Competition law dos and don'ts

  • What does competition law not prohibit?

    Competition law does not prohibit collaborative activities by companies unless they affect important parameters of competition..

  • Competition law does not prohibit collaborative activities by companies unless they affect important parameters of competition.
  • Definition.
    Unfair competition is conduct by a market participant which gains or seeks to gain an advantage over its rivals through misleading, deceptive, dishonest, fraudulent, coercive or unconscionable conduct in trade or commerce.
All BVRLA meetings and calls are subject to the application of competition law and therefore must be conducted in compliance with competition law.
Members must refrain from exchanging any commercially sensitive or strategic information between competitors, either directly or indirectly via a third party, 


Dos and Don’ts in everyday business life


Understanding Competition Law in a commercial context– how can everyday business-as-usual become problematic under competition law.
Understanding Competition Law compliance– what can be done to protect oneself and the company against competition law risks and investigations.
Understanding Competition Law as a tool– how can competition law be used f.

Should competition law compliance rules be relaxed during pre-merger discussions?

Relax competition law compliance rules in the context of pre-merger discussions with a competitor.
The risk of competition law exposure to “gun jumping” is real:

  • the U.S.
    Department of Justice recently entered into a US$5-million settlement related to illegal pre-merger coordination.
  • Speakers

    Our speakers belong to both our specialised and complementary teams and as such cover all legal, regulatory, taxation and advisory aspects of doing business in Luxembourg.
    We invite you to check our training agendawhere the speakers are listed on each training session.

    What are the competition rules?

    Competition rules stipulate that players must feature in at least one regular season game or else they won’t be able to take part in the two-legged ‘Replacement Battle’, their official title for the promotion/relegation play-off.

    What does competition law cover?

    It can also cover contact between you and your competitor that doesn’t quite amount to an agreement or a plan.
    Competition Law is especially stringent regarding any contact between you and your direct competitors, so take special care in any agreements, discussions or meetings involving competitors.

    What happens if you don't comply with competition law?

    Selective distribution agreements are increasingly used as a way of imposing restrictions on distributors.
    Such agreements can work.
    But failure to comply with competition law can result in substantial fines and other problems.
    In December 2018, US fashion brand Guess was fined EUR 40 million for breaching EU competition law.


    Competition policy and data protection
    Competition law and policy debate
    Competition law and sustainable development
    Competition law advantages and disadvantages
    Competition law and environmental protection
    Competition law and economic inequality
    Competition law and exclusivity agreements
    Competition law and economic regulation
    Competition law and energy sector
    Competition law and employment
    Competition law and energy
    Competition policy and economics
    Competition policy and environmental sustainability
    World competition law and economics review
    Journal competition law and economics
    Global competition law and economics
    Competition law and fintech industry
    Competition law and franchise agreements
    Competition law and financial services
    Competition law and foreign direct investment