Assembly language program for ascending order in 8086


Load data from offset 500 to register CL (for count).

How to sort in descending order in 8086 assembly language?

Write 8086 Assembly language program to sort in descending order of the elements in a given array
Which is starts from memory offset 501. The size of the series is stored at memory offset 500. Here we are sorting the number in bubble sorting technique. In this sorting technique there will be n passes for n different numbers.

Problem Statement

Write a program in 8086 microprocessor to sort numbers in ascending order in an array of n numbers, where size n is stored at memory address 2000 : 500 and the numbers are stored from memory address 2000 : 501.

What is 8086 assembly language programming?

Assembly language programming 8086 is hardware oriented programming language which 8086 microprocessor assembly language programs. it also implement em肆. assembly program to chek a number positive or negative.

What is op code in 8086?

8086 processors have two other instructions to access the data
Such as :
WORD PTR – for word (two bytes)BYTE PTR – for byte. Op-code:
A single instruction is called as an op-code that can be executed by the CPU. Here the ‘MOV’ instruction is called as an op-code.


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