Taino cosmology

  • How did the Tainos worship their gods?

    Tainos had ceremonies for these spirits, during which they would purify themselves by purging or fasting before providing an offering to the zemi and singing songs.
    They also had statues, images, and other figures created specifically to house zemi spirits..

  • What are the spiritual powers of the Taino?

    The Taino shamans, called "bohio" or "juego", used their powers to heal the sick, predict the future and communicate with the gods.
    The word “bohio” comes from the Spanish word “bohio”, which means “hut”.
    The bohio was where a Taino shaman would perform their rituals..

  • What did the Taino believe in?

    The Taino people were polytheistic, worshiping a pantheon of many different gods, ancestors and spirits, which they called Zemi.
    The word zemi was also used to refer to icons and fetishes of the gods, most often made from carved rocks.Mar 5, 2022.

  • What is Taino Heaven called?

    Ta\xednos believed that at death their souls would go to Coyaba, their heaven - a place of tranquility and eternal rest.
    Coyaba was thought to be a place where drought, hurricane and sickness were absent, and there was an abundance of feasting and dancing..

  • What makes Taino unique?

    The Taino had an elaborate system of religious beliefs and rituals that involved the worship of spirits (zemis) by means of carved representations.
    They also had a complex social order, with a government of hereditary chiefs and subchiefs and classes of nobles, commoners, and slaves..

  • What was the belief system of the Tainos?

    The Ta\xednos were deeply religious and worshipped many gods and spirits.
    Above the gods there were two supreme beings, one male and one female.
    The physical representation of the gods and spirits were zemis, made of made of wood, stone, bone, shell, clay and cotton..

  • Who is the Taino God?

    Yocahu: Yocahu is the leading god of the Taino people.
    He is the son of Atabey and god of the sea..

  • Atabey in the Taino Religion
    The supreme deity of the Taino religion was Atabey (also known as Atabei or Atabeyra).
    Atabey was seen as the creator deity and was the most important god for the Taino people.Mar 5, 2022
  • The Taino shamans, called "bohio" or "juego", used their powers to heal the sick, predict the future and communicate with the gods.
    The word “bohio” comes from the Spanish word “bohio”, which means “hut”.
    The bohio was where a Taino shaman would perform their rituals.
  • The Ta\xedno of Hispaniola were politically organized at the time of contact into at least five hereditary chiefdoms called cacicazgos.
    Each casicazgo had a clearly recognized territory, a system of regional chiefs (caciques) and sub-chiefs, and a paramount ruler.
The Tainos were the pre-Columbian inhabitants who lived in the Greater. Antilles and some of the islands of the Lesser Antilles. They had knowledge.

What is a Taino zemi?

A wooden zemi, a statue representing a Taino god.
The supreme deity of the Taino religion was Atabey (also known as Atabei or Atabeyra).
Atabey was seen as the creator deity and was the most important god for the Taino people.
She was the goddess of the moon, fertility and freshwater.


What is the history of Taino culture?

Because Taino culture was entirely decimated along with the Taino people, there is not much known today about the Taino mythology, Taino religion and the Taino gods.
The Taino people were polytheistic, worshiping a pantheon of many different gods, ancestors and spirits, which they called Zemi.


Who were the Taino gods?

The Tainos believed in two main gods, Yucahu, who was the god of cassava (the main food crop of the Taino) and Atabey, the mother of Yucahu and the goddess of fertility.
They also had many other deities, such as:

  • Guabancex
  • the goddess of hurricanes and Maketaori Guayaba
  • the god of the dead.
    A wooden zemi, a statue representing a Taino god.

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