Cosmology with tachyon field

  • Are tachyons part of quantum physics?

    In physics, a tachyonic field, or simply tachyon, is a quantum field with an imaginary mass..

  • Do tachyons exist?

    While physicists haven't proved that tachyons can't exist, there's good reason to believe they don't.
    The barrier that nothing with mass can travel at the speed of light isn't just an expression of the limitation of engineering or a representation of a failure of imagination..

  • Is the Higgs field tachyonic?

    The Higgs particle is not a tachyon, but appears when expanding the Higgs field around the vacuum of spontaneously broken symmetry.
    Around the vacuum where the Higgs field has vanishing expectation value, the full gauge symmetry is restored but the Higgs field has negative mass^2..

  • What is the nature of tachyons?

    A tachyon (/ˈt\xe6kiɒn/) or tachyonic particle is a hypothetical particle that always travels faster than light.
    Physicists believe that faster-than-light particles cannot exist because they are inconsistent with the known laws of physics.
    If such particles did exist they could be used to send signals faster than light..

  • What is the theory of tachyons?

    tachyon, hypothetical subatomic particle whose velocity always exceeds that of light.
    The existence of the tachyon, though not experimentally established, appears consistent with the theory of relativity, which was originally thought to apply only to particles traveling at or less than the speed of light..

  • In physics, a tachyonic field, or simply tachyon, is a quantum field with an imaginary mass.
  • The Higgs particle is not a tachyon, but appears when expanding the Higgs field around the vacuum of spontaneously broken symmetry.
    Around the vacuum where the Higgs field has vanishing expectation value, the full gauge symmetry is restored but the Higgs field has negative mass^2.
  • While physicists haven't proved that tachyons can't exist, there's good reason to believe they don't.
    The barrier that nothing with mass can travel at the speed of light isn't just an expression of the limitation of engineering or a representation of a failure of imagination.
Dec 9, 2002Abstract: We present a detailed study of cosmological effects of homogeneous tachyon matter coexisting with non-relativistic matter and 
Dec 9, 2002We present a detailed study of cosmological effects of homogeneous tachyon matter coexisting with non-relativistic matter and radiation, 

Is there a local field action for Tachyon fields?

Using string scattering amplitudes of open bosonic string on a single -brane, we construct a local field theoretical action for tachyon fields.
Cubic local interactions between various particles, belonging to the particle spectrum of string may be directly followed from three-string scattering amplitude.


What is a tachyon in physics?

Nevertheless, in modern physics the term tachyon often refers to imaginary mass fields rather than to faster-than-light particles. Such fields play a significant role in modern physics .
The term comes from the Greek:

  • ταχύ
  • tachy
  • meaning swift.
  • ,

    What is a tachyonic field theory?

    In the limit of infinite pendulum density, this model is a tachyonic field theory.
    The phenomenon of spontaneous symmetry breaking, which is closely related to tachyon condensation, plays a central part in many aspects of theoretical physics, including:

  • the Ginzburg–Landau and BCS theories of superconductivity.
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    Why does a tachyonic field have an imaginary mass?

    For a tachyonic field the second derivative is negative, meaning that the effective potential is at a local maximum rather than a local minimum.
    Therefore, this situation is unstable and the field will roll down the potential.
    Because a tachyon's squared mass is negative, it formally has an imaginary mass.

    Hypothetical faster-than-light particle

    A tachyon or tachyonic particle is a hypothetical particle that always travels faster than light.
    Physicists believe that faster-than-light particles cannot exist because they are inconsistent with the known laws of physics.
    If such particles did exist they could be used to send signals faster than light.
    According to the theory of relativity this would violate causality, leading to logical paradoxes such as the grandfather paradox.
    Tachyons would exhibit the unusual property of increasing in speed as their energy decreases, and would require infinite energy to slow down to the speed of light.
    No verifiable experimental evidence for the existence of such particles has been found.

    Field with an imaginary mass

    In physics, a tachyonic field, or simply tachyon, is a quantum field with an imaginary mass.
    Although tachyonic particles are a purely hypothetical concept that violate a number of essential physical principles, at least one field with imaginary mass, the Higgs field, is believed to exist.
    Under no circumstances do any excitations of tachyonic fields ever propagate faster than light—the presence or absence of a tachyonic (imaginary) mass has no effect on the maximum velocity of signals, and so unlike faster-than-light particles there is no violation of causality.
    Tachyonic fields play an important role in physics and are discussed in popular books.

    Process in particle physics

    Tachyon condensation is a process in particle physics in which a system can lower its energy by spontaneously producing particles.
    The end result is a condensate of particles that fills the volume of the system.
    Tachyon condensation is closely related to second-order phase transitions.


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