[PDF] Réunion du Groupe de travail en Sciences du Vivant COMPTE

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The Roll in England and France in the Late Middle Ages

346 items n'est pas parvenu à achever de noter les rentes assises à Saint-Aubin. Des traces de ... légiant notamment les achats ou les échanges.


08-Jul-2020 ville d'avenirs. Hervé florczak. Maire de Jouy-le-Moutier. Vice-président de la Communauté d'Agglomération de Cergy-Pontoise.

Annual Report 2009

Created in 1979 and directed by Thierry de Montbrial the French Institute of International nachter

Réunion du Groupe de travail en Sciences du Vivant COMPTE

d'aménagement et d'urbanisme Région Ile de France)

Le journal du Grand Paris

19-Sept-2020 Ile-de-France Capitale Économique and Choose Paris region ... Cergy-Pontoise is being built around its flagship ... ou d'achat); or.


346 items n'est pas parvenu à achever de noter les rentes assises à Saint-Aubin. Des traces de ... légiant notamment les achats ou les échanges.


Point Virgule est un groupe pluridisciplinaire de profession- internationaux de maîtrise d'œuvre urbaine de Cergy-Pon- ... ZAe des AuBIns.

European Patent Bulletin 1996/43

23-Oct-1996 Les détails concernant les modalités de paiement ... Trail Lacombe


21-Jul-2017 12-2017-07-18-003 - Course pédestre dénommée IKALANA Trail du Lévézou le ... Vendeur comptes cles nationaux CHUBB FRANCE

Rapport dactivité

de Recherche Clinique et d'Innovation. Ile-de-France. RAPPORT D'ACTIVITÉ 2014 - DRCD GIRCI. Direction de l'Organisation Médicale et des relations avec les 


b 5ĻΑΜΜ{5 aЋ {͸ 5ĻΑΜΜ{ŷ Le financement Idex doit être considéré comme un fond d"amorçage sur une durée de 2-3 ans. Le financement sur le long terme par les établissement partenaires ainsi que leur engagement constituent un critère majeur Impact (capacité à obtenir rapidement des résultats) sur la qualité et contenu de la recherche structuration et rayonnement du périmètre scientifique ParisȃSaclay Positionnement et enjeux stratégiques de la thématique par rapport à la situation régionale, nationale et internationale Articulation et complémentarité par rapport aux autres acteurs locaux Utilisation du budget et articulation avec d"autres sources : établissements partenaires, sources externes (ANR, organismes, Europe), industriels,... Détermination de quelques objectifs clairs et organisation des équipes afin de les atteindre S"ajoutent à ces critères des questions spécifiques adressées à chaque projet

De manière exceptionnelle, projets identifiés lors de l"élaboration de la stratégie scientifiqueSélection en deux phases


Fiche de 2 à 3 pages

Date butoir : 19 novembre 2012

Décision du Comité Idex : 21 novembre 2012

Validation pré-sélection + avis sur la provision budgétaire pour l"action recherche 2013 par l"Assemblée : 28 novembre 2012


Lancement : 29 novembre 2012

Date butoir : 16 janvier 2013, minuit

Evaluation par au moins un expert extérieur par projet

Retour experts : 31 mars 2013

Auditions des porteurs + premier classement : 9 avril 2013 Sélection Comité Idex + budget par projet : 17 avril 2013 Validation sélection + budgets par le CA FCS : 24 avril 2013 1.

ALIAS, Stéphane Aymerich

2. Institut de Modélisation des Systèmes Vivants, Vincent Fromion 3. Biotechnologies et chimie bio-sourcée et bio-inspirée, Jean-Luc Pernodet 4. Réseau énergie-climat de l"Université Paris-Saclay, Jean-Marc Agator 5.

