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Les opportunités daffaire en Tanzanie

La Tanzanie sera t-elle un des privés et économiques du pays et le départ de ... Difficultés de l'environnement des affaires à ne pas sous-estimer:.

Pitch Mission Explore & Match - Tanzanie - Rwanda

4 mars 2022 L'opportunité de détecter et développer des courants d'affaires au ... Transformation en économie de marché dans les années 1990 avec des ...

Présentation PowerPoint

15 févr. 2022 Seuls L'Ethiopie la Tanzanie et Djibouti n'ont pas connu de récessions en 2020. • Des ... favorable et la réalité du climat des affaires :.


2 avr. 2015 9h-12h. Séminaire d'informations « faire des affaires en Tanzanie » avec Mme l'Ambassadrice et la chef de la mission économique. 12h00.

Chers lecteurs Au moment où je prépare cet éditorial


Tanzanie - 2011-2015 - Document de stratégie pays

principal à savoir aider la Tanzanie à rendre son économie plus compétitive et parvenir la pratique des affaires et d'autres difficultés structurelles.

Des opportunités nouvelles pour les organisations demployeurs et

Un monde des affaires en évolution Bureau international du Travail et L'évolution de l'intégration économique mondiale amène des opportunités et des.

Tanzanie - 2011-2015 - Document de stratégie pays

principal à savoir aider la Tanzanie à rendre son économie plus compétitive et parvenir la pratique des affaires et d'autres difficultés structurelles.

Cartographie des agences de promotion de linvestissement

clés des API de 32 économies de l'OCDE et 19 des pays d'Amérique latine et des opportunités d'investissement et le climat des affaires dans leur pays ...

Chers lecteurs Pour une fois je nintroduirai pas cet éditorial par un

1 févr. 2022 au 27 janvier pour identifier les opportunités d'affaires que ce ... Tanzanie (gaz) et surtout en Ouganda (pétrole) où TotalEnergies est un ...





29 MARS AU 02 AVRIL 2015


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ENTREPRISE Nom participant(s) Mail Téléphone CYATHEA Pierre Yves Fabulet py.fabulet@cyathea.fr +262 692 86 91 64

GAIA Yan Riviere/ Thibault


yanriviere@gaia.re / thibaultrebelle@gaia.re +262 692 97 10 40 /
+262 692 76 13 72
ENVIRONNEMENT PARTENAIRE Bruno Renard environnement-partenaire@orange.fr +262 692 37 42 22 MB ARCHITECTES Frédéric Boyer fboyer@mb-archi.com +262 692 21 59 89 HC ENVIRONNEMENT Alex How Choong ahowchoong@gmail.com +262 692 65 57 48 SEANERGY OI Dominique Thirel d.thirel@seanergy-oi.com +262 692 66 86 66 SFER Nathalie Phileas nathalie.phileas.freesolar@gmail.com +33 698 35 77 84 GREEN BIRD Bernard Reverdy b.reverdy@gmail.com +262 692 66 23 00


Cyrille Bouard

laurent.lemaitre@integrale.re / cyrille.bouard@integrale.re +262 692 69 12 69 /
+262 692 87 16 68
L'ATELIER.ARCHITECTES Adrien Landucci adrien.landucci@latelierarchitectes.eu +262 692 35 86 58



REGION REUNION Jean-Pierre Legras


Délégation de la Réunion



Company Activities: (Cyathea is an engineering consulting firm giving applied expertise and advice relating to land and natural environmental development and ecological integration of projects. Since 1994, Cyathea has intervened with planners, developers, industrialists and public organizations.

Cyathea has been developing technical and scientific skills in Indian Ocean (Réunion, Mayotte) and is

characterized by fields of activities like: Expertise and advice, Technical and environmental

assistance, Mediation, providing our clients with our full expertise and experience in order to achieve

their land planning and development projects. Contact details: Mr Pierre-Yves FABULET - Executive Manager - py.fabulet@cyathea.fr - +262 692 86 91 64


Company Activities : GAIA is a renewable energy company founded in Reunion Island that focusses

on solar hot water heating systems. GAIA specializes in design, installation, maintenance and facilities

management for residential and business applications including hotels, hospitals, industry or social and collective housing. We use the latest technologies to bring about the most efficient use of the areas based on its own engineers and specialists. Our production teams are regularly trained and we are looking for permanent evolution of our technologies, our skills, our working methods. Contact details : Yan Riviere, General Manager, yanriviere@gaia.re +262 692971040 - Thibault Rebelle, Technical Director, thibaultrebelle@gaia.re +262 692761372


Company Activities :

Environnement partenaire is your partner for Energy and Environment. Our office operates in

sustainable development and environmental management for companies and communities. ENVIRONNEMENT PARTENAIRE is acting in the organization of waste management and prevention of waste. Environnement partenaire conducts feasibility studies in various fields including renewable energy (solar photovoltaic and hydropower) and energy management. Complementing its range of skills and interventions, ENVIRONNEMENT PARTENAIRE is also active in the development of territories and the development of new economic sectors. Environnement partenaire is located in the city of LE PORT, with the benefit of structures and resources made available by the SEMIR (premises, equipment, reception, secretariat). Contact details : Bruno RENARD , General Manager, +262 692 374 222 environnement- partenaire@orange.fr




Company Activities: MALECOT & BOYER Architectes is an architectural studio established in 2006 by two partners Architects, Maude MALECOT and Frédéric BOYER.

