Difference between demography and vital statistics

  • What is the difference between demography and population in statistics?

    Population study is concerned with human beings.
    Demography is the statistical study of the living populations and sub-populations.
    It can be a very general science that can be applied to any kind of dynamic living population that is one that changes over time or space..

  • Summary - Demography and Vital Statistics
    Demography uses population censuses, vital statistics, administrative records, and surveys to produce information for characterizing migration (internal and international), as well as fertility and mortality, mainly within national territory.
  • vital statistics noun [plural] (OFFICIAL FACTS)
    a group of official facts that show such things as the number of births, deaths, and marriages in a particular country, area, etc.
Demography refers to the socio-economics information's expressed statistically, also including employment, education, income, marriage, rates, birth and death 
The main difference between these two theories was just that Malthus favoured celibacy and self-restraint in controlling the population growth, whereas the neo- 

What does demography mean in statistics?

Demography is a combination of two Greek words demos and graphy i

e Demography=demos +graphy

Demos means life and graphy means descriptions

The study where descriptions of human's life is discussed in detail can be considered as demography

It was first used in 1885 by Belgian statisticians

What is vital statistics ?

What is vital/population statistics?

The term vital/population statistics signifies the data or technique used in the analysis of data relating to the vital events occurring in given community

What is vital events? What is population? It refers to the number of people resident in a some specified geographical area, be it in a classroom, or a nation

Vital statistics, also known as vital events or vital records, are an important source of demographic data. They explain statistically such events as births, deaths, marriages, divorces, etc.

Registration of births and deaths is an important source for demographic data for socio-economic development and population control in developing countries. The data on population growth, fertility and mortality serves as the prime constituent for population projections.“Vital statistics is defined as that branch of biometry which deals with data and the law of human mortality, morbidity and demography” vital events are collected, compiled and the resulting statistics are known as Vital Statistics Statistics is the study of the collection, organization, analysis, and interpretation of dataStatistical concepts essential to demography include birth rate, death rate, infant mortality rate, fertility rate, and life expectancy. These concepts can be further broken down into more specific data, such as the ratio of men to women and the life expectancy of each gender.demography, statistical study of human populations, especially with reference to size and density, distribution, and vital statistics (births, marriages, deaths, etc.).
Difference between demography and vital statistics
Difference between demography and vital statistics
The Demographics of Kyrgyzstan is about the demographic features of the population of Kyrgyzstan, including population growth, population density, ethnicity, education level, health, economic status, religious affiliations, and other aspects of the population.
The name Kyrgyz, both for the people and the country, means forty tribes, a reference to the epic hero Manas who unified forty tribes against the Oirats, as symbolized by the 40-ray sun on the flag of Kyrgyzstan.


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Examples from demography
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