Institut de Physique Avancée, Denis Ullmo


Matériaux Innovants, Christian Serre

7. Integrative genome biology, Frédéric Boccard 8.

Plateforme de Nano-Design, Jean-Noel Patillon


NeuroSaclay, Philippe Vernier

10. Physique et Ingénierie pour la Médecine (PIM), Irène Buvat 11. Développement de tEchniques innovantes de Simulations hYbrides 3D appliqué au Risque sismique (DESYR), Marie Pierre Bohar, Alain Le Maoult 12. Interactions Science Innovation et Sociétés (ISIS), J. Pélisse, Ch. Bessy, Ch.


13. Institut de la Société Numérique, Nozha Boujemaa 14.

Nanosatellites Paris-Saclay, Daniel Vidal-Madjar

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2 1 /<:/=7 ?NON RETENUS MAIS AVEC UN BUDGET D"ACCOMPAGNEMENT Les Départements de Recherche de l"Université Paris Saclay

Projets actuels

(estimation des tailles : commission électorale du 5 janvier 2012)

Sciences de la Vie : 1800 (+1000 ?)

Physique Ondes et Matière : 770

P2IO : 750

Chimie : 480

Géosciences : 210

Math : 370

SHS : 760

E&OE : 450

Mech Eng : 500

STIC : 1110

7200 -> 8631

IDEX Paris-Saclay


Digital Society Institute Project, January 16


Project Name :Digital Society Institute (DSI)

Project Type :Multi-Disciplinary Project

DSI Chair : MarcSchoenauerDirector at INRIA/ Saclay Ile de France Oce phone number :+33(0)169156626 marc.schoenauer@inria.fr DSI Deputy Chair : PatrickDuvautResearch Director of Telecom-Paristech Mobile phone number :+33(0)634066585 patrick.duvaut@telecom-paristech.frExecutive Summary The Digital Society Institute (DSI) will be the UPSa IDEX catalyst for multidisciplinary research on societal challenges inherent to eLife/life digitization. DSI research uniquely combines human oriented requirements for better acceptance of eLife equipments/services with innovative technological advances in order to improve user digital life experience. Digital Society Institute research topics implicate both Information and Communica- tion Technologies and Sciences (ICTS) and Social, Human and Economical Sciences (SHES) disciplines while current UPSa IDEX initiatives such as DigiCosme, Digiteo, CapDigital, SystemX, 3S, ... explore topics from a single of the ICTS or SHES perspectives. Digital Society Institute partners, inspired by the \Europe 2020" agenda, propose a stra- tegy tailored to the multidisciplinary questions revolving around eLife, focused on behavioral triggers of eLife adoption (termed Societal Enablers of eLife or SEeL that encompass both ICTS and SHES triggers) in all our daily activities : professional, medical, educational, en- tertainment, social, legal, economical, etc. The Digital Society Institute strategy is to discover, dene, evaluate, capitalize, and certify these Societal Enablers of eLife. SEeL from DSI research will address social, legal, ergonomic, psychological and economical requirements in all aspects of the Digital Society, across the full ecosystem of digital growth. DSI plans to be one of the European leading institutes fostering multidisciplinary re- search across ICTS & SHES, dedicated to the societal challenges inherent to digital life. DSI will become the leading European expert in certication, rating and standardization of eLife equipments and services (eHealth, eEducation, eIdentity, ePrivacy, eLaw, etc), le- veraging its strategy of focusing on Societal Enablers of eLife, SEeL and Quality of eLife (QeL) measuring. Besides bridging horizontally across SHES and ICTS, UPSa IDEX exper- tise and research collaboration, DSI activities will be an ecient agent in the vertical digital innovation ecosystem, locally and nationally. All DSI results, know-how and methodological platforms will be made available to local and national SMEs for innovation development and productization. The DSI light governance will rely on a single, wide participation, decision committee, the DSI Scientic Committee, that will convene once a month. Day-to-day operations and DSI outside representation will be managed by a three-member DSI Bureau that will be in touch once a week. As of January 16, 2013 DSI already hosts two ready to kick-o major research projects : (1) Human and Machine Coevolution (evolutionics) and (2) Privacy/digital identities. Other projects described here will be mounted in the rst six months of DSI operation. 1

