Tantric cosmology

  • What are the 7 stages of tantra?

    Kulanarva Tantra defines seven stages of initiation or degrees of spiritual maturity, in two groups, the first four being the path of worldly activity, [pravritti-marga]: veda acara, vaisnava acara, saiva acara, daksina acara; the last three being the path of cessation, [nivritti-marga]: vama acara, siddhanta acara, .

  • What are the five forbidden things in tantra?

    These are madya (alcohol), māṃsa (meat), matsya (fish), mudrā (grain), and maithuna (sexual intercourse)..

  • What is the dark side of tantra?

    Tantra has become synonymous with immorality and orgies.
    That represents only the dark side of tantra..

  • What is the tantric philosophy?

    In Tantric thought the human body is visualized as a microcosm of the universe.
    It is believed that the complete drama of the universe is repeated in this very body.
    The whole body with its biological and psychological processes becomes an instrument through which the cosmic power reveals itself..

  • What is the Tantric religion?

    According to the narrow definition, Tantrism, or "Tantric religion", is the elite traditions directly based on the Sanskrit texts called the Tantras, Samhitas, and Agamas.
    Lorenzen's "broad definition" extends this by including a broad range of "magical beliefs and practices" such as Yoga and Shaktism..

  • In Tantric thought the human body is visualized as a microcosm of the universe.
    It is believed that the complete drama of the universe is repeated in this very body.
    The whole body with its biological and psychological processes becomes an instrument through which the cosmic power reveals itself.
  • Kulanarva Tantra defines seven stages of initiation or degrees of spiritual maturity, in two groups, the first four being the path of worldly activity, [pravritti-marga]: veda acara, vaisnava acara, saiva acara, daksina acara; the last three being the path of cessation, [nivritti-marga]: vama acara, siddhanta acara,
  • These are madya (alcohol), māṃsa (meat), matsya (fish), mudrā (grain), and maithuna (sexual intercourse).
Feb 9, 2016This article is an overview of Tantra cosmology: the emanation, creation and structure of the divine, the universe and man.
Fundamental to Tantric cosmology is the notion of an underlying unity between material cosmos (macrocosm), and the individual (microcosm), between cosmic and human levels of existence, Brahman and Atman.
Tantric cosmology
Tantric cosmology

Tantric practices in Tibetan Buddhism

Tibetan tantric practice, also known as the practice of secret mantra, and tantric techniques, refers to the main tantric practices in Tibetan Buddhism.
The great Rime scholar Jamgön Kongtrül refers to this as the Process of Meditation in the Indestructible Way of Secret Mantra and also as the way of mantra, way of method and the secret way in his Treasury of Knowledge.
These Vajrayāna Buddhist practices are mainly drawn from the Buddhist tantras and are generally not found in common
These practices are seen by Tibetan Buddhists as the fastest and most powerful path to Buddhahood.


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