[PDF] Five Ways to Crack a Vigenère Cipher

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Five Ways to Crack a Vigenère Cipher

computer and can write simple code The examples in this paper are in Python 3 (for Python 3, / and // behave differently, so be careful) The Vigenère cipher The Vigenère cipher is a periodic polyalphabetic substitution cipher The key is a string of characters

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Five Ways to Crack a Vigenère Cipher

Five Ways to Crack a Vigenère Cipher

brought to you by The Mad Doctor ("madness")

This is just a review of five nice ways to break a Vigenère cipher. It assumes that you are using a

computer and can write simple code. The examples in this paper are in Python 3 (for Python 3, / and // behave differently, so be careful).

The Vigenère cipher

The Vigenère cipher is a periodic polyalphabetic substitution cipher. The key is a string of characters.

To explain how the cipher works, let's first replace the characters of the key and the characters of the

plaintext by integers, where A=0, B=1, ..., Z=25. The length of the key let's call the period or L. So the

key is just a set of numbers k0, k1, ..., kL-1. Next take the plaintext and express it also as a list of

numbers: p0, p1, p2, ... The text is encrypted by adding a number from the key modulo 26 to a number from the plaintext, where we run through the key over and over again as needed as we run through the plaintext. As an equation, the ith character is encrypted like this: ci = (pi + ki mod L) mod 26 After that, the ciphertext is expressed as letters instead of numbers.

Here is a Python routine that encrypts a text:


def encrypt(plaintext,key): ciphertext = '' for i in range(len(plaintext)): p = ALPHABET.index(plaintext[i]) k = ALPHABET.index(key[i%len(key)]) c = (p + k) % 26 ciphertext += ALPHABET[c] return ciphertext Decryption is simply the inverse. In other words, instead of adding, we subtract. Here is some code: def decrypt(ciphertext,key): plaintext = '' for i in range(len(ciphertext)): p = ALPHABET.index(ciphertext[i]) k = ALPHABET.index(key[i%len(key)]) c = (p - k) % 26 plaintext += ALPHABET[c] return plaintext

Frequency tables

For everything we do from this point forward, we are going to need to know the frequencies of letters

as they are used in English. We are also going to need to know the frequencies of combinations of letters. It is up to you whether you want to use digrams (two-letter combinations) which are not so

good, or trigrams (three-letter combinations) which are better, or tetragrams (four-letter combinations)

which are just fine. In this paper I am going with tetragrams.

To build your frequency tables, start with a large piece of English text. I used twelve British novels

(remember that American spelling is different) that I strung together. To build my monogram (single- letter) frequency table, I used code similar to this: monofrequencies = [0]*26 for char in text: x = ALPHABET.index(char) monofrequencies[x] += 1 for i in range(26): monofrequencies[i] = monofrequencies[i] / len(text)

Here is a graph of the monogram frequencies:

To build the tetragram frequency table, the code was similar to this: tetrafrequencies = [0]*26*26*26*26 for i in range(len(text) - 3): x = (ALPHABET.index(text[i])*26*26*26 +

ALPHABET.index(text[i+1])*26*26 +

ALPHABET.index(text[i+2])*26 +


tetrafrequencies[x] += 1 for i in range(26*26*26*26): tetrafrequencies[i] = tetrafrequencies[i] / (len(text)-3)


Fitness is a way to quantify how closely a piece of text resembles English text. One way to do this is to

compare the frequencies of tetragrams in the text with the frequency table that we built in the last

section. It turns out that throwing in a logarithm helps, too. The basic idea is to start with zero and add

the log of the value from our table for each tetragram that we find in the text that we are evaluating,

then divide by the number of tetragrams to get an average. The average is more useful than the total

because it allows our programs to make decisions independent of the length of the text. Defined in this

way, the fitness of English texts is typically around -9.6.

In equation form the fitness is

F(t) = (1/N) Σtetragrams log fEnglish(text[i,...,i+3])

Some Python code:

from math import log def fitness(text): result = 0 for i in range(len(text)-3): tetragram = text[i:i+4] x = (ALPHABET.index(tetragram[0])*26*26*26 +

ALPHABET.index(tetragram[1])*26*26 +

ALPHABET.index(tetragram[2])*26 +


y = tetrafrequencies[x] if y == 0: result += -15 # some large negative number else: result += log(y) result = result / (len(text) - 3) return result Finding the period (keylength): index of coincidence The Kasisky method for finding the period involves finding groups of characters that reoccur in the

ciphertext. The distances between repeating groups are multiples of the period. This is fine and good,

but we have a more modern way to find the period: the index of coincidence.

The index of coincidence (IoC) measures the likelihood that any two characters of a text are the same.

A concise formula for the IoC is

I = 26 Σi=AZ ni (ni - 1) / N (N - 1)

where ni are the counts of the letters in the text, and N is the total number of characters. Notice that I

use a normalization factor of 26 which does not appear in Friedman's original definition. With this normalization, a random text has an IoC close to 1, while English text is close to 1.7.

To use the IoC to find the period of the cipher, we cut the ciphertext into m slices, where each slice

contains every mth letter. Then we find the IoC for each slice and average them. We do this for various

choices of m. The smallest m with an average IoC close to 1.7 is our period. For example, here we see

the IoC versus the number of slices m. The period for this example is 7. To put it all together, here is some sample Python code that finds the period: def index_of_coincidence(text): counts = [0]*26 for char in text: counts[ALPHABET.index(char)] += 1 numer = 0 total = 0 for i in range(26): numer += counts[i]*(counts[i]-1) total += counts[i] return 26*numer / (total*(total-1)) found = False period = 0 while not found: period += 1 slices = ['']*period for i in range(len(ciphertext)): slices[i%period] += ciphertext[i] sum = 0 for i in range(period): sum += index_of_coincidence(slices[i]) ioc = sum / period if ioc > 1.6: found = True Now we have enough tools to start attacking the Vigenère cipher.

