Astrophysics with python

Is Astropysics available in other Python packages?

There do exist other Python packages with some of the capabilities of this project
But the goal of this project is to integrate all these tools together and make them interact in the most straightforward ways possible.
The functionality of Astropysics is currently being incorporated into the Astropy project.

What is astronomy in Python?

Astropy is a community effort in the astrophysics community to develop a single core package for Astronomy in Python.
Three years after the first commit more than 75 researchers have contributed over 1600 pull requests making this one of the most heavily used open source projects in astronomy.

What is the functionality of Astropysics?

The functionality of Astropysics is currently being incorporated into the Astropy project.
Astropy is a wider community effort
And to avoid wasting resources
Most of the energy that initially went into developing Astropysics have been shifted to Astropy.

What's new in Astropy 5.3?

The Anaconda Python Distribution includes
Astropy and is the recommended way to install both Python and the astropy package.
Once you have Anaconda installed use the following to update to the latest version of astropy:

Is Astropysics available in other Python packages?

There do exist other Python packages with some of the capabilities of this project, but the goal of this project is to integrate all these tools together and make them interact in the most straightforward ways possible

The functionality of Astropysics is currently being incorporated into the Astropy project

What is Astrophysics in physics?

Astrophysics is the scientific discipline that deals with the physics of objects, phenomena, and processes in outer space, including (but not limited to) stars, galaxies, compact objects, and the formation of the Universe

Here are 500 public repositories matching this topic

A friendly package for Kepler & TESS time series analysis in Python

What is practical Python for astronomers?

Practical Python for Astronomers is a series of hands-on workshops to explore the Python language and the powerful analysis tools it provides

The emphasis is on using Python to solve real-world problems that astronomers are likely to encounter in research


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