Assembly like languages

Is assembler a cross-architecture language?

Win32 in assembler:
Basically the windows headers for assembler with some nice high-level macros:
Most C compilers that accept inline assembly. Of course
The assembly-optimized parts aren't cross-architecure
But I can't really imagine a cross-architecture assembly language that would be that effective anyway.

What languages and tools work with WebAssembly?

You can find all languages and tools that work with WebAssembly here. Notable languages are C/C++, C#/.NET, Rust, Java, Python, Elixir, Go. Take a took at several tools/frameworks related to WebAssembly: Blazor - A .NET web framework using C#/Razor and HTML that runs in the browser with WebAssembly.

C-- is an intermediate language designed to be generated mainly by compilers, is somewhere between C and assembler.9

You might want to look at LLVM. It's pseudo-assmbler might be similar to what you've got in mind.Best answer · 4

FORTH - not quite assembler but it is used heavily and is very low level.4

You could try directly using LLVM. Since there are many tools already available that create/transform it you stand a good chance of being able to...2

High Level Assembly might also be interesting.2

Win32 in assembler: basically the windows headers for assembler with some nice high-level macros:

Most C compilers that accept inline assembly. Of course, the assembly-optimized parts aren't cross-architecure, but I can't really imagine a cross-...1

The System z has HLASM which we use for quite a bit of development. It adds all sorts of higher-level-language constructs. As well as HLASM bringin...0

I once used PL/M and it seemed to me to be just one level above assembly. It was more like a macro language but with some higher level constructs l...0

LLVM is a good answer. Some other interesting languages are the JVM bytecode and MSIL (the .Net platform bytecode). Both provide stackbased system...0


Assembly language program to perform arithmetic operations
Assembly language programming for pic
Assembly language programming for linux
Assembly language program to subtract two numbers 8086
Assembly language program to swap two numbers
Assembly language program to find fibonacci series
Assembly language program to find factorial of a number
Assembly language program to find length of string
Assembly language program to compare two numbers
Assembly language program to multiply two numbers 8086
Assembly language program to find smallest number in an array
Assembly language program to find positive and negative numbers in 8086
Assembly language program to find factorial of a number in 8086
Assembly language program to find even and odd numbers in 8086
Assembly language instructions
Arm assembly language programming with stm32 microcontrollers
An assembly language program that
How to learn assembly language
How long it takes to learn assembly language
How many assembly languages are there