[PDF] Iteration 2011?10?2? The abbreviation

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Least Squares

17 сент. 2013 г. The MAtlAB function polyfit computes least squares polynomial fits by setting up the design matrix and using backslash to find the ...

Magic Squares Magic Squares

2 окт. 2011 г. Write a MAtlAB function ismagic(A) that checks if A is a magic square. 10.2 Magic sum. Show that. 1 n n2. ∑ k=1 k = n3 + n. 2 . 10.3 durerperm ...

Some important Built-in function in MATLAB 1. Square root b=sqrt(x

14 мар. 2020 г. Some important Built-in function in MATLAB. 1. Square root b=sqrt(x) b=sqrt(4). 2. 2. Remainder of dividing x/y a=rem(xy) a=rem(10

Objective 1 Triangular Wave 2 Square Wave 3 Discrete Time

2 Square Wave. MATLAB has a built-in function square to generate a periodic square waveform. Following example will help you draw such a waveform. 2.1 

- 1 - Some MATLAB Built-in Functions Function Description sqrt(x

Some MATLAB Built-in Functions. Function. Description sqrt(x). Square root of x nthroot(xn) nth root of x abs(x). Absolute value of x exp(x). Exponential (ex).

Eigenvalues and Singular Values

16 сент. 2013 г. The Matlab function condeig computes eigenvalue condition numbers. ... The qr function in Matlab factors any matrix real or complex


area—plot the function on graph paper and count the number of little squares that The function functions in Matlab itself usually expect the first argument to.

Iteration Iteration

2 окт. 2011 г. Matlab responds with x = 3. Next enter this statement x = sqrt(1 + x). The abbreviation sqrt is the Matlab name for the square root function.

Total Least Squares Approach to Modeling: A Matlab Toolbox Total Least Squares Approach to Modeling: A Matlab Toolbox

In this section we show some applications of the TLS method in static and dynamical modeling by using the created Matlab functions [14]. 3.1 Linear regression 

Implementing the 2D square lattice Boltzmann method in Matlab

23 февр. 2023 г. In contrast to LGA. LBM deals with distribution function values instead of single particles. The exact denomination for the following described ...

General Linear Least-Squares and Nonlinear Regression

Applied Numerical Methods with MATLAB for Engineers Chapter 15 & Teaching The least-squares ... function that returns the sum of the squares of the.

Objective 1 Triangular Wave 2 Square Wave 3 Discrete Time

MATLAB has a built-in function sawtooth to generate a periodic triangular waveform. Following example will help you draw such a waveform. 1.1 Example. Generate 

Magic Squares

2011?10?2? An n-by-n magic square is an array containing the integers from 1 to n2 ... squares of order n but the MAtlAB function magic(n) generates a ...

Least Squares

2013?9?17? The MAtlAB function polyfit computes least squares polynomial fits by setting up the design matrix and using backslash to find the ...

Some important Built-in function in MATLAB 1. Square root b=sqrt(x

2020?3?14? Some important Built-in function in MATLAB. 1. Square root b=sqrt(x) b=sqrt(4). 2. 2. Remainder of dividing x/y a=rem(xy) a=rem(10

Eigenvalues and Singular Values

2013?9?16? A singular value and pair of singular vectors of a square or ... qr function in Matlab factors any matrix real or complex


2011?10?2? The abbreviation sqrt is the Matlab name for the square root function. The quantity on the right. /. 1 + x


1999?1?4? MAtlAB has included since at least version 3 a function sqrtm for computing a square root of a matrix. The function works by reducing the ...


The function diary is useful if you want to save a complete MATLAB session. of vectors in MATLAB are enclosed by square brackets and are separated by ...

