[PDF] Treaty Series Recueil des Traites

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Les normes internationales du travail: un patrimoine pour lavenir

Les publications du Bureau international du Travail jouissent de la protection du droit d'auteur en vertu du protocole nº 2 annexe à la Convention 

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Treaty Series Recueil des Traites

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Treaty Series Recueil des Traites

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Les normes internationales du travail: un patrimoine pour lavenir

Les publications du Bureau international du Travail jouissent de la protection du droit d'auteur en vertu du protocole nº 2 annexe à la Convention 

Treaty Series Recueil des Traites

Treaty Series

Treaties and international agreements

registered or filed and recorded with the Secretariat of the United Nations


Recueil des Traites

Traites et accords internationaux

enregistrEs ou classes et inscrits au repertoire au Secretariat de l'Organisation des Nations Unies

United Nations * Nations Unies

New York, 1978

Treaties and international agreements registered

or filed and recorded with the Secretariat of the United Nations

VOLUME 847 1972 I. Nos. 12131-12142



Treaties and international agreements

registered from 3 November 1972 to 8 November 1972 Page

No. 12131. Romania and Italy:

Consular Convention. Signed at Bucharest on 8 August 1967 .............. 3

No. 12132. Romania and Nigeria:

Agreement on economic, scientific and technical co-operation. Signed at Lagos on 24 M ay 1971 ........................................... 73 No. 12133. Romania and German Democratic Republic: Agreement concerning the abolition of visas (with annex). Signed at Bucharest on 23 Novem ber 1971 ............................................ 87 No. 12134. Romania and German Democratic Republic: Treaty of friendship, co-operation and mutual assistance. Signed at Bucharest on 12 M ay 1972 ................................................. 105

No. 12135. Romania and Cyprus:

Agreement concerning cultural and scientific co-operation. Signed at Bucha- rest on 6 January 1972 ........................................... 119

No. 12136. Romania and Hungary:

Treaty of friendship, co-operation and mutual assistance. Signed at Bucharest on 24 February 1972 ............................................. 133

No. 12137. Romania and Zambia:

Exchange of notes constituting an agreement concerning the abolition of visas and visa fees. Lusaka, 26 March 1972 .............................. 147

Traits et accords internationaux enregistris

ou classes et inscrits au r~pertoire au Secrdtariat de l'Organisation des Nations Unies

VOLUME 847 1972 1. N'





Traitis et accords internationaux

enregistrds du 3 novembre 1972 au 8 novembre 1972 Pages

N' 12131. Roumanie et Italie:

Convention consulaire. Sign~e h Bucarest le 8 aofit 1967 ................. 3

N' 12132. Roumanie et Nigeria :

Accord de cooperation 6conomique, scientifique et technique. Sign6 i Lagos le 24 m ai 1971 ................................................... .73 N 0

12133. Roumanie et Rpublique democratique allemande :

Accord relatif la suppression de I'obligation du visa (avec annexe). Signa Bucarest le 23 novembre 1971 ..................................... 87 N 0

12134. Roumanie et Republique democratique allemande :

Trait6 d'amiti6, de cooperation et d'assistance mutuelle. Sign6 i Bucarest le

12 m ai 1972 ..................................................... 105

N 0

12135. Roumanie et Chypre :

Accord de coop6ration scientifique et culturelle. Sign6 i Bucarest le 6janvier

1972 ............................................................ 119

N 0

12136. Roumanie et Hongrie:

Trait6 d'amiti6, de cooperation et d'assistance mutuelle. Sign6 Bucarest le

24 f~vrier 1972 .................................................. 133

N' 12137. Roumanie et Zam'bie :

l-change de notes constituant un accord relatif la suppression de la formalit6 de visa et des droits de visa. Lusaka, 26 mars 1972 .................. 147 United Nations -Treaty Series * Nations Unies -Recueil des Traits Page No. 12138. Romania and United Repubiic of Tanzania: Agreement on the abolition of visas. Signed at Dar es Salaam on 28 March

1972 ............................................................ 153

No. 12139. Belgium and Spain:

Convention for the avoidance of double taxation and the regulation of certain other matters with respect to taxes on income and fortune (with additional protocol). Signed at Brussels on 24 September 1970 ................. 159

No. 12140. Multilateral:

Convention on the taking of evidence abroad in civil or commercial matters. Opened for signature at The Hague on 18 March 1970 ............... 231

No. 12141. Netherlands, Belgium and Luxembourg:

Benelux Convention concerning hunting and the protection of birds. Signed at Brussels on 10 June 1970 ....................................... 255

No. 12142. Belgium and United States of America:

Convention for the avoidance of double taxation and the prevention of fiscal evasion with respect to taxes on income. Signed at Brussels on 9 July

1970 ............................................................ 269

ANNEX A. Ratifications, accessions, prorogations, etc., concerning treaties and international agreements registered with the Secre- tariat of the United Nations No. 2262. Convention between Belgium and the United States of America for the avoidance of double taxation and the prevention of fiscal evasion with respect to taxes on income. Signed at

