Is there a consensus on Regionalization?

Firstly, there is no conceptual consensus on regionalization. The included primary studies defined regionalization differently, contributing to the heterogeneity of the identified results. Secondly, there are no well-established descriptors in the literature for “regionalization,” so we may have 'missed' some relevant studies.

Is there a language or date restriction on Regionalization?

There was no language or date restriction. We included experimental and observational studies with interventions focused on regionalization-related actions, measures or policies aimed at decentralizing and organizing health offerings, rationalizing scarce capital and human resources, coordinating health services.

What are the dimensions of regionalized interventions?

Table 3. Evaluation of regionalized interventions located in the systematic review, by dimension. In all, 16 interventions were identified and divided into 4 dimensions: coordination, decentralization, rationalization and governance.

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