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16 juil. 2010 Juillet 2010. Mots clés : changements climatiques inondations

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en termes de: i) hausse du chômage ii) baisse de la qualité des emplois un plan d'action pour la Jeunesse


programmes de formation adaptés au contexte ouest africain. période d'Août -Septembre-Octobre (ASO) 2010. ... Du 22 février au 06 mars 2010 à DAKAR.

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Livre des résumés (par ordre alphabétique du premier auteur) Book

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Livre des résumés (par ordre alphabétique du premier auteur) Book of abstracts (in alphabetical order of the first author)

Programme détaillé pages suivantes

Detailed programme on the following pages

!"#$%#&'()#&)*$)&$""&)+,#%&$-#&,#')+('#.&/01&2!$-+%&)+,#3&&& & & "#$!%&'(#')$!%&))#$*&+,#+-!.!/!*0)%&')$!-1230-45'#$! ! !6&(&')$!4+,4%0-#!/!-1#30-4%!-)0%7$! #$%&'()*")+",-./-0)/"-1(2)&+-(*)/" " " " " "$-*21-&3"-&3"4%%3/'-,)/" #50*('61+6*)")+"(&+)*-'+(%&/"7(11)/8'-2,-0&)/"" " "50*('61+6*)"-&3"6*9-&8*6*-1"(&+)*-'+(%&/" #:%22)*')/")+"'%&/%22-+(%&"-1(2)&+-(*)/" " " " "$%%3"+*-3)"-&3"'%&/62,+(%&" #;%1(+(<6)/="+)**(+%(*)/="0%67)*&-&')" " " " " ";%1('()/="+)**(+%*()/="0%7)*&-&')" Liens pour participer à la conférence - Links to participate to the conference Espace virtuel Gather.town (permanent link to the virtual space of the conference) :

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Remerciements : ce modèle est tiré DzAgriculture in an Urbanizing Society »., Rome 2015 Rôle ǯ

espaces ruraux dans la région de Souss Massa au Sud du Maroc : cas de

Province de Taroudant

Mhamed Afkir, Khadija Bratti1

Ces, dernière, années, les, espaces, arides, et, Semi7 Souss, en,particulier,se, sont,confrontés, à,plusieurs, contraintes, qui, font, obstacle, aux, efforts, de, développement, de, ces, territoireU, ces, contraintes, son pression,sur, les, ressources,hydriques, devenues, de, plus, en, plus, rares, et, limitées, conséquences, de, quantités, de, précipitationsU, augmentation, des, températures,moyennesd., ,moderne,»,qui,envahit,de,plus,en,


alimentaire, des, populations, , locales, continue, de, ture, du, transfert, financières, pour, la, mise, à, niveau, des, petites, parcelles,irriguées.

Mots-clÈs agriculture, espace ruraux, espaces

urbains -rural, ressources naturelles, urbanisation, développement.


1 Université ibn Tofail Faculté des lettres et des

sciences humaines, Kenitra, Maroc (mdaf- kir@gmail.com) université Cadi Ayyad Faculté des lettres et des sciences humaines, Marrakech, Maroc (khadijabra- ti@yahoo.fr)


Le, secteur, agricole, dans, la, région, a, connu, un, fort, marocain, qui, a, implanté, de, nombreux, projets, de,valeur., des, marchée, en, produits, agricolesU, il, faut, recon7 ,traditionnels, la, voie, à, des, dysfonctionnements, spatiaux, qui, ne, ,avec,le,temps.,


Approche,méthodologique,et, Moyens,


La principale source des données statistiques et le Recensement Général de la Population et de es données ont été enri- chies par les données chiffres disponibles auprès des services enquête administrative : s données officielles relatives au secteur agricole régional de la mise à niveau agricole basé

à la ville de Taroudant.


Elles consistent à préciser à travers la rencontre agriculteurs et de travailleurs agricoles agricole " moderne » (date



nsolider les informations recueillies des données statistiques enquête du terrain. Il est important de vérifier sur le champ, certains aspects liés vivrière et aux pratiques de répar- tition conflits.


