Crystallography setup

How do you do protein crystallography?

In order to do Protein Crystallography, you first and foremost need to have a crystal to analyse

To get your crystals, it’s a numbers game, you mix the target protein with hundreds of different chemical cocktails, in the hope that one or more of these will give you a crystal

How does crystallography work?

In crystallography, you have to “focus” the image in silico

We do this by measuring all the spots on the diffraction patterns, and the computer software converts these into a 3D image of your protein

All the atoms in a molecule are surrounded by a cloud of electrons, which effectively define its shape

How X-ray crystallography & cryoelectron microscopy can be used in bioimaging?

As the name suggests, the platform mainly uses X-ray crystallography to resolve the structures of proteins, but recently, with the help of the Bioimaging platform, we have started to use the technique of cryoelectron microscopy as well


Serial crystallography
Selenomethionine crystallography
Crystallographic server
Sem crystallography
Serial crystallography time-resolved
Serial crystallography synchrotron
Serial crystallography experiments
Serial crystallography microfluidics
Serial crystallography method
Crystallography tetragonal system
Crystallography tetrahedron
Crystallographic texture
Crystallographic texture of materials
Crystallographic texture of materials pdf
Tem crystallography
Crystallographic texture and group representations
Teaching crystallography
Basis vectors crystallography
Crystallographic wet chemical etching of gan
Weighting crystallography