Cosmology vs cosmetology

  • What is the difference between a cosmologist and a cosmetologist?

    A cosmologist focuses her studies on the structure and history of the entire universe — how it formed, how it's changed, and what exists within it.
    A cosmetologist, on the other hand, is an expert at hair styling and applying makeup..

What is the difference between cosmetology and cosmology?

Cosmetology (whose root is cosmetic ) is the study or art of cosmetics and their use

The job of a cosmetologist is to make people beautiful

Cosmology (whose root is cosmos ) is the study of the physical universe considered as a totality of phenomena in time and space

What is the job of a cosmetologist?

The job of a cosmetologist is to make people beautiful

Cosmology (whose root is cosmos ) is the study of the physical universe considered as a totality of phenomena in time and space

Cosmologists consider vast questions such as the origins and trajectory of the universe, the movements of galaxies, and the nature of space-time

Cosmetology (whose root is cosmetic ) is the study or art of cosmetics and their use. The job of a cosmetologist is to make people beautiful. Cosmology (whose root is cosmos ) is the study of the physical universe considered as a totality of phenomena in time and space. Cosmologists consider vast questions such as the origins and trajectory of the universe, the movements of galaxies, and the nature of space-time.

Cosmology (pronounced “kawz-mawl-uh-jee”) is a noun. It means the study of the evolution of outer space and the cosmos, including planets, stars, black holes, and galaxies. Cosmetology (pronounced “kawz-muh-tawl-ih-jee”) is a noun. It means the subject of personal grooming regarding hair, nails and skin, and expands into makeup and hair coloring.

As nouns the difference between cosmology and cosmetology is that cosmology is the study of the physical universe, its structure, dynamics, origin and evolution, and fate while cosmetology is the science of cosmetics.


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