Compiler design iisc

  • What are the 4 types of compilers?

    A good compiler makes practical use of greedy algorithms (register allocation), heuristic search techniques (list scheduling), graph algorithms (dead-code elimination), dynamic programming (instruction selection), automata theory (scanning and parsing), and fixed-point algorithms (data-flow analysis)..

  • Why do computer scientists study compilers?

    A competent computer professional knows about high-level programming and hardware.
    A compiler connects the two.
    Therefore, understanding compilation techniques is essential for understanding how programming languages and computers hang together..

Basic topics in compiler design as covered in a UG course. Syllabus. Control flow graphs and analysis; Dataflow analysis; Static single assignment (SSA); 
Brief description of the course. This is an advanced course on compiler design and it assumes that the student is familiar with the topics of.


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