Difference between assembly language programming

Does the CPU understand assembly code?

Unlike machine code
The CPU does not understand assembly code. You convert assembly code to machine code with the use of an assembler or a compiler
Though we usually think of compilers in association with high-level programming language that are abstracted further from the CPU instructions.

Is assembly language a programming language?

Yes of course assembly language is a programming language
The difference between python and C is...the syntax. The difference between C and asm is the syntax they are different programming languages and the difference between one assembly language and another from another tool is the syntax.

What is the difference between assembly language and high-level language?

It is specific to a particular CPU architecture. There is a one-to-one correspondence between assembly language commands and machine code instructions (once you strip out labels
Assembler directives and code comments). By contrast
A high-level language will have the following characteristics:

The two most obvious characteristics of an assembly language are: It is specific to a particular CPU architecture. There is a one-to-one correspo...Best answer · 9

(Warning, this historical account of increasing abstraction and declarative programming may annoy, confuse, or upset you:) Hello, world! By far a...4

In an assembly language, you specify the sequence of instructions of your code. In other languages that are compiled, you specify the effect of the...2

It makes sense to pay attention to formal grammars when talking about programming languages. Typical program in assembly language has very simple g...2

In essence I would say that assembly languages are a set of instructions that are translated into opcodes; while any higher language is transformed...1

OP suggested me to this here as an answer. If you are writing assembly code, you need to know what CPU it is for and its characteristics※. That is...1


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Assembly language instructions