Assembly language program to find factorial of a number

How can the user get the factorial of the given numbers?

The user can provide numbers as they wish and get the factorial according to their input

How to find the factorial of a number using a for loop?

Using a for loop
We will write a program for finding the factorial of a number. An integer variable with a value of 1 will be used in the program. With each iteration
The value will increase by 1 until it equals the value entered by the user. The factorial of the number entered by the user will be the final value in the fact variable.

What is the factorial in C language?

The factorial is normally used in Combinations and Permutations (mathematics). There are many ways to write the factorial program in c language. Let's see the 2 ways to write the factorial program.

How do you treat a factorial input as unsigned?

Since factorial isn't (at least normally) defined for negative numbers, I've treated the input as unsigned. If you want to treat it as signed, you'd use jg instead of ja. mul produces a result in edx:eax, not just in eax, so you normally want to clear edx before you start doing your multiplications.

How to calculate the factorial of a number using 8085 microprocessor?

Problem – Write an assembly language program for calculating the factorial of a number using 8085 microprocessor. In 8085 microprocessor, no direct instruction exists to multiply two numbers, so multiplication is done by repeated addition as 4×3 is equivalent to 4+4+4 (i.e., 3 times). First set register B with data.

What is a factorial_end label?

The factorial_end label will restore the stack pointer to where it was when the function was called (in case we have manipulated it inside the function body, which we didn’t, but it’s a good practice to keep our code generic) and will then restore the base pointer register.


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