appui: Division desservices de publication/Divisionde la communication-Produits du savoir publi‚s etdiffus‚sEn cours1.1.1; 1.1.2;2.1.1; 2.1.3

Annexe I

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-Synthƒse des lacunes etpriorit‚s en matiƒre de savoirsdisponible-Carte des lacunes en matiƒrede donn‚es factuelles‚labor‚e-R‚serve de produits du savoird‚velopp‚e en tenant comptedes lacunes et priorit‚s enmatiƒre de savoirs

Ž partir du T120191.1.1; 1.1.2; 2.1.1

1.1.3Examen annuel des activit‚s, des produits, de laport‚e et despartenariats du FIDA en matiƒre degestion des savoirs, accompagn‚ derecommandations sur les priorit‚s relatives aud‚veloppement des savoirs, aux partenariats desavoir et " l€utilisation des ressources20Organe responsable: ‚quipe degestion des savoirsduD‚partement de la strat‚gie etdes savoirsOrgane d€appui: Groupe decoordination pour la gestion dessavoirs-Examen annuel etrecommandations sur lesactivit‚s de gestion dessavoirs du FIDA pr‚sent‚sEx‚cut‚ auT22020 et T2 20211.1.1; 1.1.2; 2.1.1

1.1.4Soutenir et collaborer " des initiatives quifournissent des donn‚es fiables et continuellementmises " jour sur la pauvret‚ rurale, la faim etl'agriculture. Par exemple:-L€‚tat de la s‚curit‚ alimentaire et de lanutrition dans le monde-Initiative 50 X 203021-WorldPoverty Clock-Projet"Ending Rural Hunger"

Organe responsable:D‚partement de la strat‚gie etdes savoirs-Initiatives appuy‚es-Le FIDA est un partenaire etcontributeur reconnuEn cours1.1.1; 1.1.2; 2.1.3

Annexe I

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15 -Partenariats et leur avantagerelatif cartographi‚sEx‚cut‚ au T420191.1.1; 1.1.2; 2.1.3

1.2.2Produire, condenser et diffuser syst‚matiquementles savoirs et les innovations obtenus " partir duportefeuille de dons et des initiatives pertinentesfinanc‚es par des fonds suppl‚mentaires.Organe responsable: Secr‚tariatde l€assurance qualit‚ desdons/parrains des donsindividuels/responsables desinitiatives financ‚es par desfondssuppl‚mentaires/Coordonnateursde la gestion des savoirs-Savoirs et innovations diffus‚sEn cours1.1.1; 1.1.2; 2.1.3

22Conforme au nouveau cadre de partenariat du FIDA.

Annexe I

EB 2019/126/R.2/Rev.1

16 -Cadre de partenariat du FIDAadopt‚ et outils utilis‚sEn cours1.3.2; 2.1.12

1.2.4Participer " des r‚seaux24et ‚tablir despartenariats qui favorisent l'‚change de savoirs etl'apprentissage en matiƒre de gestion des savoirs,et qui promeuvent les solutions d'apprentissageorganisationnelOrgane responsable: ‚quipe degestion des savoirs duD‚partement de la strat‚gie etdes savoirsOrgane d€appui: Groupe decoordination pour la gestion dessavoirs-Les approches, outils etsolutions couronn‚s desuccƒs sont partag‚s gr‡ce "des partenariats et " desactivit‚s de mise en r‚seauEn cours1.3.1; 1.3.2; 2.1.3

Annexe I

EB 2019/126/R.2/Rev.1

17 En cours1.1.1; 1.1.3; 1.1.4; 1.3.2; 2.1.1;2.1.2; 2.1.3; 2.2.1; 2.2.2; 2.3.2

2.1.2Assurer la maintenance et l'actualisation continuedu Portail sur les solutions rurales pour favoriserl'adoption des solutions de d‚veloppement eninterne et " l'ext‚rieur du FIDAOrgane responsable:Division del'engagementmondial, despartenariats et de la mobilisationdes ressourcesOrgane d€appui:centres desavoirs et de coop‚ration Sud-Sud et triangulaire-Maintenance et actualisationdu Portail sur les solutionsrurales assur‚e-Au moins cinq solutions ded‚veloppementadopt‚es entrois ansEn cours1.1.1; 1.1.2; 1.1.3; 1.1.4;

2.1.3Fournir des services biblioth‚caires etd€information am‚lior‚s dans le contexte de lad‚centralisation du FIDAOrgane responsable: ‚quipe degestion des savoirs duD‚partement dela strat‚gie etdes savoirs-Services biblioth‚cairesassur‚s en continuEn cours1.1.1; 1.3.2; 2.2.1; 2.2.3; les approches couronn‚es de succƒs enmatiƒre de partage des savoirs utilis‚es par leFIDA et ses partenaires aux niveauxdes pays etdes r‚gions, et susceptibles d€tre transpos‚es "plus grande ‚chelleOrgane responsable:pŠlesinfrar‚gionauxOrgane d€appui: centres desavoirs et de coop‚ration Sud-Sud et triangulaire/pŠles-Approches couronn‚es desuccƒs attest‚es et diffus‚esEn cours1.1.4; 1.3.1; 1.3.2; 2.2.3

Annexe I

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2.1.6Mettre " l€essai desensembles de savoir en amontde laconception de projets pour aider les ‚quipesd'ex‚cution des projets " tirer parti des sourcesinternes et externes gr‡ce aux nouvellestechnologies, et " mettre " profit lesenseignements tir‚s, notamment parl'interm‚diaire du Systƒme de gestion des r‚sultatsop‚rationnels (par exemple, les d‚fis inh‚rents "l'ex‚cution, les rapports analytiques et techniquesportant sur les thƒmes prioritaires pertinents, les‚valuations d€impact et les rapports d€‚valuation)

Organe responsable: Afrique del€Ouest et duCentreOrgane d€appui: D‚partement dela strat‚gie et des savoirs/Division des politiques et desr‚sultats op‚rationnels/Divisiondes technologies de l'informationet des communications/Unit‚consacr‚e au changement, " laproduction de r‚sultats et "l'innovation

