Consumer behaviour towards green products

  • 18% of people believe that green products have an average quality and 8% of people have poor opinion about the quality. 88% of people are aware that purchase of green products will contribute to the sustainable future and 12% people are not aware about this.
  • In this context, it is expected that efficient green marketing communication will have a positive impact on consumers' behaviour by encouraging them to buy environmentally friendly products produced by companies that develop their activities with respect for the environment [41,42].

Can a green consumption model be used to study green consumption behavior?

At present, there are few papers where this model has been used to study green consumption behavior, and the applicability of it needs to be verified.
Future researchers can use this model as a reference to propose a higher-explanation model when designing an empirical structure.
Open in a separate window Figure 3 .


How does the availability of green products influence consumer behavior?

The availability of green products is an important factor that can positively influence consumer behavior toward green products [ 45 ].
This factor can also influence the consumers’ buying behavior, because they can choose between different types of green products or different brand names.


What is green purchase behaviour?

In environmental behaviour, green purchase behaviour refers to selecting products that are not harmful to the environment ( Wu & Chen, 2014; Zhao et al., 2014 ).
Some studies refer to green purchase behaviour as purchasing ecological-friendly products ( Bamberg, 2003; Haws et al., 2014; Kottala & Singh, 2015 ).

Sustainability rule and incentive list

A green guide is a set of rules and guidelines provided for the use of a general or selective population to achieve the goal of becoming more green or sustainable.
The guide serves to direct individuals, agencies, companies, businesses, etc. to resources that can help them become more sustainable, as sustainability becomes a more popular and growing lifestyle choice.
Guides are available in many ways, but the most popular being through websites to avoid using paper.
There has also been a surge of guides in university websites to encourage students towards a more sustainable way of life.


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