Washington on 28 October 1948:

Termination of the above-mentioned Convention, as modified, supplemented and extended .................................................... 337 No. 7302. Convention on the Continental Shelf. Done at Geneva on 29 April 1958:
Accession by G reece ................................................. 338 United Nations -Treaty Series 9 Nations Unes -Recueil des Traitks Pages N

12138. Roumanie et Republique-Unie de Tanzanie:

Accord relatif h la suppression des formalit~s de visa. Sign6 h Dar es-Salam le 28 m ars 1972 .................................................. 153

N' 12139. Belgique et Espagne :

Convention en vue d'6viter les doubles impositions et de r6gler certaines autres questions en mati~re d'imp6ts sur le revenu et sur la fortune (avec protocole additionnel). Sign6e h Bruxelles le 24 septembre 1970 ...... 159

N' 12140. Multilatiral :

Convention sur I'obtention des preuves I'6tranger en mati~re civile ou com- merciale. Ouverte h la signature h La Haye le 18 mars 1970 .......... 231

N' 12141. Pays-Bas, Belgique et Luxembourg :

Convention Benelux en mati~re de chasse et de protection des oiseaux. Sign~e Bruxelles le 10 juin 1970 ........................................ 255 N 0

12142. Belgique et ktats-Unis d'Amirique :

Convention pour 6viter la double imposition et empcher l'6vasion fiscale en mati~re d'imp6ts sur le revenu. Sign6e Bruxelles le 9 juillet 1970 .... 269 ANNEXE A. Ratifications, adhtsions, prorogations, etc., concernant des traitts et accords internationaux enregistris au Secretariat de 1'Organisation des Nations Unies N' 2262. Convention entre la Belgique et les ltats-Unis d'Am~rique pour iviter la double imposition et empkcher I'ivasion fiscale en ma- tiere d'impbts sur le revenu. Sign~e A Washington le 28 octobre

1948 :

Abrogation de la Convention susmentionn~e, telle que modifi~e, complt~e et prorogue ..................................................... 337 N 0

7302. Convention sur le plateau continental. Faite it Geneve le 29 avril

1958 :

Adhesion de ia G race ................................................ 339


Under Article 102 of the Charter of the United Nations every treaty and every international agreement entered into by any Member of the United Nations after the coming into force of the

Charter shall, as soon as possible, be registered with the Secretariat and published by it. Furthermore,

no party to a treaty or international agreement subject to registration which has not been registered

may invoke that treaty or agreement before any organ of the United Nations. The General Assembly, by resolution 97 (1), established regulations to give effect to Article 102 of the Charter (see text of the regulations, vol 76, p. XVIII). The terms "treaty" and "international agreement" have not been defined either in the Charter or in the regulations, and the Secretariat follows the principle that it acts in accordance with the position of the Member State submitting an instrument for registration that so far as that party

is concerned the instrument is a treaty or an international agreement within the meaning of Article 102.

Registration of an instrument submitted by a Member State, therefore, does not imply a judgement by the Secretariat on the nature of the instrument, the status of a party or any similar question.

It is the understanding of the Secretariat that its action does not confer on the instrument the status

of a treaty or an international agreement if it does not already have that status and does not confer

on a party a status which it would not otherwise have. Unless otherwise indicated, the translations of the original texts of treaties, etc., published in this Series have been made by the Secretariat of the United Nations.


Aux termes de I'Article 102 de la Charte des Nations Unies, tout trait6 ou accord international conclu par un Membre des Nations Unies apris l'entr6e en vigueur de la Charte sera, le plus t6t possible, enregistr& au Secretariat et publii par lui. De plus, aucune partie t un trait6 ou accord international qui aurait dtO itre enregistr6 mais ne I'a pas td ne pourra invoquer ledit traitd ou accord devant un organe des Nations Unies. Par sa risolution 97 (I), I'Assemblde grnrrale a adopti un reglement destin6 a mettre en application I'Article 102 de Ia Charte (voir texte du riglement, vol 76, p. XIX). Le terme -trait6 ,- et l'expression * accord international n'ont t6 drfinis ni dans la Charte ni dans le r~glement, et le Secritariat a pris comme principe de s'en tenir h [a position adoptie k cet 6gard par I'Ltat Membre qui a prrsent6 l'instrument l'enregistrement, i savoir que pour

autant qu'il s'agit de cet I-tat comme partie contractante l'instrument constitue un trait6 ou un accord

international au sens de I'Article 102. II s'ensuit que l'enregistrement d'un instrument prrsenti par

un Itat Membre n'implique, de la part du Secretariat, aucun jugement sur la nature de l'instrument,

le statut d'une partie ou toute autre question similaire. Le Secretariat considere donc que les actes

qu'il pourrait tre amen6 h accomplir ne conferent pas a un instrument la qualit6 de , trait6 -ou d'- accord international .si cet instrument n'a pas ddjA cette qualit6, et qu'ils ne conferent pas une partie un statut que. par ailleurs, elle ne poss~derait pas. Sauf indication contraire, les traductions des textes originaux des traitrs, etc., publirs dans ce Recueji ont 6ti itablies par le Secretariat de ]'Organisation des Nations Unies.

