Design compiler max delay

  • What does set max delay do?

    The maximum delay constraint is a timing exception.
    This constraint overrides the default single cycle timing relationship for one or more timing paths.
    This constraint also overrides a multi-cycle path constraint..

  • What is max delay?

    The maximum delay constraint limits the number of consecutive gates on the critical path of a high-speed circuit because a high clock frequency means a short clock period..

  • What is min delay and max delay?

    we apply a rise edge at start point and keep adding cell delay. cell delay depends upon input transition and output fanout. so now we have two path delay values for rise edge and falling edge. greater one is considered as Max delay and smaller one is min delay..

  • What is Set_max_delay?

    This Tcl command specifies the required maximum delay for timing paths in the current design.
    The path length for any startpoint in from_list to any endpoint in to_list must be less than the delay_value ..

  • What is Set_max_delay?

    Specifies the maximum delay for the timing paths..

  • What is the difference between input delay and output delay?

    Output delay constraints tell the tools about how outputs are required to behave in order that an external chip can receive that signal.
    Input delay constraints tell the tool how inputs behave externally, so that the FPGA can make sure it can receive those signals..

  • What is the maximum delay analysis?

    The maximum delay analysis view checks the setup timing and the minimum delay analysis checks the hold timing.
    SmartTime constraints editor enables you to create, view, and edit the timing constraints of the selected scenario for use with SmartTime timing analysis..

  • What is the maximum delay constraint?

    The maximum delay constraint limits the number of consecutive gates on the critical path of a high-speed circuit because a high clock frequency means a short clock period..

  • What is the maximum delay in VLSI?

    As shown in the timing diagram below – the maximum delay is 3ns (i.e. (10ns – 0.5ns) – 6.5ns). the synthesis tool assumes the data is captured by a positive edge triggered flop in the external logic (and the maximum output delay for the setup analysis is 2ns)..

  • The set_input_delay command sets input path delays on input ports relative to a clock edge.
    This usually represents a combinational path delay from the clock pin of a register external to the current design.
    For in/out (bidirectional) ports, you can specify the path delays for both input and output modes.
  • we apply a rise edge at start point and keep adding cell delay. cell delay depends upon input transition and output fanout. so now we have two path delay values for rise edge and falling edge. greater one is considered as Max delay and smaller one is min delay.
Feb 15, 2013Maximum delay constraint is specified between two points, when the requirement tells that the delay between those two points should be less 
The maximum delay constraint is a timing exception. This constraint overrides the default single cycle timing relationship for one or more timing paths. This constraint also overrides a multi-cycle path constraint. You must specify at least one of the -from , -to , or -through arguments for this constraint to be valid.

Clock Latency

Syntax: Clock latency specifies the amount of delay for a clock signal reaching to the clock pin of a sequential element from the clock source pin.
There are two types of clock latency one is network latency (default) and the other is source latency (by using the -source option) Example: set_clock_latency 2.35 [get_pins ABC/XYZ/CP]

Group Path

Syntax: Groups are a set of paths or endpoints for the cost function calculations.
The group enables us to specify a set of paths to optimize even though there may be a larger violation in other groups.
When endpoints have been specified all paths leading to those end paths are grouped.
Example: group_path -name “group1” -weight 2.0 -to {CLK1A CLK1.

How to set a maximum delay in a design?

However, the set_max_delay constraint is one way to properly do it.
Sample paths are illustrated in Figure 3.
The commands to constrain these paths are given below.
Example 2:

  • Design originally has an In-to-Out delay path
  • Clock->Q = 5.97 ns after standard layout.
    The designer hopes to set the maximum delay to 5.80 ns.
  • How to specify input and output delay?

    The input and output delay can be specified by using set_input_delay and set_output_delay commands, respectively.
    The command used to specify the input and output delay is specified below. set_input_delay –clock Used to define the input delay. set_output_delay –clock .

    What is maximum path delay/minimum path delay constraint?

    Maximum Path Delay/Minimum Path Delay constraint takes precedence over Multicycle Path constraint.
    When you run Synplify Pro synthesis, the tool first compiles the design and then maps it to the Microsemi technology cells.

    What is the input delay on data_bus_in_CLK_core?

    The input delay on input port(s) data_bus_in_clk_core is 2.5ns (max) and 1.0ns (min).
    The output delay on output port(s) data_bus_out_clk_core is 3.0ns (max) and 1.5ns (min).
    Microsemi recommends that you validate FDC or timing constraints after you import or create them.
    This is especially important if the timing constraints file is imported.

    Design compiler max delay
    Design compiler max delay
    The Boeing 737 MAX groundings have had a deep financial effect on the aviation industry and a significant effect on the national economy of the United States.
    No airline took delivery of the MAX during the groundings.
    Boeing slowed MAX production to 42 aircraft per month until in January 2020, when they halted until the airplane is reapproved by regulators.
    Boeing has suffered directly through increased costs, loss of sales and revenue, loss of reputation, victims litigation, client compensation, decreased credit rating and lowered stock value.
    In January 2020, the company estimated a loss of $18.4 billion for 2019, and it reported 183 canceled MAX orders for the year.


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