Total Least Squares Approach to Modeling: A Matlab Toolbox

In this section we show some applications of the TLS method in static and dynamical modeling by using the created Matlab functions [14]. 3.1 Linear regression 

MATLAB Basic Functions Reference - MathWorks

Tasks represent a series of MATLAB commands To see the commands that the task runs show the generated code Common tasks available from the Live Editor tab on the desktop toolstrip: • Clean Missing Data • Clean Outlier • Find Change Points • Find Local Extrema • Remove Trends • Smooth Data mathworks com/help/matlab

Chapter 10 Magic Squares - MathWorks

Ann-by-nmagic square is an array containing the integers from 1 ton2arranged so that each of the rows each of the columns and the two principaldiagonals have the same sum For eachn >2 there are many di?erent magicsquares of ordern but theMatlabfunctionmagic(n)generates a particular one Matlabcan generate Lo Shu with = magic(3) which produces

MATLAB Function Example Handout - University of Wyoming

ical function libraries The Matlab Optimization and Curve Fitting Toolboxes include functions for one-norm and in?nity-norm problems We will limit ourselves to least squares in this book 5 3 censusgui The NCM program censusgui involves several di?erent linear models The data

Chapter 1 Iteration - MathWorks

In Matlab and most other programming languages the equals sign is the assignment operator It says compute the value on the right and store it in the variable on the left So the statement x = sqrt(1 + x) takes the current value of x computes sqrt(1 + x) and stores the result back in x

Functions and Scripts - Electrical Engineering and Computer

Many functions are programmed inside MATLAB as built-in functions and can be used in mathematical expressions simply by typing their name with an argument; examples are sin(x) cos(x) sqrt(x) and exp(x) MATLAB has a plethora of built-in functions for mathematical and scientific computations

Chapter 1 Introduction to MATLAB - MathWorks

MATLAB An introduction to MATLAB through a collection of mathematical and com-putational projects is provided by Moler’s free online Experiments with MATLAB [6] A list of over 1500 Matlab-based books by other authors and publishers in several languages is available at [12] Three introductions to Matlab are of par-

MATLAB Getting Started Guide - Massachusetts Institute of

The load function reads binary files containing matrices generated by earlier MATLAB sessions or reads text files containing numeric data The text file should be organized as a rectangular table of numbers separated by blanks with one row per line and an equal number of elements in each row

MATLAB Function Tips - Michigan State University

function [xsqrd xcubd] = square(x) xsqrd = x^2 xcubd = x^3 There are two possible places to position this code If you are using MATLAB 5 0 or later this function code can be placed at the end of the main program in the same file as the main program It could also be placed in its own file which must use the function name or for our example

Matlab Introduction - California State University Long Beach

The batch commands in a file are then executed by typing the name of the file at the Matlab command prompt The advantage to using a ' m' file is that you can make small changes to your code (even in different Matlab sessions) without having to remember and retype the entire set of commands

6057 Introduction to MATLAB Homework 2 - MIT OpenCourseWare

Use magenta square symbols of marker size 10 and line width 4 and no line connecting them You may have to change the x limits to see all 6 symbols (xlim) If the relationship really is exponential it will look linear on a log plot 2 Subplot and axis modes Make a new Square Tight 100 100 200 figure that has a 2x2 grid of axes () subplot 200

MATLAB Commands and Functions - College of Science and

MATLAB Commands – 11 M-Files eval Interpret strings containing Matlab expressions feval Function evaluation function Creates a user-defined function M-file global Define global variables nargin Number of function input arguments nargout Number of function output arguments script Script M-files Timing cputime CPU time in seconds

Searches related to function square matlab filetype:pdf

MATLAB is installed on the engineering instructional facility You can find it in the Start>Programs menu You can also install MATLAB on your own computer This is a somewhat involved process –you need to first register your name at mathworks then wait until they create an account for you there then download MATLAB and activate it

What are the functions of MATLAB?

  • MATLAB Function Example Handout. MatLab is a high performance numeric computing environment, which includes numerical analysis, matrix computation, signal processing, and graphics to provide answers to the most troubling of mathematical problems. This handout provides different examples to show the different aspects of MatLab.

How to generate unit step function in MATLAB?

  • function [x]=unitstep (x) %This is a unit step "function". The vector keeping track of time is the %input. If time is negative then a zero is returned. If time is zero than %0.5 is returned.

How to generate square wave in MATLAB?

  • Square wave is generated using “square” function in Matlab. The command sytax – square (t,dutyCycle) – generates a square wave with period for the given time base. The command behaves similar to “ sin ” command (used for generating sine waves), but in this case it generates a square wave instead of a sine wave.

