[PDF] WINTER & Associés and Optimind combine to form the WINTER

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WINTER & Associés and Optimind combine to form the WINTER

Aug 6 2012 OPTIMIND announces the acquisition of the consulting firm WINTER & Associés announces the acquisition of the ... from Alma Consulting Group.


Alma Capital Holding Group was founded in 2016 in Hong supplement and support the international companies and consultants involved in the projects.

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WINTER & Associés and Optimind combine to form the WINTER SAS au capital de 400 950 euros

46 rue la Boétie - 75008 PARIS

Téléphone : 01 48 01 91 66 - Télécopie : 01 48 01 08 82

PPPPressressressress contactcontactcontactcontact : : : : Marine de PallièresMarine de PallièresMarine de PallièresMarine de Pallières

Email : info@optimind.fr - Site : www.optimind.fr

+33(0)1 48 01 91 69 /+33(0)6 07 03 57 91 - marine.depallieres@optimind.fr

Siret : 418 861969 00099 - Code APE : 7022Z

August 6,

August 6, August 6, August 6, 2012201220122012



WINTER & Associés and Optimind combine to form the WINTER & Associés and Optimind combine to form the WINTER & Associés and Optimind combine to form the WINTER & Associés and Optimind combine to form the market leadermarket leadermarket leadermarket leader in in in in

actuarial consulting and risk management

actuarial consulting and risk managementactuarial consulting and risk managementactuarial consulting and risk management


OPTIMIND OPTIMIND OPTIMIND announces the acquisition of the consulting firm WINTER & Associésannounces the acquisition of the consulting firm WINTER & Associésannounces the acquisition of the consulting firm WINTER & Associésannounces the acquisition of the consulting firm WINTER & Associés

from fromfromfrom Alma Consulting GroupAlma Consulting GroupAlma Consulting GroupAlma Consulting Group

WINTER & Associés, a pioneer of actuarial consulting in FranceWINTER & Associés, a pioneer of actuarial consulting in FranceWINTER & Associés, a pioneer of actuarial consulting in FranceWINTER & Associés, a pioneer of actuarial consulting in France

Created nearly 30 years ago, WINTER & Associés was the first firm to introduce actuarial consulting in

France. With a hundred staff and 17 M € turnover in 2011, WINTER & Associés consultants engage with

insurance companies, corporate clients and government institutions.

An operation that now combinesAn operation that now combinesAn operation that now combinesAn operation that now combines,,,, in the sain the sain the sain the same groupme groupme groupme group,,,, independent independent independent independent advice with advice with advice with advice with the highest expertise in the highest expertise in the highest expertise in the highest expertise in

risk management risk managementrisk managementrisk management.... On July 26th 2012, Optimind acquired 100% stake in group WINTER & Associés.

"Combining the expertise and the diversity of each company, the new group Optimind, offers the

opportunity to continue its remarkable development in the best possible conditions and become the de

facto reference signature in the world of risk management" said Christopher Eberle, chairman of Optimind.

French leader in actuarial consulting, the new Group will enable the brands WINTER & Associés and

Optimind, to develop in harmony and with the coherent leadership of 180 employees of the group in the

French market and conquer, in the medium term, new European territories by providing a completeness of

expertise and proven methodologies for risk management.

"This operation enables our consulting teams renewed perspectives for development in a framework

consistent with its economic and cultural model of actuarial specialist" says Guillaume Leroy, partner in

charge of institutional business at WINTER & Associés.

For Pierre-Alain Boscher, partner in charge of corporate activities at WINTER & Associés "This combination

offers a great opportunity for the activity of Business Consulting. This new environment is both stable and

dynamic should be such as to sustain our position and accelerate our development."

PPPPressressressress contactcontactcontactcontact : : : : Marine de PallièresMarine de PallièresMarine de PallièresMarine de Pallières

+33(0)1 48 01 91 69 /+33(0)6 07 03 57 91 - marine.depallieres@optimind.fr

About O


Powered by the constant desire to anticipate changes that shape your environment, Optimind, since its

creation, has continually developed a consulting service based on a high level of expertise combined with a

rigorous methodology.

Quality, competitiveness and completeness of our skills now allow Optimind to offer you assistance up to

the deadlines imposed by regulatory and commercial markets.

Pure Player of actuarial consulting and risk management, with over 80 consultants including 40 actuaries

qualified members of l'Institut des Actuaires (French Actuaries Institute) Optimind proposes, in

accordance with the highest European standards, all competences associated with your risk chain :

Actuarial Consultancy, Projects & Project Management, Risk Management.

Optimind is based in Paris and Strasbourg.

For more information: http//www.optimind.fr

AboutAboutAboutAbout WWWWINTERINTERINTERINTER & Associés& Associés& Associés& Associés

With a hundred employees, the consultancy offers its expertise to corporates and institutional investors in

the field of social protection (Retirement and Protection) and actuarial management of insurers.

Winter & Associés is based in Paris and Lyon.

For more information: http://www.winter-associes.frquotesdbs_dbs31.pdfusesText_37
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