Eu copyright law uib

  • In most EU countries, the author or co-authors of a work are the first owners or co-owners of the copyright.
    However, the IP systems in the EU currently vary between member states that maintain a system of institutional ownership, and those which maintain a system of professor's privilege (inventor ownership).

How is copyright protected in Bulgaria?

The protection of copyright in Bulgaria is governed by the Law on Copyright and Neighbouring Rights of 29 June 1993 (the Law).
It transposes several Directives.
The Law is divided into sections, dealing in particular with copyright, the related rights and their protection.
Definition and content .


When does the Copyright Directive come into force?

The European Parliament and the Council of the European Union gave their green light to the new Copyright Directive in spring 2019.
The deadline for Member States to transpose the new rules into national law is Monday, 7 June 2021.
How does the Commission help Member States to implement the Copyright Directive? .


European copyright law a commentary
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