What is assembly language computer science

Why is Assembly a low-level programming language?

Assembly is called a low-level programming language because there's (nearly) a one-to-one relationship between what it tells the computer to do
And what the computer does
. In general
One line of an assembly program contains a maximum of one instruction for the computer. How is ASM different from a "high-level" language?

Sometimes called assembly or ASM, an assembly language is a low-level programming language. Programs written in assembly languages are compiled by an assembler. Every assembler has its own assembly language, which is designed for one specific computer architecture.An assembly language is a type of low-level programming language that is intended to communicate directly with a computer’s hardware.

International computer science competition


Or the American Computer Science League

Is an international computer science competition among more than 300 schools.Originally founded in 1978 as the Rhode Island Computer Science League

It then became the New England Computer Science League.With countrywide and worldwide participants

It became the American Computer Science League.It has been in continuous existence since 1978. \nEach yearly competition consists of four contests.All students at each school may compete but the team score is the sum of the best 3 or 5 top scores.Each contest consists of two parts:

A written section and a programming section.Written topics tested include

what does this program do?

  1. Digital electronics
  2. Boolean algebra

Computer numbering systems

  1. Recursive functions
  2. Data structures
  3. Lisp programming

Regular expressions and Finite State Automata

  1. Bit string flicking
  2. Graph theory

Assembly programming and prefix/postfix/infix notation.


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Assembly language program for ascending order in 8085
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Assembly language alternative
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Assembly language program into
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