Decision making biases hbr

  • 10 common decision making biases


    The base rate bias. 3m 42s.The confirmation bias. 3m 57s.The availability bias. 3m 44s.The hindsight bias. 3m 14s.The overconfidence bias. 4m 18s.The sunk cost bias. 3m 58s..

  • 10 common decision making biases

    Behavioral biases potentially affect the behaviors and decisions of financial market participants.
    By understanding these biases, financial market participants may be able to moderate or adapt to them and, as a result, improve upon economic outcomes..

  • Cognitive illusions in decision-making examples

    The impact of bias in our decision-making is significant.
    Potential risks can be underestimated because of misplaced optimism.
    Decisions can be made that are at odds with logic and rational judgement.
    Decisions are made without careful evaluation..

  • How do biases affect ethical decision-making?

    The impact of bias in our decision-making is significant.
    Potential risks can be underestimated because of misplaced optimism.
    Decisions can be made that are at odds with logic and rational judgement.
    Decisions are made without careful evaluation..

  • How does bias in decision-making occur?

    Confirmation bias happens when you look for information that supports your existing beliefs, and reject data that goes against what you believe.
    This can lead you to make biased decisions, because you don't factor in all of the relevant information..

Aug 9, 2022Each have their own specific cognitive biases that reveal habits and patterns of behavior that drive our choices. They aren't proscriptive; once 

Do you recognize your biases or microaggressions?

Often, it’s easy to “call out” people when we notice their microaggressions or biased behaviors.
But it can be equally challenging to recognize and acknowledge our own unconscious biases.
That said, becoming aware of your shortcomings can help you hone your leadership style, especially when you’re a new manager.


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