This studio feeds on different Reunion Island's influences to offer the best answer to climate, societal

and local economic issues.

Their projects, diverse in scale and type, demonstrate our skills in providing comprehensive

architectural services, always working within cost and time constraints. The services they provide cover all aspects of architecture, from inception to implementation. Our current partnership with other specialized consultants allows us to provide package deals in the fields of Environment, Engineering, Urban Design and Town Planning. Their daily professional practice in the French regulatory environment in the humid tropics, has led us to have specific expertise for the adaptation of buildings in their environment especially in the southern hemisphere. Contact details: M. Frédéric BOYER, architect, fboyer@mb-archi.com (Mobile: +262 692 21 59 89, Work: +262 262 55 33 20, website: www.mb-archi.com)


Company Activities: How-Choong Environment (HCE) is an independent SME in the waste industry. For more than 30 years, its mission has been to contribute to the sustainable development of the territory in which it operates. Waste collection, sorting, recovery and recycling are its areas of expertise. HCE provides total traceability of waste collection and treatment owing to the use of advanced technology, industrial and secure solution to leachate issues, innovative approach to waste storage and recovery, mastered solutions that can be rapidly implemented (methanization, biomass valorization). With 250 employees, 10 cities, more than 2000000 kilometers covered per year, HCE is a major player in the waste industry in Reunion Island. Contact details: M. Alex HOW-CHOONG, Business Development, ahowchoong@wanadoo.fr, +262

692 65 57 48


Company Activities : Seanergy OI is a flourishing maritime, underwater and special works company. With ISO9001:2008 and OHSAS18001:2007 certification, it is active in the Indian Ocean and has over 20 years' experience in this region (Madagascar, Reunion Island, Mauritius).

Contact details: 4 Rue Jules THIREL, nΣ14B Centre d'affaire la Balance, Saǀannah - 97460 SAINT-

PAUL Réunion Island info@seanergy-oi.com www.seanergy-oi.com +262 (0) 262 57 28 33 SFER Company Activities: SFER is a French group founded in 2008 based in Reunion Island whose activity is the installation of photovoltaic plants. Located across the Indian Ocean to the heart of Vanilla Islands (Mauritius, Madagascar, Mayotte, Comoros, Seychelles), the SFER group has quickly established itself as a regional solar leader with more than 1600 installations and 20 MWp connected in 6years. In 2011, BETER our engineering and R & D company created a pre-wired board for solar kits which aims is to cover low energy needs. Thus was born Freesolar. Freesolar is designed for autonomous solar kits with power from 600W to 3000W to respond to Microenergy needs. Contact details: Nathalie Phileas, nathalie.phileas.freesolar@gmail.com, +33 698 35 77 84 6


Company Activities: Green Bird Sarl is a recycling and trading firm based on Reunion Island. Our subsidiary located in South Africa is a private agency for sustainable development promoting green technologies in Africa. Our networks of partners are involved in the following sectors: Agriculture, Renewables Energies, Biomass conversion and Beneficiation of mine dumps. We are acting as project developer from desk top study to bankable feasibility. Contact details: M. Bertrand Reverdy, CEO, bertrand.reverdy@gmail.com +262 692 66 23 00 or +27 83 679 12 89


Company Activities:

Integrale is an Engineering Consulting Company which offers specialized expertise to its clients in the

6 fields listed below:

- Structural engineering: such as concrete, metal and wood structure, roofing, sealing, cladding and siding. - Electrical engineering: power supply and low power, photovoltaic systems, in/outdoor illuminating engineering.

- HVAC and facilities: air conditioning, ventilation, plumbing, sprinkler, medical fluids, solar hot water

production. arrangements and building structure, people evacuation, goods and people protection, fire safety systems management.

- Road system and public utilities / work site preparation: Outside buildings arrangements, levelling,

parking, service roads and networks, fencing, network management (electricity, telecommunication, outdoor lighting, water supply, waste water, rainwater,..)