Table of Contents

1 What is the Digital Society Institute (DSI)? 3

2 Why DSI will be the Flagship in Multidisciplinary research of UPSa IDEX dedicated

to societal challenges of eLife? 3

2.1 Positioning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


2.2 Strategy and 2016, 2019 milestones : Focus on Societal Enablers of eLife, (SEeL) . . . . .


2.3 National & International Ambitions, benchmarking . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


2.4 DSI expected Impacts on research, education, innovation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


3 Which Organizations are involved in the DSI? 5

3.1 Research Organizations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


3.2 Industry Partners . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


3.3 Key Partnership with MINATEC IDEAs Labs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


4 Who are the targeted users of DSI achievements? 6

5 What are the key dierentiators of the DSI w.r.t. other UPSa IDEX projects? 6

5.1 DSI dierentiators from the SHES-oriented UPSa ISIS project . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


5.2 DSI dierentiators from UPSa ICTS projects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


6 How the dierent multi-disciplinary teams will work together? 7

7 What is the DSI ramp up budget plan? 8

7.1 Initial 2013-2016 launching . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


7.2 Perennial Financing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


8 What is the DSI Governance? 8

9 Which research projects are aliated with the DSI? 9

9.1 Immediate Kick-O Projects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


9.1.1 Joint Human & Machine Evolution : Societal Enablers of eLife based (SEeL) on

Collaborative, Ubiquitous and Multimodal Interactions : INTERCO . . . . . . . . 9 INTERCO1. QUALIA : Quality of eLife (QeL) : autonomic management

of resources across a neighborhood of smart houses . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 INTERCO2. MATIN : Multi-activity, ATtention and INteraction in mo-

bility situations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11

9.1.2 Privacy and Digital Identity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

12 Information leakage, virtual footprints . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

13 Personal identity, anonymity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

13 Big Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


9.2 Short/Medium term kick-O Projects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


9.2.1 eHealth. Project iCARETIFY : Assessed and Certied Contact-less eCare Systems

and Services (Societal Enablers of eLife and Quality of eLife that pertain to eHealth) 14

9.2.2 eEducation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


9.2.3 Business models, Digitality and Ecosystems Dynamics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


9.2.4 INTERCO3. Con

icts with Embodied Conversational Agents in Virtual Worlds . . 16

9.2.5 eJustice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


9.2.6 INTERCO4. eMOI : e-mbodied M-iniature m-O-bile Interactions . . . . . . . . . .


A Teams Involved in DSI, January 16th 2013 19

B Five Selected Papers per Lab involved in DSI 22Digital Society Institute, (DSI) Presentation - 16/01/2013 Page 2

1 What is the Digital Society Institute (DSI)?

The Digital Society Institute (DSI) will be the UPSa IDEX catalyst for multi- disciplinary research on societal challenges inherent to eLife/life digitization. Our Digital Society Institute research, by nature, will cut across Social, Human and Econo- mical Sciences (SHES) and Information and Communication Technologies and Sciences (ICTS). The technology-centric ICTS disciplines make eLife a reality : our current virtual oces; spreading eCommerce and eBanking altering the way we spend, save and invest; recent ad- vances in eEducation & eHealth. A population of smart grids, robots, interfaces and machines has emerged that helps us in our everyday tasks, transports and challenges; the \Internet of Things" exists; new economy giants trading personal data world wide have arisen in spite of pri- vacy and trademarks rights issues; ubiquitous, multimodal and interactive multimedia invades entertainment, etc. The SHES disciplines tame the ICTS onslaught by putting human beings at the center of the Digital Society (r)evolution. SHES establish a human-centric debate about ergonomics, comfort, acceptance, ethics, psychological and legal aspects as well as the economical dimensions in the unstoppable digital transformation of life. This digital transformation poses also important or- ganizational issues in the business arena. Digital Society Institute research will join ICTS & SHES expertise to tackle these necessarily multidisciplinary issues that concern the emerging and future digital life of human beings.

2 Why DSI will be the Flagship in Multidisciplinary research

of UPSa IDEX dedicated to societal challenges of eLife?

