Cytology in arabic

  • What is an example of cytology in biology?

    Exfoliation or scraping of the cells from a woman's cervix i.e., a pap smear, is a type of gynecologic cytology test.
    This is commonly performed to check for cervical cancer or to trace any cellular level changes that can indicate the onset or probability of cervical cancer (also called cervical cytology examination)..

  • Exfoliation or scraping of the cells from a woman's cervix i.e., a pap smear, is a type of gynecologic cytology test.
    This is commonly performed to check for cervical cancer or to trace any cellular level changes that can indicate the onset or probability of cervical cancer (also called cervical cytology examination).
  • علم الخلية (بالإنجليزية: Cell biology أو Cellular biology وأحياناً Cytology)‏ هو علم يقوم بدراسة الخلايا الحية؛ خواصها وبنيتها ومكوناتها، والعضيات الموجودة فيها وتفاعلاتها مع البيئة المحيطة إضافة لدورة حياتها وانقسامها ثم موتها. تتم هذه الدراسة على نطاق مجهري أو جزيئي.


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