[PDF] OCN - Technical Documentation for SuccessFactors integration

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OCN - Technical Documentation for SuccessFactors integration

Oct 29 2017 to the CrossKnowledge Learning Suite when a training project starts for ... A list of available learning objects and training courses to be ...

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Document history

Date Version Author Description

Aug 24, 2017 0.5 draft Julien Chomarat -

CrossKnowledge Initial version of the document presenting integrations methods between CKLS & SuccessFactors, and how to deploy OCN

Sept 14, 2017 0.6 draft Julien Chomarat -

CrossKnowledge Split SCORM and OCN into two docs. This one is only OCN. Added deployment information Oct 29, 2017 0.7 draft Danny De Witte Reviewed and add screens of the processes and user experience.

29/10/2017 • OCN Integration - v0.7

Table of content

Document history ..................................................................................................................................... 2

Table of content ........................................................................................................................................ 3

1. Introduction ........................................................................................................................................ 5

1.1 CrossKnowledge learning Suite (ckls) ............................................................................... 5

1.2 SuccessFactors ................................................................................................................... 5

2. Standard Open Network Connector (OCN) ..................................................................................... 6

2.1 Presentation ......................................................................................................................... 6

2.2 Technical details .................................................................................................................. 6

2.2.1 Prerequisites .................................................................................................................... 6

2.2.2 Web services ................................................................................................................... 6

2.2.3 Synchronize catalog library .............................................................................................. 6

2.2.4 Synchronize completion status ........................................................................................ 7

2.3 Learners" Authentication ..................................................................................................... 7

3. Deployment guide ............................................................................................................................. 7

3.1 Synchronize learners in CrossKnowledge Learner suite .................................................. 7

3.2 Set up SAML authentication ............................................................................................... 7

3.3 Configure OCN (SuccessFactors" side) ............................................................................. 8

3.4 Configure OCN Connection (CrossKnowledge Learning Suite"s side) ............................ 8

3.5 Setup the generic exports: .................................................................................................. 9

3.5.1 Content sync .................................................................................................................... 9

3.5.2 Tracking export ................................................................................................................ 9

4. Configure content sync (CrossKnowledge Learning Suite"s side) ............................................. 9

4.1 Single Learning Objects .................................................................................................... 10

4.2 Trainings" sessions ........................................................................................................... 10

4.2.1 Learning Channel .......................................................................................................... 11

4.2.2 Blendedx ....................................................................................................................... 11

5. Check the configuration ................................................................................................................. 13

5.1 CrossKnowledge Learning Suite ...................................................................................... 13

5.1.1 Content Synchronisation ................................................................................................ 13

5.1.2 Tracking Synchronisation............................................................................................... 14

5.2 SuccessFactors ................................................................................................................. 15

5.2.1 Content / Items are available ......................................................................................... 16

5.2.2 Tracking ......................................................................................................................... 18

6. User experience ............................................................................................................................... 19

Appendix ................................................................................................................................................. 22

Export scripts .......................................................................................................................... 22

1. Introduction

The integration is meant to allow for HR processes to take place fully in SuccessFactors, handing over

to the CrossKnowledge Learning Suite when a training project starts for a learner, and cycling back to

SuccessFactors with the result of the learning activity. In order to achieve this, there would be a minimum of 3 streams:

• A list of available learning objects and training courses to be shared from the CKLS to

SuccessFactors" training catalogue.

• A synchronization of the user base (from SuccessFactors to the CKLS), and a two ways SSO so that an employee can jump from one system to the other.

• An export of the activity of learners from the CKLS to SuccessFactors, in order to enrich the

employee"s dashboard.

1.1 CrossKnowledge learning Suite (ckls)

The CrossKnowledge Learning Experience System turns your digital learning strategy into the driving power of your workforce development. Using its wide range of learning formats, including mentoring programs, social learning portals, MOOCs or blended learning paths, CrossKnowledge guides companies

every step of the way as they decide which digital program suits their needs, and how to deploy it to reach

their objectives. http://www.crossknowledge.com

1.2 SuccessFactors

SAP SuccessFactors is a cloud-based human capital management software that allows organizations to manage essential services related to human resource management. https://www.successfactors.com

2. Standard Open Network Connector (OCN)

2.1 Presentation

SAP SuccessFactors Learning created Open Content Network (OCN) to partner with Massive Online Open

Course (MOOC) providers so that your employees can easily access their content from within your system.

Employees can still take a MOOC with one of our providers outside the Learning Management System (LMS),

but when you bring their courses into the LMS, you make it available for assignment, add it to catalogs,

bundle it into a curriculum or program, or make it a part of your company's social learning through

recommendations Below you can see a schema showing the learner's journey:

Learner journey

2.2 Technical details

2.2.1 Prerequisites

· SuccessFactors version 1411 with elevated administrative rights in the back office. · CrossKnowledge Learning Suite with elevated administrative rights in the back office.

