Cosmology videos

Apr 9, 2023 videos/archive/category/cosmology/ David Butler (youtube channel I highly recommend for
Duration: 3:14:43
Posted: Apr 9, 2023

What do cosmological observations tell us about evolution?

Cosmological observations show that on the largest scales accessible to our telescopes, the universe is very uniform, and the same laws of physics operate in all the parts of it… To most physicists, almost everything about evolution is puzzling

What determines how much complexity can — and has — evolved?

What is the best book on cosmology?

Cosmology and Controversy: The Historical Development of Two Theories of the Universe

Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1996

( Link to IsisCB ) Kragh, Helge

Matter and Spirit in the Universe: Scientific and Religious Preludes to Modern Cosmology

Singapore: Imperial College Press, 2004

( Link to IsisCB )


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