Irazane2, dit ",Arazane,» dans la

dénomination officielle, chef- de la ville de Taroudant est un exemple de configuration des rapports ville-campagne ; son rurale vers un centre urbain émergent qui lui permet de jouer le rôle de connexion entre les espaces ruraux et urbains. Il doit sa position à ressources hydriques. Situé sur le pi- Atlas sur la partie avale du Bassin versant de

3, un sous bassin de Souss, occupant la rive

2 La dénomination adoptée par la population locale

qui désigne en langue Amazighe un groupe humain : ethnie ou tribu.

3 Partie du grand bassin de Souss, affluent rive

-Atlas. 2

Remerciements : ce modèle est tiré DzAgriculture in an Urbanizing Society »., Rome 2015 gauche de Souss4,à 30 kilomètre de la ville de


Un espace humain très ancien qui a connu une coexistence entre différentes ethnies; Amazighes (berbères), Arabes et juifs, une importante communauté juive aurait vécu dans cette localité avant la vague de départ qui a commencé au milieu des années clinquantes du siècle dernier. La localité aurait dû sa réputation dans la région à collecte en gros des produits ruraux pour les commercialiser. De ce fait, ils garantissaient les échanges entre les espaces montagnards ruraux et cette localité et différents centres commerciaux de la plaine de Souss, notamment Taroudant, Iguli5,et de Souss suite aux aménagement hydro-agricoles at dans le cadre de la politique agricole ont contribué également à les activités agricoles ancestrales basées sur " modernes » dont la productions est commercialisée sur les marché locaux (ville de et nationaux (ville de Casablanca).


Notre article est une contribution scientifique qui appuie la dynamique de développement dans les collectivités locales qui se retrouvent sur le bassin de , dont fait partie la commune La coopération décentralisée franco-marocaine est ; des sont engagés depuis quelques années dans ce

6 à côté

des sciences et industries du vivant et de urbain-rural dans la province de Taroudant, à qui constitue grâce à sa position géographique le point dynamiques ent situation des ressources naturelles et par les aménagements hydro-agricoles et le réseaux routier.

Nous allons comprendre comment le mouvement de

" délocalisation

7 vers Irazane

des ressources hydriques souterraines surexploitées dans le périmètre irrigué du Souss-Aval a changé le paysage agricole et architectural de cette localité. Un paysage marqué par une façade urbaine située sur l ; qui se développe en

4 Fleuve marocain de la région géographique du

5 Ancien Souk, marché hebdomadaire dans la plaine

de Souss, à 30 Km au Sud de Taoudant sur la rounet nationale N°10.

6 Projet initié dans la cadre de la coopération

décentralisée franco-marocaine ; visant les 7

Taroudant sur la route nationale N°10

terrain région, son apport à mesurer également les quantités produites et les flux des échanges avec les espaces limitrophes et

é du territoire.


Nos remerciements au conseil communal Arazane,

ociation des usagers des eaux agricoles aux cole de Souss Massa. tes de la réalisation de cet article, notamment les membres



Mathieu N. (2017), Les relations Villes Campagnes. Histoire d'une question politique et scientifique. David Goeury et Philippe Sierra. (2016), introduction tions, Edition Armand Colin.

Martine Guibert, Yves Jean. (2011), dynamique des

espaces ruraux dans le monde, Edition Armand Co- lin. André de Reparaz. (2001), Mutations et perma- nences dans la géographie des campagnes méditer- ranéennes (1960-2000). In : Méditerranée, tome 97. 1

Farmland protection policy

and the management of village merger in Shandong province in China

Liu, Aimei1

Abstract,-hina has launched many farmland

policies reforms to protect the amount of farm0 land from decreasing2 to enhance farmland management2 and to coordinate urban and rural development1 Us a province of -hinas eastern region2 Shandong has also introduced some pol0 icies suitable for itself on the basis of carrying out the national policies1 Ulso2 Shandong prov0 ince has carried out the practice of village mer0 ger1 These farmland protection policies and practice reforms have yielded positive impacts on land use2 meanwhile2 they also have brought some negative effectiveness1 3n the positive side2 they have protected the farmland area from reducing after iLLp1 The practice of village merger have saved the land and improved the farmers living conditions2 improved the effi0 ciency of land use and other infrastructure use1

3n the negative side2 the village merger has

brought about problems such as rural residents being far away from the cultivated land1 This pa0 per reviews Shandongfarmland policy reform and summarized three modes of merging vil0 lages2 then examines the impacts on the farm0 land protection policy and the three mode of vil0 lage merger in Shandong province1