- Green building design: tropical architecture and design in hot climate (sunshade, envelope, natural

cross-ventilation, access to daylight), acoustic, energy efficiency, green construction materials, life

We haǀe more than 10 years' edžperience in construction engineering and sustainable construction

design in the tropics with respect of European standards. Our strong expertise and innovative way of seeing construction engineering as one and same thing and not only an addition of various domains

offer to our client the warranty they expect to lead their construction project at the best quality and

cost. We strongly believe in team work and multicultural influences to make the project the most qualitative and efficient in order to match our customer needs. Contact details: M. Laurent LEMAITRE, Director, laurent.lemaitre@integrale.re +262692691269


Company Activities: l'atelier.architectes is an architecture agency founded in 2002 and based in Saint-

Denis (FR, Réunion 974). The agency unites 40 collaborators in a multidisciplinary team : architects,

engineers (structure, road and networks, utilities, environment), economists in construction, project

managers and administratives.

l'atelier.architectes works as well with public and private clients. Projects are diversified for 13 years:

housing units (600 under study), equipment projects (museum, cultural centers, hospital, aqua-park), historical monuments and hotels. Since 2014, l'atelier.architectes has an office in Paris.

Contact details:

M. Sylvain GUY, General Manager, sylvain.guy@latelierarchitectes.eu (+262 262 23 70 01) M. Adrien LANDUCCI, Engineering office manager, adrien.landucci@latelierarchitectes.eu 7 D - Dimanche 29 mars 2015 -

06h30 Accueil Club Export Réunion aéroport

08h00 Départ aéroport Rolland Garros -St Denis ( escale à Johannesburg)

18h50 Arrivée aéroport Dar Es Salaam

19h30 Transfert hôtel

délégation - Lundi 30 Mars 2015 -

9h-12h SĠminaire d'informations ͨ faire des affaires en Tanzanie » avec Mme

l'Ambassadrice et la chef de la mission économique

12h00 Déjeuner en présence de la section Tanzanie des Conseillers du

Commerce Extérieur de la France (CCEF)

14h00-17h00 Rencontres individuelles avec les CCEF, entreprises et bailleurs de fonds.

Début des premiers BtoB

20h00 Cocktail dinatoire à la Résidence de France avec Madame

l'Ambassadrice - Mardi 31 Mars 2015 - JOURNEE CLIMAT

8h15 Départ navette pour le séminaire

9h - 17h

Journée " Expertise française:

énergies propres,

environnement et climat »

Ou Début des programmes de RDV

BtoB pour les entreprises des autres

secteurs d'actiǀitĠ

17h Inauguration de l'edžposition ͨ 60 solutions face au changement

19h Repas collectif au restaurant " La Terrace »

- Mercredi 01 avril 2015 - JOURNEE RDV BTOB

13H00 - 15H00 Interǀention de l'AFD

15H00 - 18H00 Rdv BtoB dans les entreprises

19H00 Repas de fin de mission et debriefing

- Jeudi 02 avril 2015 -

04h00 Transfert Aéroport

06h50 Départ aéroport Dar Es Salaam (escale à Johannesburg)

17h20 ArriǀĠe ă l'aĠroport Rolland Garros - St Denis


8 croissance forte et avec des atouts moins difficiles à surmonter que le Mozambique (barrières de la langue moindre, historiquement plus stable et moins dépendante du gaz,..), la Tanzanie est l'un des marchĠs les plus prometteurs de notre planğte. L'Ġtude ͨCities of Opportunity Africa ͩ, commandé par le cabinet PWC va en ce sens. En effet, dans son étude parue le 17 mars dernier, la 1ère du genre, Dar-Es-Salaam est classée

premiğre ǀille en terme d'opportunitĠs d'affaires. La Tanzanie a en effet un taux de

croissance qui avoisine les 7% depuis près de 10 ans. Encore une fois, lorsque nous savons que le pays est situé géographiquement à nos portes, il serait dommage pour les entreprises rĠunionnaises de ne pas saisir l'opportunitĠ d'une développement durable et de tropicalisation des procédés, peut largement répondre aux besoins du marché Tanzanien.

Le Club Export a été honorĠ d'accompagner pour la premiğre fois, une dĠlĠgation

en parfaite coordination avec Business France, qui bénéficie du soutien des Conseillers du

Commerce Extérieur de la France sur place. Vous trouverez ci-après un résumé du déroulé

de cette mission.

Dimanche 29 mars ti}quotesdbs_dbs33.pdfusesText_39

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[PDF] Diplômes concernés. En milieu confiné (Art D4153-34) De montage et démontage d échafaudages (Art4153-31)

[PDF] Accompagnement à la certification PMP pour cadres et exécutifs (PMET)

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[PDF] FICHE. ConseilOrga THÉMATIQUE. Quelles différences entre ISO et PMI, concernant le management de projet? Mars. Asssitance & Direction de projets