Cytology and molecular biology

  • How does cytology differ from cell and Molecular Biology?

    Cytology is the branch of science which deals the Study of cell structure only but cell biology include study of cell structure, function & Reproduction also so we can define both the terms like- Cytology:- Study of cell structure.
    Cell biology :-Study of cell structure,function & Reproduction..

  • What are the molecular techniques used in cytology?

    Cytology laboratories process different types of material such as fine-needle aspirates (FNAs), cell suspensions, and various types of exfoliative collections.
    Proper specimen processing is of utmost importance for any ancillary technique..

  • What branch of science is cytology?

    Cytology is the branch of biology dealing with the morphology, structure, ultrastructure, life cycle, and pathology of cells..

  • What is the importance of cytology in biology?

    What is cytology? Cytology is the exam of a single cell type, as often found in fluid specimens.
    It's mainly used to diagnose or screen for cancer.
    It's also used to screen for fetal abnormalities, for pap smears, to diagnose infectious organisms, and in other screening and diagnostic areas..

  • Cell and Molecular Biology encompasses study of the structure and function of organisms and biological processes at the level of cells, and the macromolecules that define them (DNA, RNA, proteins, lipids, and carbohydrates).
Mar 23, 2006Cytological study of oral cells is a non-aggressive technique that is well accepted by the patient, and is therefore an attractive option for 
Cytological study of oral cells is a non-aggressive technique that is well accepted by the patient, and is therefore an attractive option for the early  AbstractIntroductionCytological techniquesApplication of techniques

What is modern cell biology?

Modern cell biology is a dynamic discipline that integrates multiple fields, including:

  1. molecular biology
  2. biochemistry
  3. biophysics
  4. microbiology
  5. physiology
  6. developmental biology
  7. cytology and genetics

Cell biologists investigate the basic structural and functional units of life:cells that compose all living organisms.


Cytology outlines
Cytology ovarian cancer
Ovary cytology
Cytology pap test
Cytology paracentesis
Cytology pap smear results
Cytology pathology outlines
Cytology pap smear - lbc
Cytology pathology services
Cytology pancreas
Cytology pap stain
Cytology pay
Cytology pap smear kit
Cytology pathology report
Cytology panel
Cytology qap
Cytology radiology
Cutology ramsgate
Cytology rate
Ranula cytology