Design compiler report_area hierarchy

  • What is the analyze command in synthesis?

    The analyze and elaborate commands are two different commands, allowing designers to initially analyze the design for syntax errors and RTL translation before building the generic logic for the design.
    The generic logic or GTECH components are part of the Synopsys generic technology independent library..

  • What is the elaborate command in synthesis?

    The elaborate command translate the design into a technology-independent design (GTECH) from the intermediate files produced during analysis.
    Optimization Constraints You define this explicit constraints ..

  • What is uniquify in synthesis?

    The command uniquify is used to make unique the instances of the same reference design during synthesis..

  • The command uniquify is used to make unique the instances of the same reference design during synthesis.
Oct 15, 2019In the Design Vision window, you will find a “Logical Hierarchy” panel on the left side of the screen. Click the top-level module to select it. 
Oct 15, 2019report area -hierarchy > ./reports/area.rpt. This will report the total area of your design, as well as an area break-down of each of the 

How does design compiler calculate the area of a design?

Design Compiler computes the area of a design by adding the areas of each component on the lowest level of the design hierarchy and the area of the nets.
The cell and net areas are technology dependent.
Design Compiler obtains this information from the logic library.
Design Compiler calculates the maximum area cost as .

How to get the least possible area in design compiler?

To obtain the least possible area, it is recommended to use the attribute set_- max_area.
This attribute is effective during the optimization of the design.
Design Compiler gives the highest priority to the timing optimization.
If timing is met, then only the area optimization phase can start.

What is a die area design compiler?

Defining the Die Area Design Compiler topographical technology allows you to manually define the die area, also known as the cell boundary.
The die area represents the silicon boundary of a chip, and it encloses all objects of a design, such as:

  • pads
  • I/O pins
  • and cells.
    There should be only one die area in a design.

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