Assembly language program to subtract two numbers 8086

How to add a 16-bit number in assembly language?

1. Formulate an assembly language program to move the content in memory location 1100h into register BX and also move to register CX
And also store the content in CX in memory location 1300h.
2) Write an assembly language program to add and subtract the two 16-bit numbers using the program logic given in 1.3.

How to subtract two 16-bit numbers with and without borrow?

In this program we will see how to subtract two 16-bit numbers with and without borrow. Write 8086 Assembly language program to subtract two 16-bit number stored in memory location 3000H – 3001H and 3002H – 3003H. 8086 is 16-bit register. We can simply take the numbers from memory to AX and BX register
Then subtract them using SUB instruction.

How to write steps 2 to 4 in x86 assembly?

Steps 2. to 4. can be written in x86 Assembly by single instruction per step (the sub updates "carry flag"
Which can be used to decide whether the subtraction did "overflow" - used by one of the "Jcc" = jump-condition-code instructions to either jump somewhere else or continue by next instruction). Next program does the job.

What is ADD & SUB instruction in 8086 microprocessor?

The 8086 Microprocessor kit
Power Supply
MASM 611 software. We use ADD instruction for addition and SUB instruction for subtraction. ADD instruction adds an immediate data or contents of a memory location specified in the instruction or a register (source) to the contents of another register (destination) or memory location.

How to add a 16-bit number in assembly language?

1. Formulate an assembly language program to move the content in memory location 1100h into register BX and also move to register CX, and also store the content in CX in memory location 1300h. 2. Write an assembly language program to add and subtract the two 16-bit numbers using the program logic given in 1.3.

How to subtract two 16-bit numbers with and without borrow?

In this program we will see how to subtract two 16-bit numbers with and without borrow. Write 8086 Assembly language program to subtract two 16-bit number stored in memory location 3000H – 3001H and 3002H – 3003H. 8086 is 16-bit register. We can simply take the numbers from memory to AX and BX register, then subtract them using SUB instruction.

Which subtraction instruction does 8086 microprocessor support?

8086 microprocessor supports the following subtraction Instructions: Subtraction instruction takes two operands. Subtract the data in the source operand from the data of destination operand and then store the result back to the destination operand. Just like ADD instruction, both operands should be either in bytes or words.


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