Chapter 1


Iteration is a key element in much of technical computation. Examples involving the Golden Ratio introduce theMatlabassignment statement,forandwhileloops, and theplotfunction. Start by picking a number, any number. Enter it intoMatlabby typing x =your number This is aMatlabassignment statement. The number you chose is stored in the variablexfor later use. For example, if you start with x = 3

Matlabresponds with

x = 3

Next, enter this statement

x = sqrt(1 + x) The abbreviationsqrtis theMatlabname for the square root function. The

1 +x, is computed and the result stored back in the variable

x, overriding the previous value ofx. Somewhere on your computer keyboard, probably in the lower right corner, you should be able to find four arrow keys. These are thecommand line editingkeys. The up-arrow key allows you to recall earlier commands, including commands from


c⃝2011 Cleve Moler


R⃝is a registered trademark of MathWorks, Inc.TM

October 2, 2011


2Chapter 1. Iteration

previous sessions, and the other arrows keys allow you to revise these commands. Use the up-arrow key, followed by the enter or return key, to iterate, or repeatedly execute, this statement: x = sqrt(1 + x)

Here is what you get when you start withx = 3.

x = 3 x = 2 x =


x =


x =


x =


x =


x =


x =


x =


x =


x =


These values are 3,

1 + 3,

1 +

1 + 3,

1 + 1 +

1 + 3, and so on. After

10 steps, the value printed remains constant at1.6180. Try several other starting

values. Try it on a calculator if you have one. You should find that no matter where you start, you will always reach1.6180in about ten steps. (Maybe a few more will be required if you have a very large starting value.) Matlabis doing these computations to accuracy of about 16 decimal digits, but is displaying only five. You can see more digits by first entering format long and repeating the experiment. Here are the beginning and end of 30 steps starting atx= 3. x = 3 3 x = 2 x =


x =


x =


x =


x =


After about thirty or so steps, the value that is printed doesn't change any more. You have computed one of the most famous numbers in mathematics,ϕ, the

Golden Ratio.

InMatlab, and most other programming languages, the equals sign is the assignment operator. It says compute the value on the right and store it in the variable on the left. So, the statement x = sqrt(1 + x) takes the current value ofx, computessqrt(1 + x), and stores the result back in x. In mathematics, the equals sign has a different meaning. 1 +x is anequation. A solution to such an equation is known as axed point. (Be careful not to confuse the mathematical usage ofxed pointwith the computer arithmetic usage ofxed point.)

1 +xhas exactly one fixed point. The best way to

find the value of the fixed point is to avoid computers all together and solve the equation using the quadratic formula. Take a look at the hand calculation shown in figure 1.1. The positive root of the quadratic equation is the Golden Ratio. 5 2 You can haveMatlabcomputeϕdirectly using the statement phi = (1 + sqrt(5))/2 Withformat long, this produces the same value we obtained with the fixed point iteration, phi =


4Chapter 1. Iteration

Figure 1.1.Compute the xed point by hand.-101234-1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4

Figure 1.2.A xed point atϕ= 1.6180.

Figure 1.2 is our first example ofMatlabgraphics. It shows the intersection

1 +x. The statement

x = -1:.02:4; generates a vectorxcontaining the numbers from -1 to 4 in steps of .02. The statements y1 = x; y2 = sqrt(1+x); plot(x,y1,'-',x,y2,'-',phi,phi,'o') 5 produce a figure that has three components. The first two components are graphs

1 +x. The'-'argument tells theplotfunction to draw solid lines. The

last component in the plot is a single point with both coordinates equal toϕ. The 'o'tells theplotfunction to draw a circle. TheMatlabplotfunction has many variations, including specifying other colors and line types. You can see some of the possibilities with help plotf f - 11 1

Figure 1.3.The golden rectangle.

The Golden Ratio shows up in many places in mathematics; we'll see several in this book. The Golden Ratio gets its name from the golden rectangle, shown in figure 1.3. The golden rectangle has the property that removing a square leaves a smaller rectangle with the same shape. Equating the aspect ratios of the rectangles gives a defining equation forϕ: 1 =ϕ-1 1 Multiplying both sides of this equation byϕproduces the same quadratic polynomial equation that we obtained from our fixed point iteration.

2-ϕ-1 = 0.