-Initiative pilote achev‚eDuT22019 auT2 20201.2.3; 1.2.4; 2.2.1

2.1.7Mettre " l'essai un systƒme d'‚change de savoirsinteractif pour am‚liorer l'agr‚gation, laconservation, le partage et l'utilisation descontenus techniques du FIDAsur des thƒmesprioritaires (par exemple, la s‚rie de boˆtes "outils), les contenus ‚tant mis " jour parl'interm‚diaire de communaut‚s de pratique et der‚seaux (voir 3.3.2; 3.3.3)Organe responsable:D‚partement de la strat‚gie etdes savoirsOrgane d€appui: Division destechnologies de l'information etdes communications/Unit‚consacr‚e au changement, " laproduction de r‚sultats et "l'innovation

Annexe I

EB 2019/126/R.2/Rev.1

19 -Mandat ‚labor‚T2 20191.3.2

-Matrice d€efficacit‚ dud‚veloppement utilis‚e durantla conception des projetsT2 20191,1,1; 1,1,2; 1,1,3; 1.2.3; 1.2.4; 2.2.1

-Appr‚ciations connexes etcoh‚rentes dansl€ensembledes systƒmes du FIDAŽ partir du T420191.1.1; 1.1.2; 2.2.1; 2.2.2; 2.2.2

2.2.4Fournir des solutions technologiquesnovatricespour appuyer les r‚unions, ateliers, communaut‚set r‚seaux virtuels dans l€environnementd‚centralis‚ du FIDAOrgane responsable: Divisiondes technologies de l'informationet des communications-R‚sultats des enqutes de laDivision des technologies del'information et descommunicationsŽ partir duT320191.3.1; 1.3.2; 2.3.3

Annexe I

EB 2019/126/R.2/Rev.1


Organe responsable:D‚partement de la strat‚gie etdes savoirsOrgane d€appui: ‚quipesr‚gionales et directeursr‚gionaux du D‚partement de lagestion des programmes et de laDivision des ressourceshumaines

-La remise annuelle des prixau personnel comprend unecat‚gorie "partage des savoirsexceptionnel"-Les enseignements tir‚s del€examen des ‚checs sontint‚gr‚s au bilan desportefeuilles-Le personnel sent qu€on luidonne les moyens deconsacrer du temps "l€apprentissage, au partage et

En cours1.3.1; 1.3.2; 2.3.1

Annexe I

EB 2019/126/R.2/Rev.1

" l€innovation -Financement garanti etprogramme lanc‚Ž partir du T320201.3.1; 1.3.2

Organe responsable:‚quipe degestion des savoirs duD‚partement de la strat‚gie etdes savoirsOrgane d€appui: Division desressources humaines/Divisiondes politiques et des r‚sultatsop‚rationnels

-Modules de formation‚labor‚s et dispens‚s (enligne et en pr‚sentiel)T2 2020 puis encours1.3.1; 1.3.2; 2.3.2;2.3.3

26Au Comit‚ charg‚ des strat‚gies op‚rationnelles et de l'orientation des politiques, dans la gestion des risques de catastrophe, la supervision, les examens " l€achƒvement des COSOP,les examens de performance du personnel, etc.

Annexe I

EB 2019/126/R.2/Rev.1


-Plan de communicationex‚cut‚.-100% des hautsresponsableset des directeurs assistent " lasessionLa premiƒres‚rie deformations estachev‚e auT22020, et peut sepoursuivre s€il ya lieu1.3.1; 1.3.2; 2.3.2

3.2.3Renforcer la sensibilisation et les capacit‚s enmatiƒre de gestion des savoirs auprƒs despartenaires nationaux et des projets appuy‚s parle FIDAOrgane responsable:D‚partement de la strat‚gie etdes savoirsOrgane d€appui:pŠlesinfrar‚gionaux, ‚quipesr‚gionales-Ex‚cution d€un renforcementdes capacit‚s adapt‚ lademande dans au moins 25paysLa mise en...uvre des donsd‚bute auT420201.2.3; 1.2.5; 1.2.6; 1.2.7

-Guide de r‚f‚rence rapide etinteractif des outils et desapproches-Kits de d‚marrage en matiƒrede gestion des savoirs pourles projets ‚labor‚s et mis "disposition de tous, au niveaudespŠles, des bureaux depays du FIDA et des projets

T3 2019 puis encours1.2.2; 1.2.3; 1.3.1; 1.3.2; 2.2.1; 2.3.3

3.3.2Fournir un appui intensif " trois communaut‚s depratique ou r‚seaux existantspour adapter lespriorit‚s auxbesoins op‚rationnels dansl€environnement d‚centralis‚ du FIDAOrgane responsable:D‚partement de la strat‚gie etdes savoirsOrgane d€appui: sp‚cialistes-Trois communaut‚s depratique existantes appuy‚eset efficaces-Enseignements tir‚s del€exp‚rience desT4 2019 puis encours1.1.1; 1.1.2; 1.3.2; 2.1.3, 2.3.3

Annexe I

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-Trois nouvelles communaut‚sde pratiqueou r‚seaux mis enplace et efficaces-Enseignements tir‚s desinitiatives pilotessyst‚matis‚s, document‚s etpartag‚sŽ partir du T120201.1.1; 1.1.2; 1.3.2; 2.1.3, 2.3.3

3.4Renforcer la pr€servation des savoirsContribue " l€obtention des produits attendus au niveau de l€institution: i) les approches et les outils optimisent les fluxd'apprentissage et de savoirs dans l'environnement d‚centralis‚du FIDA; ii) des systƒmes de saisie, de classement, de stockage et de partage des savoirs sont int‚gr‚s au niveau des pays, des r‚gions etdu siƒge; iii)un structure d€incitationsvisant" favoriser l'apprentissage, le partage et les comportementsnovateursest mise en place3.4.1Mettre en place des processus de transfert deresponsabilit‚s plus performants pour limiter lesrisques de perte de savoirs inh‚rents " la mobilit‚et "la cessation de service du personnel, etlorsque les consultants achƒvent leur missionOrgane responsable: Divisiondes ressources humainesOrgane d€appui: D‚partement dela strat‚gie et des savoirs/Unit‚consacr‚e au changement, " laproduction de r‚sultats et "l'innovation-Utilisation obligatoire d€uneliste de v‚rification am‚lior‚edes processus de transfert deresponsabilit‚-Dix sessions structur‚es detransfert de responsabilit‚sorganis‚es-Initiative r‚percut‚e dans lecadre de gestion des talents