· SAML authentication (see section after)

· Learner synchronization (provisioning) between the corporate reference source,

SuccessFactors and CKLS.

2.2.2 Web services

The OCN connector relies on two web services provided by SAP · One to push the content library from CrossKnowledge Learning Suite to SuccessFactors · One to push completion status from CrossKnowledge Learning Suite to SuccessFactors

Please get in touch with your SAP's account manager if you need more information about this connector on

SuccessFactors' end.

2.2.3 Synchronize catalog library

· Endpoint URL: /learning/odatav4/public/admin/ocn/v1/OcnCourses

· HTTP method: POST

· Service signature (in and out): link to official SAP documentation input & output · Authentication mechanism: OAuth using a generic administrator account from SuccessFactors

2.2.4 Synchronize completion status

· Endpoint URL: /learning/public-api/rest/v1/current-user/item/learning-event

· HTTP method: POST

· Service signature (in and out): link to official SAP documentation input & output (no official documentation on this) · Authentication mechanism: OAuth using the learner"s account we want to update completion status on.

2.3 Learners" Authentication

SAP OCN connector requires the use of SAML 2.0 protocol as SSO for learners This protocol enables encrypted messages to be exchanged between servers, using SHA256 encryption code (and others), so users" data is secure during both the authentication request and response. The authentication is then resolved inside the client"s domains, results of authentication attempts are encrypted and returned to CKLS.

The following scenarios are possible

· SuccessFactors as IDP (Identity provider) and CKLS as SP (consumer) · Both SuccessFactors and CKLS are consumer of a third party IDP

3. Deployment guide

In this deployment guide, we will separate ownership of the tasks:

1. CrossKnowledge: this task must be executed by a CrossKnowledge consultant

2. SuccessFactors: this task must be executed by a SuccessFactors (or Partner) consultant

3. Customer: this task must be executed from someone in the customer"s IT department

3.1 Synchronize learners in CrossKnowledge Learner suite

Ownership: CrossKnowledge

The goal of the "User Synchronization" is to make sure that all users who are currently accessing

SuccessFactors also resides in the CrossKnowledge Learning Suite. In case users are missing in one or

both applications the import of the tracking in SuccessFactors could fail.

This task is done via regular CSV import files.

These files can be imported via the CrossKnowledge Learning Suite back office (one shot) or automatically via our generic import module.

3.2 Set up SAML authentication

Ownership: CrossKnowledge, SuccessFactors, Customer This task must be executed by all parties. The CrossKnowledge Learning Suite will act as a SP (Service Provider) - the IDP (Identity Provider) being either SuccessFactors or a third-party authentication service within the customer"s infrastructure. Here are the prerequisites for the CrossKnowledge Learning Suite.

3.3 Configure OCN (SuccessFactors" side)

Ownership: SuccessFactors

The following configuration tasks are just a copy and paste from the official SAP documentation. It is

subject to change, so, please follow the procedure on SAP"s portal.

1. Create a label that is the name of the provider so that users can see the name in their catalogs


2. Configure the non-standard provider in: System Admin -> Configuration -> System

Configuration -> OPEN CONTENT NETWORK (link)

Here is the block to append:

# Provider CrossKnowledge providers[CROSSKNOWLEDGE].enabled=true providers[CROSSKNOWLEDGE].label={LABEL} providers[CROSSKNOWLEDGE].baseLaunchUrl={BASE URL} providers[CROSSKNOWLEDGE].pricingModel=


· {LABEL} with the label id created step 1

· {BASE URL} with your CrossKnowledge Learning Suite instance"s URL

3. Configure import default values (link) for defaultValues.domainID[default],

defaultValues.itemCompletionStatus[default] and defaultValues.itemType[default]

4. Generate a client secret to enable token requests (link)

3.4 Configure OCN Connection (CrossKnowledge Learning Suite"s side)

Ownership: CrossKnowledge

1. Request IT-Support to activate HRIS connector (IT Ticket)

2. Enter connection parameters in the administration page

o Instance URL: SuccessFactors instance URL o OAuth Token: The OAuth Token is an 64 bits encode of the concatenation of

CompanyID, ":", and the generated client secret

Ex: Contoso:

Use https://www.base64encode.org/ to encode the string and client secret key generated from SuccessFactors back office. o Administrator account: generic administrator account used by the web service that synchronize CrossKnowledge Learning Suite library with SuccessFactors o Company Id: id of the company as it is in SuccessFactors

3.5 Setup the generic exports:

3.5.1 Content sync

Ask the IT Exploitation to create an export task for the selected content. This task should run every

night. Make sure that the following labels contain the correct values. ·