Consumer behavior during recession

  • How does recession affect consumer behavior?

    During recessions, of course, consumers set stricter priorities and reduce their spending.
    As sales start to drop, businesses typically cut costs, reduce prices, and postpone new investments..

  • Invest in Consumer Staples.
    Even during recessions, consumers need to buy food, drugs, hygiene products, and medical supplies.
    These are consumer staples, which are the last items to be cut from the family budget.

How has the recession changed consumer behavior?

While the downturn has certainly changed the economic landscape, it may also have fundamentally altered the behavior of numerous US consumers, who are now learning to live without expensive products

Many companies with strong premium brands are anticipating a rapid rebound in consumer behavior—a return to normality, as after previous recessions

Is a store brand better in a recession?


Consumers will often switch to a less-expensive brand in a recession

A store brand, or an off brand, may appear to be a better value even if it provides less in the way of features

This can apply to foods, drinks, gasoline, clothing, and all manner of consumer goods

×Consumer behavior changes during a recession in the following ways:
  • Consumers will often switch to a less-expensive brand.
  • Consumers will eventually slow down in their purchasing if the recession is long or steep enough.
  • Consumers will be driven to deep discounts, which will result in a margin squeeze on the retailer and in the supply chain.
  • Consumers make trade-offs between perceived value and perceived price.
  • Normally, the premium-brand product would return to favor as the economy bounced back.
This information is related to the effects of the Great Recession that happened worldwide from 2007 to 2012.


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