Cultural significance of king cobra

  • Cobra snake

    king cobra. noun. : a large very poisonous snake of southeastern Asia and the Philippines..

  • How many types of cobras are there

    The Thai villagers call king cobras “angel snakes” and believe them to be manifestations of supernatural beings.
    They credit the reptiles with magical qualities, including the ability to appear and disappear at will and to turn into human beings.
    They think the snakes can bestow wealth and good health on people.Apr 8, 2018.

  • What is so special about king cobra?

    The king cobra—one of the most venomous snakes on the planet—can literally "stand up" and look a full-grown person in the eye.
    When confronted, they can lift up to a third of its body off the ground and still move forward to attack.
    Fortunately, king cobras are shy and will avoid humans whenever possible..

  • What is the cultural significance of the cobra?

    The cobra represents the goddess Wadjet, a very ancient goddess who is associated with royalty.
    When the snake is worn over the king's brow, its head raised and hood dilated ready to attack if needed, it is called a uraeus.
    The uraeus constitutes the consummate symbol of royalty..

  • What is the meaning of king cobra snake?

    king cobra. noun. : a large very poisonous snake of southeastern Asia and the Philippines..

  • Why do people worship cobras?

    Some people worship cobras even though they are poisonous and harmful because they feel as though they are worshipping something of a higher power which will be able to protect them.
    They would be averted from all dangers caused by snakes if they praised the cobras..

  • Why do people worship king cobras?

    The Thai villagers call king cobras “angel snakes” and believe them to be manifestations of supernatural beings.
    They credit the reptiles with magical qualities, including the ability to appear and disappear at will and to turn into human beings.
    They think the snakes can bestow wealth and good health on people.Apr 8, 2018.

  • Why is cobra sacred?

    The cobra is considered by Hindus to be the bearer of ancestors' souls.
    Folk tradition also holds that snakes protect the locality they are found in..

  • The king cobra has an eminent position in the mythology and folklore of India, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka and Myanmar.
    A ritual in Myanmar involves a king cobra and a female snake charmer.
Cultural significance In Burma, king cobras are often used by female snake charmers. Members of the Pakkoku clan tattoo themselves with ink mixed with cobra venom on their upper bodies in a weekly inoculation which potentially might protect them from the snake, though no scientific evidence supports this.
Cultural significance The king cobra has an eminent position in the mythology and folklore of India, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka and Myanmar. A ritual in Myanmar involves a king cobra and a female snake charmer.
Sociocultural impact and interaction with humans The King Cobra holds cultural importance in many Asian populations. It is depicted in the Hindu mythology along with cobras (Naja genus), and are considered as the descendant of Nagas, serpent/snake deities.


The king cobra (Ophiophagus hannah) is a venomous snake endemic to Asia. The sole member of the genus Ophiophagus


The king cobra is also referred to by the common name " hamadryad", especially in older literature


The king cobra's skin is olive green with black and white bands on the trunk that converge to the head

Distribution and habitat

The king cobra has a wide distribution in South and Southeast Asia. It occurs up to an elevation of 2,000 m (6

Behaviour and ecology

Like other snakes, a king cobra receives chemical information via its forked tongue

Are king cobras protected in India?

The king cobra is listed in CITES Appendix II

It is protected in China and Vietnam

In India, it is placed under Schedule II of Wildlife Protection Act, 1972

Killing a king cobra is sentenced with imprisonment of up to six years

What does King Cobra symbolize?

In Chinese culture, it is believed that King Cobra represents prosperity, longevity, and good luck

In ancient Egyptian culture, King Cobra was a symbol of royalty, protection, and wisdom

In African culture, King Cobra is associated with creation and life force

The connection between King Cobra and rebirth or transformation is also significant

What is the largest King Cobra?

The largest known king cobra was 5

59 m (18 ft 4 in) long and captured in Thailand

It differs from other cobra species by size and hood

It is larger, has a narrower and longer stripe on the neck

The head of a mature snake can be quite massive and bulky in appearance

Cultural significance of king cobra
Cultural significance of king cobra

Ancient Egyptian sculpture in Toronto

The Bust of Cleopatra VII is a granite bust currently on display in the Gallery of Ancient Egypt at the Royal Ontario Museum (ROM).
It is believed to have been discovered in Alexandria, Egypt at the site of Cleopatra's sunken palace on the island of Antirhodos.
The bust was purchased by the ROM's founder Charles Trick Currelly while on expedition in Egypt in the early 20th Century.
The king cobra is a venomous snake endemic

The king cobra is a venomous snake endemic

Venomous snake species from Asia

The king cobra is a venomous snake endemic to Asia.
The sole member of the genus Ophiophagus, it is not taxonomically a true cobra, despite its common name and some resemblance.
With an average length of 3.18 to 4 m and a record length of 5.85 m (19.2 ft), it is the world's longest venomous snake.
The species has diversified colouration across habitats, from black with white stripes to unbroken brownish grey.
The king cobra is widely distributed albeit not commonly seen, with a range spanning from the Indian Subcontinent through Southeastern Asia to Southern China.
It preys chiefly on other snakes, including those of its own kind.
This is the only ophidian that constructs an above-ground nest for its eggs, which are purposefully and meticulously gathered and protected by the female throughout the incubation period.


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