Ž partir du T320191.3.1; 1.3.2

3.4.2Mettre en place un programmepour"apprendre deceux qui partent"etr‚duire les risques li‚s " laperte des savoirs essentiels du personnel partant "la retraiteOrgane responsable: Divisiondes ressources humainesOrgane d€appui: D‚partement dela strat‚gie et des savoirs/Unit‚consacr‚e au changement, " la-Programme mis en place etr‚percut‚ dans le cadre degestion des talentsŽ partir du T420191.3.1; 1.3.2

Annexe I

EB 2019/126/R.2/Rev.1


D€ici au T1 20201.3.2

3.5.2Systƒme de suivi et d€apprentissage complet misen place en vue d'ex‚cuter le plan d€action enmatiƒre de gestion des savoirs.Organe responsable:D‚partement de la strat‚gie etdes savoirsOrgane d€appui: Division de lacommunication/Groupe decoordination pour la gestion dessavoirs-Systƒme de suivi etd€apprentissage et tableau debord mis en place-Rapport de situation annuelsur la performance etl€avancement de la gestiondes savoirs, sur la based€indicateurs choisisD€ici au T4 2019

Annexe II

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Annexe II

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Annexe II

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Annexe II

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Annexe II

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Annexe II

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Annexe II

EB 2019/126/R.2/Rev.1


2.2.1Projets con‰us gr‡ce " desensemblesde savoirs(pourcentage)Rapport deconception duprojetPourcentage de projets approuv‚s lors des 12 derniers mois con‰us gr‡ce " desensemblesdesavoirs.2.2.2Missions de supervision assorties d€unexamen de laqualit‚ de la gestion des savoirs (pourcentage)Systƒme degestion desr‚sultatsop‚rationnelsPourcentage de missions de supervision effectu‚es lors des 12 derniers mois t‚moignant d€une notede gestion des savoirs en coh‚rence avec la justification d‚crite.2.2.3PŠles r‚gionaux et bureaux de pays b‚n‚ficiant deservices biblioth‚caires (nombre)Examen annuel dela gestion dessavoirsNombre de pŠles r‚gionaux et de bureaux de pays ayant acc‚d‚ " des services biblioth‚caires lorsdes 12derniers mois.2.2.4Utilisateurs satisfaits des services biblioth‚cairesrendus (pourcentage)Examen annuel dela gestion dessavoirsPourcentage d€utilisateurs ayant acc‚d‚ aux services biblioth‚caires du FIDA satisfaits ou trƒssatisfaits des services rendus.2.2.5COSOP assortis de plans de gestion des savoirsd‚taill‚s et d€objectifs d‚finis en matiƒre de savoirsCOSOPPourcentage de COSOP assortis de plans de gestion des savoirs d‚taill‚s lors des 12derniers mois.2.2.6Approches probantes enmatiƒre de partage dessavoirs document‚es et adopt‚es (nombre)Examen annuel dela gestion dessavoirsNombre d€approches probantes en matiƒre de partage des savoirs attest‚es et adopt‚es dansl€ensemble des r‚gions lors des 12derniers mois.2.3Environnement favorable2.3.1Comp‚tences et exp‚rience du personnelaccessibles sur les plateformes internes du FIDA(pourcentage)PeoplePourcentage de collaborateurs dont les comp‚tences et l€exp‚rience sont accessibles sur lesplateformes internes du FIDA.2.3.2Personnel form‚ aux capacit‚s li‚es " la gestion dessavoirs mobilisant de nouvelles comp‚tences(pourcentage)Examen annueldela gestion dessavoirsPourcentage du personnel form‚ aux capacit‚s li‚es " la gestion des savoirs dans les 12 derniersmois et utilisant ces nouvelles comp‚tences avec succƒs. Indicateur " mesurer " partir d€entretiensde suivi et de t‚moignages de cr‚ation de valeur.2.3.3Collaborateurs partant " la retraite et participant "des activit‚s structur‚es de transfert de savoirsstrat‚giques (pourcentage)Examen annuel dela gestion dessavoirsPourcentage de collaborateurs du FIDA partant " la retraite et ayant particip‚ " des activit‚sstructur‚es de transfert de savoirs strat‚giques lors des 12 derniers mois.2.3.4Des communaut‚s de pratique appuient lacirculation et l€utilisation des savoirs (nombre)Examen annuel dela gestion dessavoirsNombre de communaut‚s de pratique actives depuis au moins 12 mois qui contribuent " lacirculation des savoirs dans les processus op‚rationnels du FIDA et en dehors (par exemple, laconception des projets et des COSOP, le d‚veloppement de savoirs th‚matiques ou led‚veloppement de produits du savoir) . Ce t indicateu r ser a mesur ‚ gr‡c e " diverse s m‚thodes,notamment des t‚moignages de cr‚ation de valeur, des entretiens semi-directifs, des enqutes surlessavoirs, les attitudes et les pratiques, et des analyses portant sur les r‚seaux sociaux.

Annexe IIIEB 2019/126/R.2/Rev.1


Annexe IIIEB 2019/126/R.2/Rev.1


Annexe IIIEB 2019/126/R.2/Rev.1


Annexe IIIEB 2019/126/R.2/Rev.1


Annexe IIIEB 2019/126/R.2/Rev.1


l'utilisation des r"seaux par l'Agence allemande de coop"ration internationale dansle cadre de sa m"thode de travail; de l'approche syst"matique du Fonds desNations Unies pour l'enfance en matiƒre d'"change de savoirs sur le terrain et sesportails ax"s sur les utilisateurs et, enfin, de l'approche exp"rimentale de laBanque mondiale en ce qui concerne les solutions de gestion des savoirs, l'usagede l'intelligence artificielle et l'harmonisation de la gestion des savoirs avec lastrat"gie op"rationnelle.

Annexe IVEB 2019/126/R.2/Rev.1


Problƒmes concernant la r‚putation si le site web du FIDA met "disposition des ressources obsolƒtes, inexactes oupeu fiables.Confusion externe concernant la marque FIDA et ses priorit‚sstrat‚giques.Baisse deproductivit‚ des effectifs (temps perdu " chercher lescontenus souhait‚s).Le FIDA n'est pas per‰u comme un chef de file mondial dud‚veloppement rural.4. D‚velopper,partager et transf‚rerdes savoirs tacitesLa d‚centralisation entrave la circulationdes savoirs davantage qu'elle ne lafavorise.Il n'existe pas de proc‚dure institutionnellepour le partage de savoirs "sur le tas"; oules proc‚dures structur‚es (concernantnotamment le transfert) ne sont passuivies.Les processus permettant de b‚n‚ficierdes connaissances et savoir-faire tacitesdes retrait‚s et du personnel intermittent,etc. sont inexistants ou inadapt‚s.