2.1 Positioning

In spite of personal computer penetration, widespread high speed Internet access, rapid mobile phone diusion, skyrocketing tablets sales, and the advent of anytime/anywhere com- munication, recent surveys show that users do not see these ICTS applications and eServices as alleviating the challenges of their daily lives, limiting declared benets of digital life to commu- nication and entertainment. Why so limited? This dicult question, albeit crucial to Digital Society growth, is at the heart of our DSI studies. People are not yet ready to accept many digital solutions because of persistent concerns : lack of trust, lack of security, lack of ergonomics, lack of psychological adaptation, lack of new business models, lack of suited and relevant legal framework (especially regarding personal data, digital identities, privacy), ownership of intellectual property, trademark rights, and more. Digging deeper these issues require close collaboration between SHES and ICTS experts who are already part of UPSa IDEX, especially in the School of Economics and Social Science, School of Business, School of Law and in the School of Engineering Information Science and Technology. DSI research uniquely combines human oriented requirements for better acceptance of eLife equipments/services with innovative technological advances in order to improve user digital life experience. These research topics implicate both ICTS and SHES disciplines. Current UPSa IDEX initiatives such as (but not limited to) : DigiCosme, Digiteo, CapDigital, SystemX,

3S, etc. merely dig deeper into topics from a single of the ICTS or SHES elds.

Besides horizontally bridging across SHES & ICT, UPSa IDEX expertise and research colla- boration, DSI activities will be an ecient agent in the "continuous" vertical digital innovation

ecosystem, locally and nationally. Expected DSI achievements encompass conceptual problemsDigital Society Institute, (DSI) Presentation - 16/01/2013 Page 3

solving, the use/design of methodological platforms (living labs, focus groups, serious games and virtual world experimentations), prototyping, certication, and standardization of eLife protocols, and interactions with machine, robots, and cars, etc. All DSI results, know-how and methodological platforms will be made available to local and national SMEs for innovation de- velopment and productization. Methodological platforms and eLife prototyping will leverage the UPsa IDEX Equipex, such as DigiScope (EVE Virtual Reality Cube, WILD, etc.) and the SmartHouse "Mobilemii". UPSa IDEX value-chain services, industry connections and regional instances relationship will be core assets of DSI activities integration along the innovation axis.

2.2 Strategy and 2016, 2019 milestones : Focus on Societal Enablers of eLife,

(SEeL) Digital Society Institute partners propose a dierent, innovative strategy, tailored to the mul- tidisciplinary questions revolving around eLife, focusing on both behavioral and technological triggers of eLife adoption, that we call Societal Enablers of eLife (SEeL that encompass com- bined SHES and ICTS triggers), in all our daily activities : professional, medical, educational,

entertainment, social, legal, economical, etc. DSI strategy is to unveil, dene, evaluate, capitalize,

and certify these Societal Enablers of eLife. SEeL are expected to be the DSI research drivers that meet social, legal, ergonomic, psychological and economical requirements in all aspects the of Digital Society and across the full ecosystem of digital growth. DSI objectives until 2016 are to unveil, dene and evaluate SEeL and QeL in key elds of Digital Society, health, education, law, wellness, energy. Beyond 2016 and up to 2019 DSI acti- vities will focus on "prototyping", capitalizing and certifying SEeL. Fine objectives are detailed per projects in section 9. Practically, DSI strategy will combine specic levers at dierent levels. In addition to in- dustry partners, public organizations involved in health, law, personal rights (CNIL, Arcep, Hadopi, CERNA, OECD) will be active members of DSI Think-Tanks and the scientic com- mittee (agreements have already been signed between DSI agents and the CNIL for instance). Dedicated behavioral-oriented experimentation platforms will contribute not only to validating conceptual approaches but also to helping local and national SMEs, boosting the impact of SME developments and products via SEeL awareness. Dierent measures of Quality of eLife (QeL) according to dierent societal elds (health, education, law, etc.) will be introduced to support needed certication and normalization activities. Focusing on SEeL is necessarily at the heart of the triptych : human being, Digital Technology and Nature/Environment. Identifying, dening and capitalizing SEeL will contribute to 21st century challenges such as the renewable energy, the lengthening of life, new needs for wellness, the scarcity of natural resources, climate change, eCitizen rights, mass education and information based jobs.

