International law and national liberation

  • How is international humanitarian law?

    International humanitarian law (IHL) is a set of rules that seek to limit the effects of armed conflict.
    It lays out the responsibilities of states and non-state armed groups during an armed conflict.
    It requires, among other things: the rapid and unimpeded passage for humanitarian aid during armed conflicts..

  • What is an example of a liberation movement?

    Notable liberation movements
    Russian Liberation Movement, a movement within the Soviet Union that sought to create an anti-communist armed force during World War II.
    Women's liberation movement, a movement of women who proposed that economic, psychological, and social freedom were necessary for women to be equal..

  • What is an example of the war of national liberation?

    The Algerian War against France (1954–1962).
    The Portuguese Colonial War in Angola, Guinea-Bissau, and Mozambique against Portugal (1961-197.

    1. In Cameroon, by the UPC against France.
    2. In South Yemen by the National Liberation Front (NLF) and the Front for the Liberation of Occupied South Yemen (FLOSY)

  • What is liberation conflict?

    Wars of national liberation, also called wars of independence, are conflicts fought by nations to gain independence.
    The term is used in conjunction with wars against foreign powers (or at least those perceived as foreign) to establish separate sovereign states for the rebelling nationality..

  • What is liberation conflict?

    Wilson describes a war of national liberation as "a conflict waged by a non-State com- munity against an established government to secure the right of the people of that community to self-determination." WILSON, at 1-2 (footnote omitted)..

  • International humanitarian law is also known as the law of war or the law of armed conflict.
    International humanitarian law is part of international law, which is the body of rules governing relations between States.
  • National Liberation Front in British English
    1( sometimes not capitals) a revolutionary movement that seeks the national independence of a country, usually by guerrilla warfare.
Despite the States' reluctance to apply the law of international armed conflicts to wars of national liberation, they often observe its rules. In this realm, 
In a general introduction, the author begins by analysing the traditional law of war, whose field of application (with the exception of cases where belligerence.
Wars of national liberation were formerly classed by international law as civil wars but are now regarded as international armed conflict and therefore regulated as such by international humanitarian law.
Wars of national liberation were formerly classed by international law as civil wars but are now regarded as international armed conflict and therefore 

Are Wars of National Liberation a state-centric conflict?

These conflicts involve the use of force by nonstate actors and so they challenge the statecentric international law paradigm.
However, wars of national liberation have been explicitly accommodated by international humanitarian law since 1977 through the adoption of Additional Protocol I to the Geneva Conventions of 1949.

Is international law a national law?

On that ground, international law can be applied in a national legal order, without any conflict, and is superior.
The Monist school of thought favors a unified theory of law, in which nations draw their laws from a higher source of law, and any statute that conflicts with international law is declared illegitimate or stands invalid.

What is a national liberation movement?

National liberation movements view their armed challenge to the established government as a “just war”; indeed, they view it as a legitimate exercise of a right to revolution, waged to achieve the right of the people they represent to self-determination.

What is the literature on resistance and liberation movements?

Literature on resistance and liberation movements is manifold, including:

  • political
  • social science
  • and legal perspectives.
    The international law angle has been studied comprehensively throughout the last decades with contributions from the human rights, rule of law, use of force, accountability, and international humanitarian law fields.
  • What is a national liberation movement?

    National liberation movements view their armed challenge to the established government as a “just war”; indeed, they view it as a legitimate exercise of a right to revolution, waged to achieve the right of the people they represent to self-determination

    What is a war of National Liberation?

    Wars of national liberation are armed struggles waged by a people through its liberation movement against the established government to achieve self-determination

    What is international law of Nations?

    (international law, the law of nations or of peoples) – that of Weltbürgerrecht: cosmopolitanrights, to which all are entitled, simply by virtue of their common possession of the earth

    This three-level account of rights is Kant’s key conceptual

    International law and national liberation
    International law and national liberation

    Leader of the Executive Committee of the Palestine Liberation Organization

    The Chairman of the Palestine Liberation Organization, officially the Chairman of the Executive Committee of the Palestine Liberation Organization, is the leader of the Executive Committee (EC) of the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO), the executive body of the PLO, which was established in 1964.
    The Chairman represents the PLO and the Palestinian people before the international community, including the United Nations.
    The Chairman is chosen by the members of the PLO EC.
    Since 29 October 2004, Mahmoud Abbas has been the Chairman of the PLO EC.
    The Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine is a secular Palestinian

    The Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine is a secular Palestinian

    Palestinian Marxist–Leninist organization

    The Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine is a secular Palestinian Marxist–Leninist organization.
    It is also frequently referred to as the Democratic Front, or al-Jabha al-Dīmūqrāṭiyya.
    It is a member organization of the Palestine Liberation Organization, the Alliance of Palestinian Forces and the Democratic Alliance List.