Le FIDA tire moins profit des savoirs techniques sp‚cialis‚s.Les cloisonnements sont plus importants.Perte de savoirs institutionnels si les savoirs tacites (savoir-faire etcomp‚tences non articul‚s) ne sont pas transf‚r‚s aux jeunesg‚n‚rations par les effectifs qui partent " la retraite.Le FIDA est incapable de recruter rapidement de nouveauxcollaborateurs ou d'accroˆtre la productivit‚.La perte inattendue d'un expert ou d'un groupe d'expertscl‚sentraˆne d'importantes lacunes dans les savoirs.Le FIDA innove moins.5. Renforcer lesr‚seaux de savoirset l'apprentissageAucunestrat‚gie claire pour mettre enplace et maintenir des communaut‚s depratique ou des r‚seaux d'apprentissage.Absence de proc‚dure visant " faciliter lacommunication entre les collaborateurs duFIDA ou avec des partenaires ext‚rieursvia des r‚seaux formels ou informels.Pas d'apprentissage syst‚matique etcoh‚rent issu de l'exp‚rience.

Diminution des nouveaux savoirs obtenus.Le FIDAinnove moins et se penche moinssurles solutions.Le FIDA passe " cŠt‚ des possibilit‚s de reproduction " plus grande‚chelle.Le positionnement strat‚gique du FIDA est alt‚r‚ parce que leFonds ne peut d‚terminer les ressources et individus " mobiliserautour d'un domaine th‚matique prioritaire.6. Assurer un accƒsefficace "l'informationResponsabilit‚ fragment‚econcernant lessources d'information.Absence de cadre de gouvernanceefficace relatif aux donn‚es et "l'information.Sources d'information fragment‚es.Les usagers risquent d'acc‚der " des informations obsolƒtes, ce quipeut nuire " une prise de d‚cisions avis‚e.Les contenus ne sont pas suffisamment corr‚l‚s ou class‚s, ce quientraˆne une perte de productivit‚ due au temps de recherche.Inefficience op‚rationnelleŒtemps perdu " retrouver desdocuments et fichiers mal class‚s.Problƒmes concernant lar‚putation de la marque car le FIDA nepeut acc‚der aux informations en temps voulu et r‚pondre auxbesoins externes et " ceux des clients.Impact n‚gatif sur la productivit‚ (nombre d'heures par semaine queles collaborateurs passent " rechercher des informations pr‚cises etfiables).Les ‚quipes ne peuvent mobiliser rapidement des informationspr‚cises et fiables.Le FIDA ne peut d‚terminer la rentabilit‚ de ses pratiques etinvestissements en matiƒre de gestion de l'information.

Annexe IVEB 2019/126/R.2/Rev.1


La strat‚gie de gestion des savoirs n'est pas int‚gralement mise en...uvre.Le personnel se d‚motive en constatant que les responsables nefont pas toujours preuve d'exemplarit‚ dans ce domaine.

AppendixIEB 2019/126/R.2/Rev.1


Inventory of IFAD's knowledge resourcesIFAD has many existing knowledge resources that are fundamental to its overallknowledge management system. The wealth of collective knowledge and know-how thatresides in IFAD's staff is recognized as IFAD's most important asset.I.In business processesiCountry strategies (COSOPs)draw on experience from previous countryprogrammes and projects, lessons and findings from evaluations and relevantresearch, and tap into knowledge from consultation with experts, governmentofficials, development partners and beneficiaries. The 2015 COSOP guidelinesemphasize KM as necessary to generate and share knowledge from operations, andto learn from IFAD"s own and other experiences in order to achieve greater impact.COSOPcompletionreports are an important knowledge source for ongoing countryprogrammes.iDevelopment Effectiveness Framework (DEF)enhances IFAD"s capacities tomanage for results, and helpsus and our project partners makewellinformeddecisions based on timely and reliable data and evidence.iProject delivery teams(PDTs) are the main mechanism for cross-divisional andinterdepartmentalknowledge-sharing during project development andimplementation. The PDT is led by thecountrydirector/countryprogrammemanager, in close collaboration with theprojecttechnicallead. Its compositionvaries, including over time, and includes staff members from the FinancialManagement Services Division, the Office of the General CounselandtheEnvironment, Climate, Gender and Social Inclusion Division (to address cross-cutting themes),in addition tothe Senior Regional Procurement Officer and othertechnical specialists as required.iQuality assurance (QA) processensures thatboth internal and external peerreviewers provide their knowledge and expertise to improve project designs.Lessons that emerge during each QA cycle are analysed and discussed in order toinform the entire portfolio.iResults and Impact Management System (RIMS)is used to monitor andreport on project performance during implementation at output and outcomelevels. It isasource of data for corporate reporting.iSupervision reportsdescribe compliance with financing covenants, procurementand disbursement agreements and report on effectiveness, efficiency and goodgovernance. They focus on development impact based onanassessment ofprogress against agreed indicators, joint identification of problems and solutionswith recipients and implementers, and agreement on suitable actions to achievethe project"s development objectives.iMidtermreviewsarepart of project supervision and implementation support, buthavea stronger and more in-depth evaluative dimension.Theyconstitute adecision point at which IFAD and the borrower assess the project"s implementationachievements and challenges, and decide whether and how to continue projectimplementation.iProject completion reportsare a tool to self-assess performance and results atthe end of a project. They provide analysis of experience and lessons that feed intonew project design. Project completion reports are reviewed by acountryprogrammemanagementteam composed of staff members from various divisions.iPortfolio reviewsandcorporate stocktaking eventsserve as a managementtool for IFAD to monitor and self-assess its loan and grant portfolio in terms ofimpact, and to draw lessons for future operations" quality assurance, policydevelopment processes and knowledge management.