Treaties and international agreements

registered from 3 November 1972 to 8 November 1972

Nos. 12131 to 12142

Traitts et accords internationaux

enregistris du 3 novembre 1972 au 8 novembre 1972

NOs 12131 A 12142

No. 12131


and ITALY Consular Convention. Signed at Bucharest on 8 August 1967

Authentic texts: Romanian and Italian.

Registered by Romania on 3 November 1972.




Convention consulaire. Signee a Bucarest le 8 aoiit 1967

Textes authentiques : roumain et italien.

Enregistrie par la Roumanie le 3 novembre 1972.

4 United Nations -Treaty Series * Nations Unies -Recueil des Trait~s 1972





Republica SocialistA Romhnia $i Republica Italiang, in dorinta de a reglementa relatiile consulare i de a contribui astfel la dezvol- tarea raporturilor dintre cele doug tri, au hotarit sA incheie o conventie consulara, in care scop au numit ca imputerniciti ai lor: Presedintele Consiliului de Stat al Republicii Socialiste Romania pe:

Corneliu Manescu, Ministrul Afacerilor Externe,

Pre~edintele Republicii Italiene pe:

Amintore Fanfani, Ministrul Afacerilor Externe,

care, dupA schimbul deplinelor lor puteri, gasite in bunA i cuvenita formai, au convenit asupra celor ce urmeaza:

Articulol 1. DEFIN1TII

In intelesul prezentei Conventii, expresiile:

a) "< stat trimittor >> inseamnA Inalta Parte ContractantA care infiinteazA oficiul consular; b) "< stat de re~edinta >> inseamna Inalta Parte Contractant1 pe teritoriul chreia este infiiat oficiul consular; c) o oficiu consular > inseamnA orice consulat general, consulat sau vicecon- sulat; d) <( circumscriptie consulara o inseamnA teritoriul stabilit pentru exercitarea de c~tre un oficiu consular a functiilor sale; e) << $eful oficiuli consular>> inseamnA persoanA numitA sA actioneze in aceastA calitate; f) o functionar consular v inseamnA orice persoanA care exercitA functii con- sulare, inclusiv $eful oficiului consular; g) o angajat consular >> inseamnA orice persoana care face parte din serviciul administrativ sau tehnic al oficiului consular; h) << membru al personalului de serviciu > inseamna orice persoanAi afectatA serviciului domestic al unui oficiu consular;

0 < membri ai oficiului consular inseamna functionarii consulari, angajatii

consulari $i membrii personalului de serviciu; j) << membri ai personalului consular >> inseamna, cu exceptia Wefului oficiului consular, functionarii consulari, angajatii consulari $i membrii personalului de serviciu; 12131

1972 United Nations -Treaty Series e Nations Unies -Recuefl des Traitis 5

k) ,, membrii de familie * inseamnA sotul (sofia), ascenderii, descendenii membrului oficiului consular i ai sotului (sotiei) acestuia, precum i fratii $i surorile amindorura, cu conditia ca aceste persoane sti se afle in intretinerea membrului oficiului consular $i sa locuiasca impreung cu el;

1) ,, localuri consulare * inseamna cladirile sau parile, de cladiri $i terenurile

aferente, oricui ar aparline, care sint folosite in mod exclusiv pentru scopurile oficiului consular; m) ,, arhiva consularA >> cuprinde toate hirtiile, documentele, corespondena, crole, filmele, benzile de magnetofon $i registrele oficiului consular, precum i materialul de cifru, fiierele $i mobilele destinate a le projeta $i a le conserva.




1. Fiecare dintre PArile Contractante poate stabili oficii consulare pe

teritoriul celeilalte Parti, cu consimtamintul acesteia din urma.

2. Sediul oficiului consular, rangul sau, precum $i circumscriptia sa, se

stabilesc prin intelegere intre Partile Contractante.

3. Modificari ulterioare in ceea ce priveste sediul oficiului consular, rangul

sau $i circumscriptia sa consular&, nu pot fi aduse de statul trimitator decit cu consimkmintul statului de re~edintA.


1. Statul trimiAtor va transmite pe cale diplomatic& patenta consulara

ministerului afacerilor externe al statului de recedinta.

2. Seful oficiului consular este admis sg-$i exercite functiile printr-o au-

torizatie a statului de re~edinta, care ii este acordath sub formA de exequatur, dupA prezentarea patentei consulare.

3. Patenta consulara trebuie s9i ateste numele, prenumele $i rangul $efului

oficiului consular, circumscriptia consulara i sediul oficiului consular.

4. In asteptarea eliberarii exequaturului, $eful oficiului consular va putea fi

admis de cAtre statul de resedintA, printr-o autorizatie provizorie, la exercitareaquotesdbs_dbs28.pdfusesText_34
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