Relationship between demography and development

  • Is there a link between population and development?

    Many people know that development shapes population trends—for example, rising incomes usually lead to falling birthrates.
    But the reverse is also true: population trends can impede or hasten development..

  • What are the demographic factors affecting development?

    Answer and Explanation: Various demographic factors can affect the development of a country.
    These include population size and growth, age structure, fertility and mortality rates, migration patterns, and urbanization..

  • What is demography and development?

    Demography, which can also be defined as the mathematics of people, specifies all of its models strictly in terms of human beings according to different relevant characteristics.
    Hence, it offers a most appropriate approach to the study of human development across the world.Jan 1, 2013.

  • What is the relationship between economic development and demographics?

    Demographics—statistical data related to a population—play a key role in rates of economic growth.
    That's because the makeup of any population can influence the supply of labor and productivity—known as the demographic dividend..

  • Why is demography important in development studies?

    Demographic analysis is important because it gives useful information that can be used to make good decisions in business, government, and social services, among other places.
    It helps people understand the characteristics of a population and how it might change in the future, which is important for making decisions..

  • Answer and Explanation:
    Various demographic factors can affect the development of a country.
    These include population size and growth, age structure, fertility and mortality rates, migration patterns, and urbanization.
  • Demography: Economic Demography
    Economic demography is an area of study that examines the determinants and consequences of demographic change, including fertility, mortality, marriage, divorce, location (urbanization, migration, density), age, gender, ethnicity, population size and population growth.
  • Population statistics include indicators that measure the population size, sex ratio, density and dependency ratio while vital statistics include indicators such as birth rate, death rate, and natural growth rate, life expectancy at birth, mortality and fertility rates.
The quantity, quality, structure, distribution, and movement of a population can help or hinder the rate of economic development. A developed country with low population density and a low percentage of employable people needs an increase in population in order to keep up with economic development.

How does demography affect the economy?

Although demography is by no means the only force that shapes the economy, it has direct effects on the availability of key resources for development and, at the same time, impacts the demand for public services

Pre-dividend countries lag in key human development indicators and have fertility rates greater than four births per woman

Demographic change and development is a two-wa y relationship. Demographic change affects key intermediate outcomes of development, such as the pace of economic growth per capita, savings and human capital, and these intermediate outcomes in turn influence demographic change.These results also suggest that demography—the demand side of development—is as essential as the infrastructure that constitutes development’s supply side. Declines in family size produce declines in the size of school-age cohorts, which helps governments, as well as parents, invest more in each child.Demography, which can also be defined as the mathematics of people, specifies all of its models strictly in terms of human beings according to different relevant characteristics. Hence, it offers a most appropriate approach to the study of human development across the world.“Demography is destiny” is an oft-cited phrase that suggests the size, growth, and structure of a nation’s population determines its long-term social, economic, and political fabric.


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