AppendixIEB 2019/126/R.2/Rev.1


II.Capacity-buildingiTheOperations Academyis an institutionalized learning platformthat ismandatory for operational staff, to continuously develop their core operationalcompetencies and technical capacities. It provides a peer-to-peer platform wherestaff can learn from each other or from external experts who can providethelatestcutting edge knowledge to help IFAD become a more competitive and relevant IFI.Training is carried out both at HQ and regionally. The Academy ensures thatoperations staff are updated and equipped todeliver on IFAD's mandate andcommitments.iInduction programmesprovide training for new staff to bring them up to speedon the Fund's corporate requirements and processes, and to ensure that they arefamiliar with the results that the organization has committed to.They also providean opportunityfor newcomers to network and findresourcepeople for theinformation they require to do their work.iLAC Learning LABgives staff the opportunity to share knowledge and lessonsfrom operations within their department and beyond. The Lab is targetedspecifically to HQ and field staff in IFAD's Latin America and the CaribbeanDivision, and is also open to other staff and external participants.iPhilanthropy Learning Lab isa new learning and support platform developed bythe Private Sector and Foundations team in the Partnerships and ResourceMobilization Office to help IFAD expand its partnerships and fundraising fromphilanthropic foundations.iRegional implementation workshopsprovide an opportunity for staff to cometogether in a region to share their knowledge and experience with othercolleagues. Learning events on specific topics relevant to the region are usuallyorganized during these workshops.iProject completion workshops: some regional divisions have introducedlearning events onprojectcompletionreports,which focus on sharing the resultsand lessons learned from recently completed projects.iAg-Scanis an initiative that will enable IFAD partners to assess in-countrymonitoring and evaluation(M&E)systems and capacities, and develop action plansto address identified gaps. Upgrading country M&E capacities and systems is crucialto IFAD's agenda for improved results management.iPRiMEis a three-yearM&Etraining and certification program designed andimplemented by the Centers for Learning on Evaluation and Results (CLEAR) andIFAD. PRiME works with government officials and ministries engaged with IFAD,improving their knowledge of M&E as a tool for greater impact in the rural sectorstheymanage. Participants are nominated by their respective governments, basedon pre-established criteria.iLearningroutes,a methodology developed by IFAD partner Procasur, are widelyused by IFAD and the projects it funds. A learning routesupportspeer-to-peerknowledge-sharing and isbased on the idea that successful solutions to existingproblems are already in use in rural areas.iGender breakfastsare a monthly learning event that provide a space to discussand share knowledge onspecific gender issues.iInformal seminarsprovide a platform to discuss corporate strategic issues withMember States.iKnowledge-sharing seminars areorganized by the Independent Office ofEvaluation to present and discuss the main findings and recommendations arisingfrom evaluation reports.

AppendixIEB 2019/126/R.2/Rev.1


iLearning events, both formal and informal, are regularly organized onagricultural and rural development issues, with contributions from high-profilescholars and visitors from other organizations. These events need to be morecarefully and proactively planned and reported on.III.Evaluations/assessmentsiImpact Assessment Initiativeemploys rigorous (experimental and non-experimental) approaches to gatherthe evidence needed to understand if aninvestment project has achieved what it set out to do. Impact assessments areconducted of selected IFAD-supported projects that are representative of the entireportfolio for two main reasons: so that IFAD can measure and report on theaggregate impact of its investment projects atthe corporate level; and to generatelessons that can be used to inform future project design and implementation, aswell as policy dialogue.iReport on IFAD"s Development Effectiveness (RIDE)is IFAD's main corporatedocument reporting on institutional anddevelopment effectiveness. It reports onprogress against the indicators and targets in the corporate Results ManagementFramework, including impact indicators through the Impact Assessment Initiative.Its main objectives are to strengthen accountabilityand learning, as well asidentify systemic issues that need attention for improving organizationalperformance and results.iAnnual Report on Results and Impact of IFAD Operations (ARRI)is issuedbythe IndependentOffice of Evaluationof IFADand examines IFAD's overallprogramme performance each year. It is IFAD's principal external accountabilitytool and allowsus to monitor the effectiveness of our work. The ARRI also includesa specific learning theme.iIndependent evaluationsbythe IndependentOffice of Evaluationof IFADanalyse IFAD policies, strategies and operations. Evaluations include corporatelevel evaluations, country strategy and programme evaluations, projectevaluations, evaluation syntheses, impact evaluations and project completionreport validations. From a KM perspective, these evaluations are a vital tool forlearning-making sure that evaluation results and lessons feedbackinto thestrategies and programmes. Lessons and insights generated through theseevaluations allow the organization to assess and analyse operations and strategies,with a view to better understanding what is working well, what is not working welland the factors that have an impact on performance.iMultilateral Organization Performance Assessment Network (MOPAN)report provides IFAD with evidence that,as a multilateral organization, it has thesystems, practices, or behaviours in place that MOPAN considers to be importantfactors in an organization"s effectiveness. The report also provides evidence of theorganization's contributions to development, humanitarian and normative results.IV.ResearchiResearch: Working with partners inside IFAD and externally, IFAD producesrigorous evidence by conducting methodological and applied research both in IFAD-funded projects and on themes relevant to our investments: agricultural and ruraltransformation; economic mobility and social inclusion; environment andresilience; agriculture, nutrition, and food security; and migration, remittances andemployment.iGrantsare a highly valued "premier" IFAD instrument to advance smallholderfarming, rural transformation and the fight against rural poverty. Grants havespecial value for supporting policy engagement, research and partnerships, and forgenerating, testing and implementing innovative ideas and approaches, not onlywith partner governments but also with actors in civil society, academia and theprivate sector.