Keywords urbanization2 farmland protection

policy2 village merger


China underwent rapid urbanization since the Re-

form and Opening-up in 1978.China's urbanization rate reached 60.6% in 2019 from 17.98% in

1978(Chinese Bureau of Statistic, 1979&2019). The

rural population fell from 860 million in 1995 to 551 million in 2019. Some farmers left countryside to find jobs and settle down in cities. Their houses in the countryside have been empty, resulting in a waste of land. Due to the needs of the construction of factories and residential buildings in the urban, land consump- tion remained high. In order to protect land, the Chi- nese central government has promulgated many na- tional policies with the aim of maintaining the quantity and quality of farmland respectively (Wu, Shan, Guo& Peng, 2017). Some provinces in China have also in- troduced policies and practical measures suitable for their own regions, for example, Shandong province has carried out the practice of village merger. Village merger means several hollow villages are merged into one village or residences in a village are renovated and managed to save land. The main purpose of this ___________________________ practice is to save land and improve the farmers liv- ing condition. Of course, village merger is conditional, generally happens in developed areas, has certain economic foundation, usually needs the government to promote (Li, Chen & Zhang, 2015).

We summarize the farmland protection policies

and three mode of village merger in Shandong prov- ince. And try to point out some specific measures to optimize Shandongs farmland protection policies and village amalgamation.



This paper is based on qualitative methods. Basic

data were collected through document analysis (laws, land-use planning documents and other policy docu- ments), Field research and interviews.

The field research in Shandong province was con-

ducted by rural development institute of Shandong Academy of Social Science for about 20 days of re- search each year since 2015. Field research and in- terviews were often held in the form of seminars, face-to-face interviews, on-site visits to the merged villages. We mainly interviewed government officials and enterprises participating in the merging of vil- lages, representatives of villagers. We conducted case studies on the villages in Jinan, Zhucheng and

Juancheng counties in Shandong province.


3.1 Farmland protection policy evolution in Shan-

dong under the background of urbanization Urban sprawl has led to the rapid loss of farmland since 1990, particularly on the urban fringes where the most productive land was located. The central government of China responded to the fast depletion of (Ding, 2003), and then a series of reform policies on farmland were taken over the next three decades. Reform policies Changes included the adoption of the land-use rights, farmland protec- tion, land administration, regulations of farmland and so on. Since 2006, the government has issued the policy of urban-rural construction land increase-de- crease hook. The policy encourages the management and reclamation of abandoned homesteads in rural areas. After 2010, the amount of farmland is basically stable (Liu, Gong & Yang, 2018). In the 2010s, the central government has issued the policy of "three rights division" which means that three rights of land ownership right, contractual right and management right are to be separated in the premise of adhering to the collective ownership of farmland.

As a province of Chinas eastern area, Shandong

on the one hand needs to implement the national pol- icy, on the other hand it can formulate farmland pro- tection policies suitable for itself. For example regu-

1 Liu Aimei: Shandong Academy of Social Science, Jinan,

China (liuaimei78@hotmail.com).

2 lations on the protection of basic farmland in Shan- dong province issued in 2003 and regulations on land management in Shandong province issued in

2015. Shandong province also carried out the reform

of rural homestead land and rural collective construc- tion land. After 2006, some county governments in Shandong province have carried out the practice of merging villages according to the policy of urban- ru- ral construction land increase-decrease hook.


The specific process of village merger in Shan-

dong is generally as follows. First, the local govern- ment will investigate whether the villagers are willing to merge their villages. Second, if the villagers are willing, they will receive monetary compensation or house compensation from government after they de- molish old or empty houses. Because many of the owners of houses in hollow villages have already bought new ones in cities, they usually want mone- tary compensation rather than housing. Third, the new dwellings will be built with the support of the local government according to the wishes of the villagers and the regional planning. The new residences are usually located in a small town, or in an area with more developed economy and transportation. New residences are either flats or bungalows which would be of better quality and more modern. Finally, the re- built dwellings will be allocated or purchased accord- ing to the relevant policy and the villagers' wishes. In this process, the old villages have been leveled and sorted out and some lands were saved and converted into farmland or construction land.

