Beyond complex numbers

  • Are there any numbers other than complex numbers?

    There are multiple number systems in mathematics that are more complicated than complex numbers, such as the quaternions.Jun 20, 2022.

  • Is there anything above complex numbers?

    Yes, there are larger domains than the complex numbers, such as the quaternions and octonians.Jan 7, 2015.

  • Is there anything more complex than complex numbers?

    There are a bunch of different number systems beyond complex numbers, but the first one to spring to mind is the quaternions.
    There are also the dual numbers.Apr 28, 2023.

  • Is there anything outside of complex numbers?

    Yes, there are larger domains than the complex numbers, such as the quaternions and octonians.Jan 7, 2015.

  • Is there something beyond complex numbers?

    The short answer is this: Yes, the complex numbers are closed for polynomials using the algebraic operations of addition, multiplication, subtraction, and division.
    Yes, there are larger domains than the complex numbers, such as the quaternions and octonians.Jan 7, 2015.

  • What comes after complex number?

    The quaternions are an extension of the complex numbers, and the octonions are a further extension.
    In a sense you pay a price for making these extensions, though.
    The reals are ordered; the complex numbers are not ordered as a field because to be an ordered field the square of any value can't be negative.Oct 21, 2020.

  • What comes after complex?

    In the nineteenth century number systems called quaternions, tessarines, coquaternions, biquaternions, and octonions became established concepts in mathematical literature, added to the real and complex numbers..

  • What goes beyond complex numbers?

    Yes, there are larger domains than the complex numbers, such as the quaternions and octonians.Jan 7, 2015.

  • What is beyond the complex numbers?

    There are a bunch of different number systems beyond complex numbers, but the first one to spring to mind is the quaternions.
    There are also the dual numbers.
    As mentioned, there are hypercomplex number systems like the quaternions.Apr 28, 2023.

  • What is the number system after complex numbers?

    The quaternions and octonions are number systems that extend the complex numbers..

  • What's above complex numbers?

    In mathematics, hypercomplex number is a traditional term for an element of a finite-dimensional unital algebra over the field of real numbers.
    The study of hypercomplex numbers in the late 19th century forms the basis of modern group representation theory..

  • Why can't we compare complex numbers?

    Complex numbers are unordered.
    You cannot compare them..

  • Why can't you order complex numbers?

    Every ordered field contains an ordered subfield that is isomorphic to the rational numbers.
    Squares are necessarily non-negative in an ordered field.
    This implies that the complex numbers cannot be ordered since the square of the imaginary unit i is −1 (which is negative in any ordered field)..

  • hypernumber (plural hypernumbers) (mathematics) A kind of number more complex than a hypercomplex number.
  • The quaternions and octonions are number systems that extend the complex numbers.
  • The short answer is this: Yes, the complex numbers are closed for polynomials using the algebraic operations of addition, multiplication, subtraction, and division.
    Yes, there are larger domains than the complex numbers, such as the quaternions and octonians.Jan 7, 2015
  • There are multiple number systems in mathematics that are more complicated than complex numbers, such as the quaternions.Jun 20, 2022
  • You can extend the complex numbers and get quaternions.
    Which can be used in, for example, .
    1. D computer graphics instead of matrices.
    2. It is possible to extend the quaternions as many times as you want, like you did with the complex numbers to get the quaternions.
      Others have already mentioned the quaternions.
Apr 28, 2023However the fundamental theorem of algebra says that complex numbers are all you need for polynomials of complex number coefficients. That means  are there alternative imaginary numbers? : r/math - RedditNumbers beyond the complex plane? : r/learnmath - RedditELI5 if there are numbers beyond complex numbers and what their Can we extend a field beyond the complex numbers? : r/math - RedditMore results from
In mathematics, hypercomplex number is a traditional term for an element of a finite-dimensional unital algebra over the field of real numbers.Split-complex numberBicomplex numberSplit-quaternionBiquaternion
There are a bunch of different number systems beyond complex numbers, but the first one to spring to mind is the quaternions. There are also the dual numbers.
There are a bunch of different number systems beyond complex numbers, but the first one to spring to mind is the quaternions.


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