AppendixIEB 2019/126/R.2/Rev.1


V.Digital learning and sharing platformsiOperational Results Management System (ORMS)supports reporting onprojectoutputs and outcomes. The ORMS is a key part of the effort to streamlineproject cycle processes and enhance data analytics. The system is used to manageand track project related data-including the logical framework, performance,action tracker and lessons learned.iLearning Management System (LMS)is a one-stopshop for all trainingactivities in IFAD. Through the LMSstaff cansign up for training, learn new skills,review past training participation and keep abreast with mandatory trainingrequirements. It also includes e-learning courses that are available to staff onsubjects such as the Social Environmental and Climate Assessment Procedures(SECAP), M&E and financial management.iIFADintranetis the primary channel for internal communications, knowledge-sharing and digital collaboration. Itprovides staff with access to internalinformation resources includingcorporate newsand updates; IFAD"s policies andprocedures; corporate applications to conduct day-to-day work; internal andexternal blogs; senior managers" calendars;andminutes of corporate committees.It supports a digital workplace thatprovides social and collaborativecommunication tools to connect staff in both the field and HQ.ixdesk siteson SharePoint 2013 is a browser-based collaboration and documentmanagement platform used by all IFAD staff that can be accessed both from HQ,country offices and externallyby IFAD staff. It allows groups to set up acentralized, password protected space for document sharing. Documents can bestored, downloaded and edited, then uploaded for continued sharing.iElectronic Records Management System (ERMS)is the corporate repository ofIFAD official records. The system is designed to allow electronic filing, retrieval andmanagement of all IFAD operational and administrative records.iOperations Document Centre (ODC)is the corporate system for sharing andmanaging operations documents produced in all IFAD interventions. It is designedto manage project and programme documents from design through completion, aswell as documents across global/corporate, regional and country portfolios.iFinancial Management Dashboard (FMDB)is a one-stop shop for key financialmanagement information and risk ratings of the loan and grant portfolio.iIFAD Country Pages Accessprovides an overview of useful country information,including generating acountrybrief from a clickable world map.iPeopleisa directory of IFAD employees and their roles and contact informationwithin the organization.iQUASAR, the Quality Assurance Archiving System, is an online platform used tomanage and share the QA review of all project designs and grants, concept notesandCOSOPs.iCorporate dashboardsretrieve project data from the Data Warehouse andprovide up-to-date reports toManagement and staff on the status of the portfolio.iIFAD's corporate website(www.ifad.org) is the maindigital window of the Fund.IFAD continuously works to ensure that the website reflects relevant, accurate andupdated information on the Fund"s activities around the world, that it is utilizedfully by the entire organization as the digital source of IFAD"s corporate messages,and that it is a flexible channel that adapts to the organization"s needs.iIFAD's Social Reporting Blogprovides a platform to discuss and shareexperiences on themes relevant to agricultural and rural transformation.

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iRural SolutionsPortalprovides a space for solution sharing and connects peopleand ideas for the benefit of rural communities everywhere. The Portal showcasesinnovations and solutions for agriculture and rural development and promotesknowledge-sharing and peer-to-peer learning supporting South-South andTriangular Cooperation (SSTC).iMember States Interactive Platformfacilitates information exchange andcommunications between the Fund and its Member State representatives withrespect to IFAD governing bodies meetings and other official events.VI.LibraryiIFAD Libraryprovides access to external information and resources supportingIFAD's business activities in all areas. All IFAD staff, including consultants andtemporary staff, have access to the library. Staff fromother internationalorganizations and permanent representations may also use the library's services.Students and researchers may request admission through a letter of introduction.The library supports corporate KM efforts by identifying targeted audience(s) forIFAD's knowledge products.VII.IFAD publicationsiRural Development Reportis IFAD's flagship publication that reports on thestate of the evolving rural landscape in order to inform the programmatic andpolicy choices of local, regional and global development practitioners, includingIFAD.iResearch seriesbrings together cutting-edge thinking and research onsmallholder agriculture, rural development and related themes.iAnnualreportsshare a yearly status regarding IFAD's work, investments andresults. It provides stories about the rural women and men we empower, andprovides facts and figures that are shared regularly with our Member States andpartners.iResults from the Fieldseries documents in a succinct manner the results andlessons emerging from IFAD-funded projects and programmes, and make themeasily accessible to policy and decision makers, development practitioners,researchers and others. The series is a means to ensure that IFAD"s extensiveexperience may inform the design and implementation of policies and operations inthe agriculture and rural sectors.iHow to do notes and toolkitsprovide practical suggestions and guidelines tocountry programme managers, project design teams and implementing partners tohelp them design and implement programmes and projects. They present technicaland practical aspects of specific approaches, methodologies, models or projectcomponents that have been tested and can be recommended for implementationand scaling up, including best practicesandcase studies that work and can beused as a model in that particular field.iAdvantage seriesprovides insights on the advantagesofinvesting inenvironment and climate, contextualized in the broader aspects of IFAD's work.iGrants results sheetsdevelopment by the technical divisions (PMI and ECG)provides a summary of the main results and findings of grant-funded initiatives.iOther IFAD publications:in addition to the series listed above, IFAD publishes anumber of articles, brochures, and operational guidelines and tools available in theonlineIFAD knowledgebase.

AppendixIEB 2019/126/R.2/Rev.1


VIII.MultimediaiImage bankshares visualimages of IFAD's work around the globe. The bankincludes both project and corporate photographs.iVideosshare stories of IFAD's operations on the ground, often through the voicesof our beneficiaries.iInfographicshave been developed on a series of themesand processes to easilyconvey complex messages and provide facts and figures.iClimate cinemais regularly hosted by ECG to raise awareness and experiences onclimate change.iRecipes for Changeis a series of recipes from developing countries which bringto you a taste of someone else's life. Recipes for Change looks at the threats ruralcommunities face through climatic changes that affect some of the essentialingredients used in their main meal of the day and how farmers can adapt to thesechanges.IX.Thematic groupsiThematic groups andcommunities ofpracticein IFAD include activecommunities in the areas of gender, nutrition, micro-insurance, weather riskknowledge, remittances, food loss reduction, scaling up, evaluations, etc.Thefunctioning of thesethematic groups has been to a large extent sporadic as theyare not funded adequately and planned strategically. To be scaled up to thematicnetworks, they need to: be sourced accordingly; be increased in number; includeparticipation from the policy level; and be better connected with field operationsand external knowledge centres.

