Descriptive geometry monge

  • What did Gaspard Monge discover?

    Gaspard Monge, count de Péluse, (born May 10, 1746, Beaune, France—died July 28, 1818, Paris), French mathematician who invented descriptive geometry, the study of the mathematical principles of representing three-dimensional objects in a two-dimensional plane; no longer an active discipline in mathematics, the subject .

  • What is the monge method of projection?

    Monge's method (two picture protocol)
    - It can be a projection of a truncated three-sided pyramid, in the case of a central projection, or a three-sided prism, in the case of a parallel projection..

  • What is the monges method of projection?

    Monge's method (two picture protocol)
    - It can be a projection of a truncated three-sided pyramid, in the case of a central projection, or a three-sided prism, in the case of a parallel projection..

Gaspard Monge Descriptive geometry deals with physical space, the kind that you have been used since birth. Things you see around you and even things that you cannot see have geometry.
Gaspard Monge is usually considered the "father of descriptive geometry" due to his developments in geometric problem solving. His first discoveries were in  ProtocolsHeuristicsThe best direction to viewExamples

Was Monge's new geometry the first reference to descriptive geometry?

We consider that this information regarding Monge’s new geometry probably constitutes the very first reference to descriptive geometry in the Greek diaspora, as well as for those who lived under Ottoman rule

Why is Monge considered the father of differential geometry?

Monge is considered the father of differential geometry because of his work Application de l’analyse à la géométrie, in which he introduced the concept of lines of curvature of a surface in 3-dimensional space

He developed a general method of applying geometry to problems of construction

Why is Monge's geometry a secret?

Monge’s descriptive geometry system was declared classified and a military secret and it was not until many years later around 1790s (when Monge was a Professor at the Beaux Arts) that it became a part of French engineering and archi-tectural education and then adopted virtually universally

Monge's protocols allow an imaginary object to be drawn in such a way that it may be modeled in three dimensions. All geometric aspects of the imaginary object are accounted for in true size/to-scale and shape, and can be imaged as seen from any position in space. All images are represented on a two-dimensional surface.His new approach to geometry came to be known as descriptive geometry. Monge describes his new geometry as “representing with exactitude, within drawings that have but two dimensions, objects that have three.”In Géométrie descriptive (1799; “Descriptive Geometry”), based on his lectures at the École Normale, he developed his descriptive method for representing a solid in three-dimensional space on a two-dimensional plane by drawing the projections—known as plans, elevations, and traces—of the solid on a sheet of paper.…Monge introduced the concepts of the reference system, the formation of views by projectors perpendicular to the reference planes, the revolving of the H plane into coincidence with the V plane about the ground line as indicated by the curved arrows, and the retention of the images on the planes after the object had been removed and the H plane revolved.
Descriptive geometry monge
Descriptive geometry monge

French mathematician (1746–1818)

Gaspard Monge, Comte de Péluse was a French mathematician, commonly presented as the inventor of descriptive geometry, technical drawing, and the father of differential geometry.
During the French Revolution he served as the Minister of the Marine, and was involved in the reform of the French educational system, helping to found the École Polytechnique.
Place Monge station

Place Monge station

Metro station in Paris, France

Place Monge is a station on Line 7 of the Paris Métro and located in the 5th arrondissement of Paris.


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