    Holiday marking a country's liberation

    Liberation Day is a day, often a public holiday, that marks the liberation of a place, similar to an independence day.
    Liberation marks the date of either a revolution, as in Cuba, the fall of a dictatorship, as in Portugal, or the end of an occupation by another state, as in the Netherlands, thereby differing from original independence day or creation of statehood.
    The Moro Islamic Liberation Front is a group based in Mindanao seeking

    The Moro Islamic Liberation Front is a group based in Mindanao seeking

    Group in Mindanao, Philippines, seeking Moro autonomy

    The Moro Islamic Liberation Front is a group based in Mindanao seeking an autonomous region of the Moro people from the central government.
    The group has a presence in the Bangsamoro region of Mindanao, the Sulu Archipelago, Palawan, Basilan, and other neighbouring islands.
    The armed wing of the group was the Bangsamoro Islamic Armed Forces (BIAF), although the name of its parent organization, the MILF, was often used to refer to the BIAF.
    In July, 2018, the Philippine government passed the Bangsamoro Organic Law, giving more autonomy to Muslims.
    In return, MILF announced that it would disarm its 30,000 fighters.
    Moro National Liberation Front

    Moro National Liberation Front

    Philippine regionalist organization founded in 1972

    The Moro National Liberation Front is a political organization in the Philippines that was founded in 1972.
    It started as a splinter group of the Muslim Independence Movement.
    The MNLF was the leading organization among Moro separatists for about two decades beginning from the 1970s.

    Theme within Marxism

    National liberation has been a theme within Marxism, and especially after the influence of anti-imperialism and self-determination of all peoples became prevalent in communist movements, especially in advocating freedom from colonial rule in the Third World.
    National liberation has been promoted by Marxists out of an international-socialist perspective rather than a bourgeois nationalist perspective.
    The National Liberation Army is a Marxist–Leninist

    The National Liberation Army is a Marxist–Leninist

    Revolutionary left-wing group

    The National Liberation Army is a Marxist–Leninist guerrilla insurgency group involved in the continuing Colombian conflict, which has existed in Colombia since 1964.
    The ELN advocates a composite communist ideology of Marxism-Leninism and liberation theology.
    In 2013, it was estimated that the ELN forces consisted of between 1,380 and 3,000 guerrillas.
    According to former ELN national directorate member Felipe Torres, one fifth of ELN supporters have taken up arms.
    The ELN has been classified as a terrorist organization by the governments of Colombia, the United States, Canada, the European Union and Venezuela's National Assembly.
    The National Liberation Front—Bahrain is a communist party in Bahrain

    The National Liberation Front—Bahrain is a communist party in Bahrain

    Political party

    The National Liberation Front—Bahrain is a communist party in Bahrain.
    It was founded on 15 February 1955, the first leftist party in the Arab states of the Persian Gulf.
    Among the founder-members were Hassan Nezam (1922–1958), the principal founder, who was killed in Tehran in 1958 by SAVAK.
    Other founders were Erik Mansoorian, who died in Abadan after returning to Iran in 1964, Hassan M.
    Saleh (1926–2000), who from the early 1960s was in a state of a chronic mental dysfunction as a result of severe torture, Ali Madan (1932–1995), Ahmed al-Thawadi, “Saif Bin Ali” (1937–2006), and Ali Dawaigher (1938-2013).
    The National Liberation Front

    The National Liberation Front

    Political party in Algeria

    The National Liberation Front, commonly known by its French acronym FLN, is a nationalist political party in Algeria.
    It was the principal nationalist movement during the Algerian War and the sole legal and ruling political party of the Algerian state until other parties were legalised in 1989.
    The National Movement for the Liberation of Azawad or the

    The National Movement for the Liberation of Azawad or the

    Militant group in northern Mali (2011–present)

    The National Movement for the Liberation of Azawad or the Azawad National Liberation Movement, formerly the National Movement of Azawad, is a political and military organization based in Azawad in northern Mali.
    The Palestine Liberation Organization is a Palestinian nationalist coalition

    The Palestine Liberation Organization is a Palestinian nationalist coalition

    Palestinian militant and political organization

    The Palestine Liberation Organization is a Palestinian nationalist coalition that is internationally recognized as the official representative of the Palestinian people.
    Founded in 1964, it initially sought to establish an Arab state over the entire territory of the former Mandatory Palestine, advocating the elimination of the State of Israel.
    However, in 1993, the PLO recognized Israeli sovereignty with the Oslo I Accord, and now only seeks Arab statehood in the Palestinian territories that have been militarily occupied by Israel since the 1967 Arab–Israeli War.
    The Zapatista Army of National Liberation

    The Zapatista Army of National Liberation

    Libertarian socialist political and militant group in southern Mexico

    The Zapatista Army of National Liberation, often referred to as the Zapatistas, is a far-left political and militant group that controls a substantial amount of territory in Chiapas, the southernmost state of Mexico.


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