2.3 National & International Ambitions, benchmarking

DSI plans to become one of the European leading institutes fostering multidisciplinary re- search across ICTS & SHES, dedicated to the societal challenges inherent to digital life. DSI also expects to be the leading European expert in certication (see for instancex9.21. iCARETIFY project), rating and standardization of eLife equipments and services (eHealth, eEducation, eI- dentity, ePrivacy, eLaw, etc), leveraging its strategy of focus on Societal Enablers of eLife, SEeL and Quality of eLife (QeL) measuring.

Nationally, DSI is the rst project on eLife multidisciplinary research in the French DigitalDigital Society Institute, (DSI) Presentation - 16/01/2013 Page 4

Ecosystem. As a prime mover, DSI will request, with the help of UPSa IDEX and its partners, recognition from the Ministere de l'Economie Numerique (MEN)", as theFrench DSI. As such it could benet from dedicated MEN fundings and subsequently gain critical mass and subsequent impact on national education, research, innovation. We know of at least one other European multidisciplinary institute located in Sweden, the Lund Institute for Internet LUii, that also deals with societal aspects due to life digitization. LUii, established in early 2012, hosts an Advanced Study Group (ASG) on the Digital Society and states The aim of the ASG is to create a multi- and cross-disciplinary research program centered on prospects and challenges of digitization in society, as well as to identify key issues within this broad eld in order to catalyze the formation of research regarding these key issues We, at the DSI, plan to connect with LUii to identify common research topics, methodolo- gical platforms and complete a broader international benchmarking of such multidisciplinary institutes, possibly joining forces for European funding.

2.4 DSI expected Impacts on research, education, innovation

The DSI will contribute to UPSa IDEX core missions by naturally leveraging its multidisci- plinary approaches towards : more specialized research involving UPSa IDEX "Departements", education degrees that will provide students with a multi-disciplinary understanding of the impact of the digital s ocietyon individuals, organizations an dso cietyas a whole, the main issues and c hallengesof the digital so ciety,pr eparingstuden tsto b eactiv e citizens in a digital society and part of the digital economy. DSI will also contribute to local and national economic growth, aligning digital market de- mands and the ICTS products/services features, throughSocietal Enablers of eLife(SEeL) awareness. DSI impact on research, education and innovation is expected to go beyond the UPSa IDEX perimeter, with objectives that are consistent with theEurope 2020 strategy and agship initia- tivesthat advocate multidisciplinary actions to boost economic growth.

3 Which Organizations are involved in the DSI?

3.1 Research Organizations

The following research institutions are committed, sometimes through several dierent labo- ratories (already demonstrating the interdisciplinarity of the targeted research themes) : CNRS,


Universite Paris-Sud (ADIS/PESOR/Chair on intellectual capital, CERDI, LRI) Telecom-ParisTech (LTCI : SES, INFRES, TSI, et COMELEC)





Ecole Centrale (MAS)

Ecole Polytechnique (Chaire IRSN/PREG, LIX)

Supelec (IHS/E3S, SSE/E3S, Telecom et reseaux/L2S, CIDRE, Economie) HEC (Laboratoire EOLE)Digital Society Institute, (DSI) Presentation - 16/01/2013 Page 5

3.2 Industry Partners

Numerous partnerships discussions and negotiations are going on, especially with Renault, EDF, Ubisoft, Thales, Orange, many SMEs. Nevertheless, to make any further commitment, Companies are waiting for the ocial selection of the DSI project by the FCS.

3.3 Key Partnership with MINATEC IDEAs Labs

DSI and MINATEC IDEAs Lab are currently building a key partnership that will help to foster multidisciplinary research activities across ICTS and SHES, revolving around eLife. MINATEC IDEAs Lab has a unique experience in multi-eld studies joining technologists and SHES experts to address the issues of human beings evolution in the emerging Digital Society. This will denitely be a valuable asset to kick-o DSI activities.