The up-arrow key is a convenient way to repeatedly execute a single statement, or several statements, separated by commas or semicolons, on a single line. Two more powerful constructs are theforloop and thewhileloop. Aforloop executes a block of code a prescribed number of times. x = 3 for k = 1:31 x = sqrt(1 + x) end

6Chapter 1. Iteration

produces 32 lines of output, one from the initial statement and one more each time through the loop. Awhileloop executes a block of code an unknown number of times. Termi- nation is controlled by a logical expression, which evaluates totrueorfalse. Here is the simplestwhileloop for our fixed point iteration. x = 3 while x ~= sqrt(1+x) x = sqrt(1+x) end This produces the same 32 lines of output as theforloop. However, this code is open to criticism for two reasons. The first possible criticism involves the termi- nation condition. The expressionx ~= sqrt(1+x)is theMatlabway of writing

1 +x. With exact arithmetic,xwould never be exactly equal tosqrt(1+x),

the condition would always be true, and the loop would run forever. However, like most technical computing environments,Matlabdoes not do arithmetic exactly. In order to economize on both computer time and computer memory,Matlabuses oating pointarithmetic. Eventually our program produces a value ofxfor which the floating point numbersxandsqrt(1+x)are exactly equal and the loop termi- nates. Expecting exact equality of two floating point numbers is a delicate matter. It works OK in this particular situation, but may not work with more complicated computations. The second possible criticism of our simplewhileloop is that it is inefficient. It evaluatessqrt(1+x)twice each time through the loop. Here is a more complicated version of thewhileloop that avoids both criticisms. x = 3 y = 0; while abs(x-y) > eps(x) y = x; x = sqrt(1+x) end The semicolons at the ends of the assignment statements involvingyindicate that no printed output should result. The quantityeps(x), is the spacing of the floating point numbers nearx. Mathematically, the Greek letterϵ, orepsilon, often rep- resents a "small" quantity. This version of the loop requires only one square root calculation per iteration, but that is overshadowed by the added complexity of the code. Bothwhileloops require about the same execution time. In this situation, I prefer the firstwhileloop because it is easier to read and understand.

Help and Doc

Matlabhas extensive on-line documentation. Statements like help sqrt help for 7 provide brief descriptions of commands and functions. Statements like doc sqrt doc for provide more extensive documentation in a separate window. One obscure, but very important,helpentry is about the various punctuation marks and special characters used byMatlab. Take a look now at help punct doc punct You will probably want to return to this information as you learn more about



Numbers are formed from the digits0through9, an optional decimal point, a leading+or-sign, an optionalefollowed by an integer for a power of 10 scaling, and an optionaliorjfor the imaginary part of a complex number.Matlabalso knows the value ofπ. Here are some examples of numbers. 42



-3+4i pi

Assignment statements and names

A simple assignment statement consists of a name, an = sign, and a number. The names of variables, functions and commands are formed by a letter, followed by any number of upper and lower case letters, digits and underscores. Single character names, likexandN, and anglicized Greek letters, likepiandphi, are often used to reflect underlying mathematical notation. Non-mathematical programs usually employ long variable names. Underscores and a convention known as camel casing are used to create variable names out of several words. x = 42 phi = (1+sqrt(5))/2

Avogadros_constant = 6.0221415e23

camelCaseComplexNumber = -3+4i


Power is denoted by^and has precedence over all other arithmetic operations. Multiplication and division are denoted by*,/, and\and have precedence over addition and subtraction, Addition and subtraction are denoted by+and-and

8Chapter 1. Iteration

have lowest precedence. Operations with equal precedence are evaluated left to right. Parentheses delineate subexpressions that are evaluated first. Blanks help readability, but have no effect on precedence. All of the following expressions have the same value. If you don't already recognize this value, you can ask Google about its importance in popular culture.

3*4 + 5*6

3 * 4+5 * 6

2*(3 + 4)*3

-2^4 + 10*29/5 3\126


Recap %% Iteration Chapter Recap % This is an executable program that illustrates the statements % introduced in the Iteration chapter of "Experiments in MATLAB". % You can run it by entering the command % iteration_recap % Better yet, enter % edit iteration_recap % and run the program cell-by-cell by simultaneously % pressing the Ctrl-Shift-Enter keys. % Enter % publish iteration_recap % to see a formatted report. %% Help and Documentation % help punct % doc punct %% Format format short


format long


format short 9 format compact %% Names and assignment statements x = 42quotesdbs_dbs7.pdfusesText_13
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