AppendixIIEB 2019/126/R.2/Rev.1


Interface with other IFAD policies, strategies and actionplans:Some examplesThe KM Strategy and Action Plan should be seen as integral with otherrelevantIFADstrategies and policies, as well as with other action plans that more specifically articulatehow and in which areas IFAD will develop, use and share knowledge, including withpartners. The KM Strategy plays an overarching role in terms of ensuring a consistentand comprehensive approach to knowledge generation and use, and it plays a supportingrole in creating an enabling environment forknowledge development, andcontinuouslearning, sharing, use and re-use of knowledge.The Strategic Framework 2016-2015 underlines the relevance of KM and learning toIFAD's mission, statingthat IFAD's ability to learn, to generate knowledge, to provideevidence of what works, and to leverage the knowledge of others are fundamental to itsdevelopment impact and its ability to provide value for money.IFAD's grant portfolio,guided by its Policy for Grant Financing, has a strong focus on knowledge generation andsharing, and on developing, testing and promoting innovative, pro-poor approaches andtechnologies. IFAD management provides strategic guidance on priority areas for grants,which are currently aligned with IFAD11 priorities, particularly the four mainstreamingthemes.The KM Action Plan has an activity area that will support the sharing and uptake ofknowledge generated by the grants. There is a strong intersection with IFAD's work onSSTC. The KM Action Plan for example includes activities in support of both the RuralSolutions Portal and the regional SSTC and Knowledge Centres.IFAD has developed action plans for the four mainstreaming themes-gender,environment and climate, youthand nutrition. These action plans have an especiallystrong synergy with the KM strategy. They articulate how IFAD will innovate and learnfrom its own experience, as well as from partners, to develop knowledge and specificcontent related to those themes, and their integration.For example, through implementation of the Strategy and Action Plan on Environmentand Climate Change, IFAD will identify emerging environment and climate-related issuesaffecting smallholders" livelihoods through horizon-scanningprocesses at the global andregional levels, and it will develop lessons learned on effective approaches to integratingenvironmental sustainability and climate resilience. In addition, IFAD will invest inlearning by analysing past experiences and emerging trends to build the capacity foradaptive management and continuous improvement within the organization, amongpartners and in borrowing countries.In another example, through implementation of the Nutrition Action Plan, IFAD willenhance its engagement with research partners, recognizing that partners arecommissioning relevant research, producing publications and hosting platforms forknowledge-sharing. Areas identified that could benefit from research conducted by IFADand its partners include: howneglected and underutilized species can help reap theagronomic, dietary, and cultural benefits of biodiversity, including preservation oftraditional crops, animals, fisheries, agricultural practices, and gastronomy; nutritionfriendly metrics and technologies; how to incorporate nutrition into project economic andfinancial analyses; innovative approaches to engage women and youth effectively andsustainably in nutrition-sensitive agriculture and nutrition sensitive value chains; astructured approach toaddress overweight and obesity through agricultural investments.The tableson the next pagesprovide an overview ofthe knowledge and KM-relatedaction areas for the four mainstreaming themes, including identifying priority areas forknowledge development and dissemination.


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NUTRITION ACTION PLAN 2019-2021Action Area 4: Knowledge, communications and evidenceOutputIndicatorImproved generation, packaging, dissemination and use of evidence onnutrition-sensitiveagriculture and food systems.i100% of nutrition-sensitive projects reporting oncore nutrition indicators by 2025iAt least one strategic knowledge productdeveloped and being usedto guide nutrition-sensitiveproject design, implementation, M&E,policy engagement(toolkits, How-to-do notes,videos) annuallyiDissemination strategy promoting uptake ofresearch and other knowledge products developedand implemented by 2025

Activities1.Institutionalize a systematic approach toconsistently capture best practices andlessons learned from projects and develop a compendium of good practices ofmainstreaming nutrition at design and implementation.2.Conduct research on nutrition-friendly metrics and technologies for betterresults innutrition sensitiveprojects.3.Develop a dissemination strategy to promote effective uptake of research andknowledge products within IFAD.4.Develop guidance and toolkits:iDesign: support nutrition sensitive design (e.g. situation analysis, theory ofchange,costing templates, assess implementation capacity)iImplementation: detailed guidance on supervision ratings, guidance on when andhow to consider retrofitting nutrition into on-going investments.iM&E: use of nutrition outcome and output project level indicators (including RIMScore indicators), baselines and other nutrition surveys during the project cycle5.Develop knowledge products on issues of specific relevance (e.g. the operationaltoolkit to analyse indigenous people food systems, andapproach to addressoverweight and obesity).6.Include the nutrition performance score in project completion reports.


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RURAL YOUTH ACTION PLAN 2019-2021Action area 3: Evidence-based knowledge management and strategic communication. Build and managethe evidence base to supportbetter project design and implementation, and effective policy engagementOutcomeIndicatorImproved generation and use of evidence-based knowledge and strategic communicationaround successful youth-focused developmentmodels.iUtility/application and accessibility of youth-focusedcommunication and knowledge products authored byIFADOutputsIndicator1.An IFAD youth-specific knowledge generation and dissemination plan.iNumber of studies and databases focused on ruralyouthiNumber of conferences where the RDR is presentediNumber and type of youth-focused KM multimediaproducts for project design, implementation andpolicy engagementiNumber of downloads from IFAD Rural YouthwebpageiNumber of corporate events including rural youth asa topic

2.Five IFAD-specific case studies focusing on rural youth as a contribution to the RuralDevelopment Report 2019.3.Six youth-focused multimedia knowledge products.4.An updated communication strategy that includes a focus onmainstreaming areas,including rural youth.5.A number of knowledge-sharing events around regional portfolio reviews and South-South and Triangular Cooperation.


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STRATEGY AND ACTION PLAN ON ENVIRONMENT AND CLIMATE CHANGE 2019-2025Action Area 5:Knowledge management and horizon scanningOutcomeIndicatorIFAD becomes a global leader in generating knowledge on managing sustainable rurallivelihoods-enabling IFAD to play a greater advocacy role in supporting global efforts to builda healthyplanet.iNumber of projects reporting on coreenvironment and climate change indicatorsiNumber of knowledge products developed tosupport environment and climate change-sensitive project design implementation, M&Eand policy engagementiDissemination strategy promoting uptake ofresearch and other knowledge products

Outputs1.Lessons learned on effective approaches to integrating environmental sustainabilityand climate resilience compiled and disseminated (drawn from ASAP, GEF, IFADgrants and other programmes).2.IFAD country programme managers and environment and climate specialists linkedwith their counterparts in other United Nations agencies including RBAs, multilateralfinancial institutions and regional organizations through regional-level environmentand climate learning networks.3.South-South exchange and learning platforms for country management unitsestablished (potentially including study tours and exchanges).4.Emerging environment and climate-related issues affecting smallholders" livelihoodsidentified through horizon-scanning processes at the global and regional levels, andused to inform IFAD"s biennial Rural Development Report.