Our survey data shows that about 15% of rural

houses in Shandong province were vacant in 2019, in the most severely affected areas, the degree of hol- lowing out reached more than 60 percent. Also, many houses are semi-vacant. That is to say, some houses are idle at ordinary times, and only during Chinese New Year and other festivals do farmers go back to live. The local governments usually select the most vacant villages to implement village amalgamation. Now, only a very small number of villages have been amalgamated. The total number of villages merged in Shandong Province since 2000 was less than one tenth of the total number of villages. The basic purpose of village merger is to save land, but it is often mixed with other purposes. Ac- cording to different purposes, village merger can be divided into three types of modes.ķ village merger caused by the expansion of urban boundaries. These merged villages are close to the center of large and medium-sized cities. This type of model takes Jinan High-tech Zone as an example.ĸvillage merger to im- prove the living conditions of farmers. This type takes Zhucheng county in Weifang city as an example. Ĺ Village merger to facilitate employment. The newly built villages are often located near industrial areas,

Chinese Bureau of Statistic,

Wu, Y. Z., Shan , L.P., Guo, Z. and Peng , Y.

(2017). Cultivated land protection policies in China making it easier for villagers to find work. This type

takes Juancheng county in Heze city as an example. dong,province, In general, the aim of these land policies is to im- prove land-use efficiency, to enhance land manage- ment. These policies protect the amount of farmland from declining, but farmland quality problems such as excessive use of chemical fertilizers still exist.

The practice of village merger plays an important

role in saving land and improving the living conditions of farmers. In Zhucheng and Juancheng counties, Most of the farmers previous villages were leveled and turned into agricultural land, so it saved a lot of lands for urbanization. Of course, since the expansion of urban boundaries will occupy more agricultural land, so in general, the amount of farmland in Shandong Province is basically the same. Jinan High-tech Zone is the original suburban area of Jinan city, after the villages were merged, farmers previous villages re- gion had been converted to commercial construction and other buildings, almost all the laborers from merged villages were working in cities, and they dont farm any more. In Zhucheng and Juancheng counties, a lot of the merged villagers were working in the fac- tory, only a small number of villagers continue to farm.

Some farmers who are engaged in agricultural pro-

duction often feel inconvenient to plant if their new dwellings were far from their farmland. This kind of phenomenon tends to happen in areas far from large and medium-sized cities where land values are low.


4.1,Since, 1990U,China, and,Shandong, province,

ity,is,not,ideal., the,process,of,village,amalgamation.,,


facing 2030: Dynamic balance system versus basic farmland zoning. Habitat,International, 69,126-138. 3

Li, Q., Chen, Z. h. and Zhang, Y.(2015).Nearby

urbanization and local urbanization, Guangdong,so7 cial,scienceU1,186-199.

Ding, C. R. (2003). Land policy reform in China:

assessment and prospects. Land,use,policy,20, 109

120. Liu,D.Gong,Q.W.and Yang,W.J.(2018). The evolu-

tion and optimization ways of Chinese farmland pro- tection policy in the past 40 years since reform and opening up. Chinese,rural,economy,12,37-51. 1

Aknowledgement: this template is based on the one which was designed for the Agriculture in an Urbanizing Society conference, Roma 2015. Great Land Transformation and Urban Agriculture:

Between Formal Exclusion and Informal Inclusion of

Urban Poor in Jakarta

Hayuning Anggrahita1, *, Semiarto Aji Purwanto2, Guswandi3, MHD Susilowati1,

1 Department of Geography, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Indonesia, Kampus UI

Depok, Depok 16424, Indonesia

2 Department of Anthropology, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Universitas Indonesia

Kampus UI Depok, Depok 16424, Indonesia

3 Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa, Jalan Raya Jakarta Km 4, Pakupatan,

Serang, Indonesia

Abstract,bmax:,200,wordsd The development

in postcolonial cities of Global South has been driven generally by global cities aspirations and neoliberalism1 Therefore2 the development of commercial buildings and real estates is a top priority in the city1 This condition has led land acquisition and land consolidation1 -onsequently2 great land transformation occurred1 :akarta has also undergone great land transformation over the historical trajectory of national and provincial political regimes1 +eanwhile2 in the middle of this transformation2 landed agriculture still exists in :akarta1 This research aims to analyze where and why it takesquotesdbs_dbs42.pdfusesText_42
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