Consumer law terms and conditions

  • Do customers have to agree to terms and conditions?

    According to contract law, in order for a contract to be valid, there must be an offer, consideration, and acceptance.
    Being able to prove your customer accepted your terms (and therefore entered a contract with you) will determine whether or not your Terms and Conditions are enforceable..

  • What are implied terms in a consumer contract?

    In a written contract, the express terms of a contract will be the written terms.
    In a verbal contract, they'll be the words spoken by one party to the other to form the contract.
    Implied Terms of a Contract: these are terms that the parties have not expressly stated..

  • What are standard terms and conditions?

    Standard (written) terms and conditions (T&Cs) are the legal basis on which you will be engaging with customers - and are essential when starting a business.
    It is recommended that you don't copy T&Cs from another business; no two businesses are exactly the same, plus they may not have obtained legal advice..

  • What are the mechanisms used to control unfair terms in a consumer contract?

    The consumer could have this determined by the courts, or could refer the matter to the Competition and Markets Authority (CMA).
    The CMA can investigate and take action to prevent sellers using certain terms.
    The CMA can issue guidance on unfair terms..

  • What are unfair terms and conditions in a consumer contract?

    A standard term is unfair 'if, contrary to the requirement of good faith, it causes a significant imbalance in the parties' rights and obligations arising under the contract, to the detriment of the consumer'– Regulation 5(1).
    Unfair terms are not enforceable against the consumer..

  • What is the definition of terms and conditions?

    Terms and conditions are the terms of the legal contract between you and your customer for your supply of goods or services, and which regulates your business relationship.
    They are the conditions on which you agree to do business with someone else..

  • Terms and conditions are part of a contract that ensure parties understand their contractual rights and obligations.
    Parties draft them into a legal contract, also called a legal agreement, in accordance with local, state, and federal contract laws.
A note outlining the main issues to consider when drafting or reviewing terms and conditions for use with consumers, including in relation to duration, renewal 

Are your contract terms fair?

Businesses that deal with consumers need to make sure their contract terms are fair

The Consumer Rights Act 2015 aims to protect consumers against unfair contract terms and notices

For the purpose of this guide we often use the word ‘you’ to refer to the business and ‘customer’ to mean consumer

Why are contract terms not binding on consumers?

Contract terms are unfair and, therefore, not binding on consumers if, contrary to the requirements of good faith, they cause significant imbalance in the parties’ rights and obligations to the detriment of the consumer


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