Competition act was passed in the year

What is Section 3 of the Competition Act?

Section 3 of the Competition Act forbids any agreement between enterprises or persons which is likely to cause or cause an appreciable adverse effect on competition within India.
There are certain exceptions to this provision.
The agreements treated as anti-competitive are listed in section 3 (3) of the Competition Act, 2002. 1.

What is the US Innovation & Competition Act?

The chamber is expected to consider the legislation in the coming weeks, though perhaps at a slower pace as representatives hash out various sections.
The Senate on Tuesday passed the U.S.
Innovation and Competition Act, a $250 billion bill aimed at countering China's technological ambitions.

Will the credit card Competition Act save money?

Last month, Congress revived the Credit Card Competition Act.
Supporters say the legislation could save businesses and consumers money each time shoppers use a credit card.
Opponents, though, argue that the bill could pose security risks and might lead to the elimination of credit card rewards programs.

On February 19, 1862, the 37th United States Congress passed An Act to Prohibit the Coolie Trade by American Citizens in American Vessels. The act, which would be called the Anti-Coolie Act of 1862 in short, was passed by the California State Legislature in an attempt to appease rising anger among white laborers about salary competition created by the influx of Chinese immigrants at the height of the California Gold Rush.
The act sought to protect white laborers by imposing a monthly tax on Chinese immigrants seeking to do business in the state of California.
Competition act was passed in the year
Competition act was passed in the year

Legislation of the 63rd United States Congress

The Revenue Act of 1913, also known as the Underwood Tariff or the Underwood-Simmons Act, re-established a federal income tax in the United States and substantially lowered tariff rates.
The act was sponsored by Representative Oscar Underwood, passed by the 63rd United States Congress, and signed into law by President Woodrow Wilson.


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