Method #1: Brute force

The brute-force method, also called exhaustive search, simply tries every possible key until the right

one is found. If we know the period from the IoC test above, then we can at least reduce the options to

keys with the correct length. Otherwise, we start at length 1 (same as a Caesar cipher), and work our

way up. We know when to stop when the fitness of the decryption is close to the fitness of typical

English text.

Here is a snippet of code that assumes that we have already found the period and that it is 3. Yes, the

"else" statements are in the right places. You will have to be clever to write your own code that works

for any period, or which runs through all periods until it finds the key. key = ['']*3 for key[0] in ALPHABET: for key[1] in ALPHABET: for key[2] in ALPHABET: pt = decrypt(ciphertext,key) fit = fitness(pt) if fit > -10: break else: continue break else: continue break plaintext = decrypt(ciphertext,key)

The brute-force method is only useful if the key is short. For keys longer than 4 characters, it takes far

too long to execute.

Method #2: Dictionary attack

If we are confident that the key is an English word, then we can do a dictionary attack. A dictionary

attack tries every word from a list until it finds one that produces an acceptable fitness for the

decrypted text. Knowing the period can speed up the process by allowing us to only try words with the

correct length.

Coding this is very simple:

words = open('words.txt').read().upper().split('\n') for key in words: pt = decrypt(ciphertext,key) fit = fitness(pt) if fit > -10: break plaintext = decrypt(ciphertext,key) The usefulness of this method depends on the quality of the word list. If the list is long, then the program can take too much time. If the list is too short, then the key might not be in it.

Method #3: Using a crib

If we know a bit of the plaintext, we can use it as a crib to try to find the key. Basically, we run from

the start of the ciphertext and subtract the crib from it at different positions until we get a result that

looks like a key. Here's a piece of code that prints all of the results of the subtractions. It is up to you to

look at the results and pick out the one with the key in it. for i in range(len(ciphertext)-len(crib)): piece = ciphertext[i:i+len(crib)] decryptedpiece = decrypt(piece,crib) print (decryptedpiece)

Method #4: Variational method

Here is a variational method that works even for shorter ciphertexts. For each letter of the key, we vary

it and choose the option that gives the best fitness of the decrypted text. It loops over all the letters of

the key until the fitness can no longer be improved. Here is some code to illustrate the method: from random import randrange key = ['A']*period fit = -99 # some large negative number while fit < -10:

K = key[:]

x = randrange(period) for i in range(26):

K[x] = ALPHABET[i]

pt = decrypt(ciphertext,K)

F = fitness(pt)

if (F > fit): key = K[:] fit = F plaintext = decrypt(ciphertext,key)

You will find that this method is very fast, and works for very short ciphertexts (sometimes as short as

5 times the period).

Chi-squared statistic

For the last method, we need a way to decide if two monogram (single-letter) frequency tables are similar. One tool to do that is the chi-squared statistic, which measures the difference between two ordered sets of numbers. It is defined as

χ2 = Σ (ni - Ni)2 / Ni

where the ni are the numbers in the set that we are testing, and the Ni are numbers from a standard set

that we want to match. For our case, the Ni are the entries in the frequency table that we made for

English earlier. The ni are the frequencies that we want to compare to English. A small value for the

chi-squared statistic indicates a good fit.

Inner product

While the chi-squared statistic is a fine measure to use, I prefer the inner (dot) product. The inner

product of two ordered lists of numbers (vectors) is simply the sum of the products of the numbers: x·y = Σ xi yi

If you have studied vector spaces, you would know that the cosine of the angle between two vectors is

This number can provide a good way to determine if a monogram frequency table is close to the English table. A value around or above 0.9 is a good match. Here is some code: from math import sqrt def cosangle(x,y): numerator = 0 lengthx2 = 0 lengthy2 = 0 for i in range(len(x)): numerator += x[i]*y[i] lengthx2 += x[i]*x[i] lengthy2 += y[i]*y[i] return numerator / sqrt(lengthx2*lengthy2)

Method #5: Statistics-only attack

This method is useful for longer ciphertexts. It uses only statistics to crack the Vigenère cipher. First,

find the period with the index of coincidence as shown above. Then, construct frequency tables for

each of the slices of the ciphertext that were created when the period was found. Those tables are each

rotated until they match well to the monogram frequencies of English. To determine the matching, the cosine of the angle (see the last section above) is used.

This code constructs the frequency tables for the slices and then finds the shifts that give good matches

(cosine > 0.9) to English. Those shifts determine the key. frequencies = [] for i in range(period): frequencies.append([0]*26) for j in range(len(slices[i])): frequencies[i][ALPHABET.index(slices[i][j])] += 1 for j in range(26): frequencies[i][j] = frequencies[i][j] / len(slices[i]) key = ['A']*period for i in range(period): for j in range(26): testtable = frequencies[i][j:]+frequencies[i][:j] if cosangle(monofrequencies,testtable) > 0.9: key[i] = ALPHABET[j] plaintext = decrypt(ciphertext,key)

If you implement this attack, you will find that it is lightning-fast. However, it is only reliable for

ciphertexts that are at least 100 times as long as the period.quotesdbs_dbs29.pdfusesText_35