4 Who are the targeted users of DSI achievements?

Several potential partners have already expressed interest in the Institute and in its results : Private companies : Thales, Orange, Renault, Ubisoft, EDF, ...; Public regulation and lawmaking organisms : CNIL (with whom Inria, Universite Pa- ris Sud, Institut Mines-Telecom are already ocially collaborating), Arcep, Hadopi, As- semblee Nationale (OPECST); CERNA, the Allistene think-tank dedicated to ethical issues in digital sciences and tech- nologies research; the GIS Culture-Media et numerique, and the CNN (Conseil National du Numerique); International institutions, like the Institute for Prospective Technological Studies), and OCDE; European projects : Futur ICT, the FET Flagship, whose goal is to build a global model of the society, including social, political, economical, and cultural aspects).

5 What are the key dierentiators of the DSI w.r.t. other UPSa

IDEX projects?

5.1 DSI dierentiators from the SHES-oriented UPSa ISIS project

The UPSa IDEX project called Interactions between Science, Innovation and Society (ISIS) will inherit the contents of two previous IDEX proposals : (i) LISI, targeting Innovation and Entrepreneurship and (ii) 6S, aimed at boosting research collaboration amongst SHES commu- nities of UPSa. ISIS will also foster new emerging topics, such as Science, Law and Technology. Though ICTS topics might be "objects of research", the ISIS project is only focused on SHES research activities with no ICTS research undertaken in ICTS elds. The Digital Society Institute studies tackle joint ICTS and SHES issues inherent to societal chal- lenges of the Digital Life. Life digitization is the main driver of DSI multidisciplinary studies, which is not the case of ISIS.

5.2 DSI dierentiators from UPSa ICTS projects

UPSa is a key actor in eld of Information and Communication Sciences and Technolo- gies (ICTS) with a research community of more than 2600 scientic sta in 23 laboratories. This community is well structured, starting with Digiteo research cluster, \scientic projects of excellence" created in 2004 by the main actors of academic research in the Saclay area : CEA, CNRS, INRIA, Ecole Polytechnique, Supelec and University Paris-Sud, augmented by \Associate partners" : Ecole Centrale Paris, ENS Cachan, University of Versailles-Saint-Quentin, Institut Mines-Telecom, Mines-Paristech, and ENSTA-ParisTech. These scientic partners decided to

join eorts to develop their research in ICTS coherently, increasing the economic impact of thisDigital Society Institute, (DSI) Presentation - 16/01/2013 Page 6

research. The scientic spectrum of Digiteo has been dened as the theory, design, development and validation of software-intensive systems, from system-on-chip to high performance computing and large software, including embedded systems and robots. Spanning fundamental to techno- logical developments, the ambition of Digiteo is to help make Saclay one of the best places for research into ICTS at the international level. This ambition translates into three main objec- tives : to optimize the scientic potential of Digiteo, to increase the cluster's attractiveness, and to amplify its economic impact. The strategy is built on a common view of the scientic program, technology transfer policy and governance. In the framework of the \Investments for the Future" Program (PIA), the UPSa ICTS com- munity is involved in DigiCosme, a Laboratory of Excellence (Labex), and in Digiscope, an Equipment of Excellence. DigiCosme, an integral part of Digiteo, unites researchers from 11 hi- gher education and research institutions (CEA, CNRS, EcolePolytechnique, Supelec, Inria, Uni- versite Paris-Sud, Ecole Centrale Paris, ENS Cachan, ENSTAParisTech, Institut Mines-Telecom and Universite Versailles St Quentin). The mission of this LabEx is to deliver an eective tech- nical response to the needs created by the digital revolution and the growing importance of Information and Communication Sciences and Technologies (ICTS) in the scientic and econo- mic landscape, focused on the challenges posed by the ecient processing of massive data and secure data access. Digiscope is a network for experimentation on remote collaborative interactions with com- plex data. The EquipEx Digiscope provides a set of diversied and collaborative capabilities on devices for interactive visualization and virtual reality. It combines world-renowned teams with already existing means of massive computing (Maison de la Simulation, meso-center of the ECP, Teratec). This equipment addresses technical issues concerning the industrial design processes, experimental sciences and decision as a digital pedagogy support. The Equipex Digiscope is a set of equipment dedicated to experimentation in ICTS and members of Digiscope will provide access to them to projects developed in the framework of DSI. The objectives of both Digiteo and DigiCosme are to accelerate research in the ICTS eld to impact the socio-economic world. As they arefocused on the technical challenges, they are clearly positioned upstream of the DSI project providing to society new breakthrough tech- nologies. These Digiteo, DigiCosme and Digiscope initiatives have brought to light the currently unsa- tised need to assess the compliance of their technological solutions with the key social challenges