EB 2019/126/R.2

/Rev.1 11

GENDER ACTION PLAN 2019-2025Action area 2: IFAD as a catalyst for advocacy, partnerships and knowledgemanagementOutputIndicatorIFAD contributions to advocacy, partnerships and knowledge management on gender equalityimproved.iIncrease in IFAD"s visibility on gender issues ininternational fora and publicationsiInclusion in key IFAD policy documents andknowledge products of references to GEWEiIncrease in focus on gender issues in policy dialogueand scaling upiIncrease in joint initiatives on gender-relatedactivities with other institutions, agencies and NGOs

Activities1.Develop a communication andadvocacy strategy.2.Develop and disseminate knowledge products.3.Enhance gender dimensions of country policy engagement4.Organize and maintain knowledge-sharing and advocacy events, knowledge sourcesand tools, roster of experts.5.Create andstrengthen thematic networks/communities of practice for mainstreamingand scaling up innovations at global and regional levels.6.Represent IFAD and participate in international and regional for a.7.Design and manage grants for innovation.8.Organizeregional gender awards for IFAD-supported operations.9.Work with interagency initiatives.10.Co-organize and participate in joint RBA gender activities.

AppendixIIIEB 2019/126/R.2/Rev.1



EB 2019/126/R.X

Mutually reinforcing KM roles of IFAD divisionsChange, Delivery and InnovationUnit(CDI)ensures organizational reforms aresustained, monitored and strengthened, while also promoting innovation in IFAD'sproducts and approaches. CDI helps IFAD to improve its capacity to produce betterresultsmorequickly, and to develop a culture and framework for promoting change,delivery and innovation. Its work includes facilitating behaviour change, and improvingthe performance of relevant delivery systems across the institution. CDIwill serve as alaboratory topromote the identification and validation of proven rural developmentinnovations and solutions, and to supporttheir use and scaling up.Communications Division (COM)is a strategic partner for IFAD departments,divisions, offices and units in Rome and across the globe and leads implementationofIFAD's Communication Strategy. The divisionhas a team ofexpertstaff in mediarelations, video production, writing, publishing, web and other digital media(whomanage IFAD's website and intranet),graphic design,visual identity,photography, brandmanagement,internal communication, celebrity engagementand events management tomeetIFAD'scommunication priorities.Within this context, COMprovides guidance andsupport in conceptualizing, writing and producing content that promotes awareness ofIFAD's work and achievements through early engagement with key staff and engageswith technical and operational colleagues so that knowledge that shows tangibleexamples of IFAD innovation and effectiveness is better leveraged for externalcommunications needs.Environment, Climate, Gender and Social Inclusion Division (ECG) andSustainable Production, Markets and Institutions Division (PMI).These twodivisions housing a large proportion of IFAD"s technical expertise play a key knowledgebrokerage function. Technicalspecialists (either in regional hubs or at HQ), provide theirknowledge and experience in the design and implementation of country programmesguaranteeing the high technical quality of IFAD"s programmes. ECG in particular takesthe lead in mainstreaming cross-cutting themes of environment and climate, gender,nutrition, youth and indigenous peoples into IFAD's portfolio to achievegreaterimpact inthese areas. These two divisions are expected to play a key role in the development andfacilitation ofthematic networks orCoPs.Global Engagement, Partnership AND Resource Mobilization Division (GPR)has aspecific focus on global engagement, partnerships, and on driving the resourcemobilization efforts with traditional and non-traditional donors and partners.Globalengagement is a key mechanism for IFAD to influence discussions and decisions in globalpolicy and is a provider and user of IFAD knowledge. Additionally, GPR will use evidence-based results and convincing messaging to identify and mobilize resources to increasethe impact of IFAD operations.GPR also has overall responsibility for IFAD'sengagementin South-South and Triangular Cooperation (SSTC).There are strongsynergies betweenIFAD's KM and SSTC initiatives.Human Resources Division (HRD)plays a significant role in managing staffdevelopment and corporate learning, and is one of themost important partners in theorganization's knowledge management system. The engagement of HRD in the KM"bigger picture" is crucial in order to ensure that IFAD has the appropriate incentivestructure in place for the IFAD workforce to build the competencies, capabilitiesandbehaviours necessary to strengthen and sustain a culture of learning and knowledge-sharing.Independent Office of Evaluationof IFAD(IOE). By conducting independentevaluations of IFAD operations and processes, IOE plays an important role in IFAD's KMsystem. Accountability and learning are the key principles that govern the evaluationscarried out by IOE, which capitalizes on the knowledge generated through the evaluationprocess, and shares findings and resultsbothwithin IFAD and with wider audiences.

AppendixIIIEB 2019/126/R.2/Rev.1



EB 2019/126/R.X

Information and Communications Technology Division (ICT)is another keypartner to ensure that the right ICT tools are available to access knowledge quickly andto facilitate knowledge exchanges, especially with increased decentralization.Records Management Teamis responsible for ensuring the correct management andpreservation of records, including ensuring that correct tagging is applied for easyretrieval. As part of daily activities, the Records Management Team monitors metadata toensure standardization of keywords and development of a corporate business thesaurus.The team fosters sharing and collaboration among IFAD employees by maintaining acommon electronic repository that ensures records are not spread across differentrepositories.Regionaldivisions.PMD will remain primarily responsible for designing andimplementing IFAD's portfolio of loans and grants. PMD is on the front-line in theimplementation of the KM strategy. The Department"s regional economists, portfolioadvisers andregionalofficers play an essential role in assessing knowledge needs andidentifying new areas of investment demand from developing countries.Operations Programming and Results Division (OPR).Leading many corporatecommitments and steeringthe main procedural, policy and system changes to improveoperational efficiency and programme impact, OPR is a key player in achieving theobjectives of the KM strategy.Quality Assurance Group (QAG)carries out arms-length quality assuranceforIFAD'sloans and grants. Knowledge flows must be maintained with QAG to identify areasrequiring improvement in the design ofoperations.Research and Impact Assessment Division (RIA).At the core of generatingevidence and insights to inform IFAD"s priorities forinvestments and policy reform toeffectively promote inclusive and sustainable rural transformation.Office of the Secretary (SEC).SEC is responsible for the repository of GoverningBodies documents. It is tasked with sharing information on all governance related issueswith Member States and governing bodies, through documentationinthe officiallanguages, and through customised inductions. This is designed to enable Members toplay their respective roles efficiently.

AppendixIVEB 2019/126/R.2/Rev.1


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Organizational network analysisAll staff and consultants were asked to complete a short survey about their keyconnections, andwhy,whenandhowthey interact with each of them. The purpose wasto gather insights into how IFAD staff and consultants work together and to identifybridges and connectors, and areas where more can be done to improve the flow ofknowledge.By the closing date, and aftera number of targeted 'chaser emails" to staff, 363 staff(43%) had fully coquotesdbs_dbs31.pdfusesText_37

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