addressed by DSI, in particular, security, reliability, liability, responsibility, etc... Thus the DSI

project is key facilitator for both Digiteo and DigiCosme, allowing them to validate and promote their results within the larger socio-economic world.

6 How the dierent multi-disciplinary teams will work toge-

ther? Expected Format of collaboration. DSI participants do not underestimate the major diculty in the multidisciplinary execution of transversal research projects, stretched across ICTS and SHES. Though \Intra-eld multidisciplinary research studies", within ICTS or within SHES, may be accomplished by a singularly gifted PhD student supervised by a mix of ICTS or SHES experts, \Inter-eld multi-disciplinary research work", across SHES and ICTS, with their dierent skill sets and goals, seems beyond the achievement of a single PhD student. This is why we recommend that DSI projects, that necessarily require research in both ICTS and SHES elds, be accomplished under a unique multi-expertise team of supervisors bytwo tightly collaborative researchers, one of them more specialized in ICTS studies, the other one more SHES oriented. The tightly collaborative researchers could be a combination of PhDs, Postdocs, visiting researchers, etc. Dedicated program management will organize the dierent executive milestones of both collaborative researchers to assure that the underlying cross feeding can eciently occur.Digital Society Institute, (DSI) Presentation - 16/01/2013 Page 7 DSI research execution will be ICTS & SHES tandem-centric. It is worth also mentioning that several DSI protagonists have a long history of successful large scale multidisciplinary research projects, as challenging as DSI. This will be a valuable asset of DSI execution reliability.

7 What is the DSI ramp up budget plan?

7.1 Initial 2013-2016 launching

The total budget needed for the rst 3 years of the Institute is1.75 Me. Details : PhD grants : 5 interdisciplinary PhD grants will be allocated for the 3 years. They cost

50keper scholarship per year, i.e., in total 750 keover the 3 years.

Summer Schools : will be run during years 2 and 3. The cost is 50 keper School, hence

100kein total for the rst 3 years.

Think-Tanks : we want to run 3 Think-Tanks per year, one with physical lock-in meetings (estimated cost 40ke), and 2 where most participants use audio-conferencing (estimated cost 20keeach). In total, this amounts to 80keper year, 240kefor the 3 years. Workshops : 3-4 thematic workshops will be organized every year, for an estimated cost of approximately 100keper year, i.e. 300kefor the 3 years. Chaires/Post-docs : One chair of excellence, or 2 Post-doc grants will be allocated every year, costing 120keper year. Total 360kefor the 3 years.

7.2 Perennial Financing

After the rst 3 years, with an established record of DSI activities, we can build a strong case for national and EU funding on our own, with the target of nancial autonomy a few years later. Several participating institutions have already indicated that they would target some of their own resources (PhD grants, post-docs positions, ...) to topics relevant to the Institute activities. We will ask for yearly nancial contributions from the participating academic institutions and industrial partners (see Section 3). We will also apply to regional call for DIM (Domaine d'Inter^et

8 What is the DSI Governance?

Light Governance. During the rst 6 months, DSI participants favor a light governance to manage immediate activities kick-o without initially relying on any particular legal structurequotesdbs_dbs24.pdfusesText_30
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